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Italy didn't see it coming

Dang, I seem to have hit the spot and put a light under the Indian community's a** it seems like. Truth ALWAYS hurts!!! Here's a few more things for you to see. You really think the human trafficking network is now known to people in the US? People know both, the greed on the American businessmen' part and the blatant violation of the US laws by the Indian labor.
Watch this and wait to see more scrutiny in place soon. Here, some of the statistics by the US-CIS too:

You have been reduced to your profanities now. Despite your threats, there are no 'names' revealed. No evidence from your 'corporate experience'. No juice whatsoever!

The videos that you have posted do not reference Indian IT companies. The first two videos have no comment on India. The last two talk about the plight of Indian students duped by American universities. Both the universities seem to have American citizens of Chinese origin at their helm; even at that level, there is no accusation on the Indian community.

By posting a few YT videos to defend your case, you have made me realize that you are a teenager. It is a shame that I did not see this sooner and for that I'm truly sorry. To continue this any further is beneath an adult. See you around :)
The videos that you have posted do not reference Indian IT companies. The first two videos have no comment on India. The last two talk about the plight of Indian students duped by American universities. Both the universities seem to have American citizens of Chinese origin at their helm; even at that level, there is no accusation on the Indian community.

So, not content with posting off topic rants about outsourcing and human trafficking, he tries to prove those rants by posting videos that are off topic to the already off topic rants he is trying to substantiate.:enjoy:

Yes, we really shouldn't spend our energies on this fellow. I have reported the off topic posts. Let us try to discuss the topic itself, instead of responding to people who are jealous because of the topic.
whats with india-italy relations these days ? correct me if im wrong is it because of of some sailors ?
whats with india-italy relations these days ? correct me if im wrong is it because of of some sailors ?

Yes, a couple of sailors mistook Indian fishermen as pirates and shot them dead. The Italians complicated the issue further by temporarily reneging their commitment to send the sailors to an Indian court to stand trail. Since then, the issue of their trial and conviction has snowballed into a fight for national 'prestige' between the two countries.

I've left a few details in between, but that is the basic outline. Now this thread is to 'celebrate' our supposed victory in the brinkmanship.
:) actually the opposite. I hire 'QUALIFIED' people that you guys have in India and don't take bribes or agree to offshore homes, cottages or women that your fellow countrymen offer in exchange of services.... such as hiring wrong people who'll take the American jobs based on their community and screw our already upside down economy further upside down. Hope you are catching my drift. If I was you, I'd stop where you are :)

well so far u haven't made a single argument.. nor do you have supporting statistics to support your claim...
The no of hyperboles you threw in this thread is beyond count.. so for a start change yer flag first !
OPINIONS are not FACTS. There is a difference.
To put an end to this nonsense:
Contribution of outsourced jobs to India's GDP = 5%
Percentage of GDP spent by India on defence = 2%
Therefore, contribution of taxes from outsourcing to the defence budget = 0.1%[/B]

And even that 0.1% is not a gift by the US to India's military, it comes from taxes collected from people who EARNED it by working for it.
That blows away your initial assertion of Indian military being funded by the US, and the foundation of all your subsequent ranting.

What was India's GDP in 1995 and in 2012...??? Write the figures and explain where the delta came from. I rest my case :)

So, not content with posting off topic rants about outsourcing and human trafficking, he tries to prove those rants by posting videos that are off topic to the already off topic rants he is trying to substantiate.:enjoy:

Yes, we really shouldn't spend our energies on this fellow. I have reported the off topic posts. Let us try to discuss the topic itself, instead of responding to people who are jealous because of the topic.

Are you done with getting personal and trying to tick off the other person? That stuff doesn't work on me. I posted a few video links a few posts before for your cousin. May want to see them. They'll explain my case and will give you the 'evidence' of the H1B and other abuse to the American labor and educational system. All being done by you guys blatantly.
:) actually the opposite. I hire 'QUALIFIED' people that you guys have in India and don't take bribes or agree to offshore homes, cottages or women that your fellow countrymen offer in exchange of services.... such as hiring wrong people who'll take the American jobs based on their community and screw our already upside down economy further upside down. Hope you are catching my drift. If I was you, I'd stop where you are :)

.................:rofl:...........you have been stripped naked and spanked....and here you are asking others to stop :lol:.

You are a clown Aurangzeb .......Thank you for choosing that pseudonym. It was most entertaining :partay:

What was India's GDP in 1995 and in 2012...??? Write the figures and explain where the delta came from. I rest my case :)

:lol:....you never had a case to rest.

Are you done with getting personal and trying to tick off the other person? That stuff doesn't work on me. I posted a few video links a few posts before for your cousin. May want to see them. They'll explain my case and will give you the 'evidence' of the H1B and other abuse to the American labor and educational system. All being done by you guys blatantly.

By getting personal with a clown like you they are giving you too much importance.....................why dont you go sob somewhere else to rant, somewhere people actually care about what you say ? :P
.................:rofl:...........you have been stripped naked and spanked....and here you are asking others to stop :lol:.
You are a clown Aurangzeb .......Thank you for choosing that pseudonym. It was most entertaining :partay:

So calling me clown and all...that's all you can come up with? The fact still remains that you guys are illegally transporting hundreds of people every year, violating the US's labor laws, tax code and the end client in general. I even gave you proof of discussion on CNN, where the American CONGRESS was involved in strengthening the H1B process (still not enough). You guys are destroying a common American's middle man income by using these illegal tactics. You guys ALSO bribe the execs and give them houses, vacation and money. I have heard it all and it's on the news and on the TV. Yes, your potato eating a** is telling me that I've been stripped naked and spanked????
To my one comment here, the whole Indian community had spices put up their a**, the fire was stinky as I heard from the people on these forums. Truth hurts and liars and criminals do get exposed. Sorry!

Everyone saw your and your cousins' silly and emotional Indian responses like high school chicks on their first periods....and YET....somehow you stripped me naked and spanked me? (by the way, if you know English well, this idiom doesn't apply here correctly, the ESL teacher forgot to tell you what situations call for what type of idioms).
Anyway, you guys have no shame, it's pretty obvious and its also obvious that you guys are pretty blatant about it. Someone taking a sh*t isn't reading Bible...he's taking a sh*t. So man up to hear the sh*t you are causing within the American system. The rest is all childish high school emotional crap as always since 'someone' tried to write against India. I am now expecting about a billion people in them little Indy-Shorts at my door tomorrow.....BOOOO!
....................Hilarious :lol:.................I have never laughed so hard in pdf. Thank you so much for that post. :enjoy:
So calling me clown and all...that's all you can come up with? The fact still remains that you guys are illegally transporting hundreds of people every year, violating the US's labor laws, tax code and the end client in general. I even gave you proof of discussion on CNN, where the American CONGRESS was involved in strengthening the H1B process (still not enough). You guys are destroying a common American's middle man income by using these illegal tactics. You guys ALSO bribe the execs and give them houses, vacation and money. I have heard it all and it's on the news and on the TV. Yes, your potato eating a** is telling me that I've been stripped naked and spanked????
To my one comment here, the whole Indian community had spices put up their a**, the fire was stinky as I heard from the people on these forums. Truth hurts and liars and criminals do get exposed. Sorry!

Everyone saw your and your cousins' silly and emotional Indian responses like high school chicks on their first periods....and YET....somehow you stripped me naked and spanked me? (by the way, if you know English well, this idiom doesn't apply here correctly, the ESL teacher forgot to tell you what situations call for what type of idioms).
Anyway, you guys have no shame, it's pretty obvious and its also obvious that you guys are pretty blatant about it. Someone taking a sh*t isn't reading Bible...he's taking a sh*t. So man up to hear the sh*t you are causing within the American system. The rest is all childish high school emotional crap as always since 'someone' tried to write against India. I am now expecting about a billion people in them little Indy-Shorts at my door tomorrow.....BOOOO!

Your thought process stinks, This $hit load does not deserve a reply from us!
So calling me clown and all...that's all you can come up with? The fact still remains that you guys are illegally transporting hundreds of people every year, violating the US's labor laws, tax code and the end client in general. I even gave you proof of discussion on CNN, where the American CONGRESS was involved in strengthening the H1B process (still not enough). You guys are destroying a common American's middle man income by using these illegal tactics. You guys ALSO bribe the execs and give them houses, vacation and money. I have heard it all and it's on the news and on the TV. Yes, your potato eating a** is telling me that I've been stripped naked and spanked????
To my one comment here, the whole Indian community had spices put up their a**, the fire was stinky as I heard from the people on these forums. Truth hurts and liars and criminals do get exposed. Sorry!

Everyone saw your and your cousins' silly and emotional Indian responses like high school chicks on their first periods....and YET....somehow you stripped me naked and spanked me? (by the way, if you know English well, this idiom doesn't apply here correctly, the ESL teacher forgot to tell you what situations call for what type of idioms).
Anyway, you guys have no shame, it's pretty obvious and its also obvious that you guys are pretty blatant about it. Someone taking a sh*t isn't reading Bible...he's taking a sh*t. So man up to hear the sh*t you are causing within the American system. The rest is all childish high school emotional crap as always since 'someone' tried to write against India. I am now expecting about a billion people in them little Indy-Shorts at my door tomorrow.....BOOOO!

Wow dude...how much abuse can you possibly take ? Are you even human ?
The abuse and verbal humiliation is pretty thorough. Its obvious your'e a kid...and a pakistani to boot. Everything that be possibly be said has been said...you're now stuck in an infinite loop of regurgitating every bit of pakistani paranoia about india.

Just stop. Even your country men will agree with me. The man who discovered the concept of infinity in mathematics, ended up in a mental asylum.....just so you know. Regurgitating that much crap over and over again, might lead to some serious damage.
Lol.... somebody lost a job because of an Indian :omghaha:
So calling me clown and all...that's all you can come up with? The fact still remains that you guys are illegally transporting hundreds of people every year, violating the US's labor laws, tax code and the end client in general. I even gave you proof of discussion on CNN, where the American CONGRESS was involved in strengthening the H1B process (still not enough). You guys are destroying a common American's middle man income by using these illegal tactics. You guys ALSO bribe the execs and give them houses, vacation and money. I have heard it all and it's on the news and on the TV. Yes, your potato eating a** is telling me that I've been stripped naked and spanked????
To my one comment here, the whole Indian community had spices put up their a**, the fire was stinky as I heard from the people on these forums. Truth hurts and liars and criminals do get exposed. Sorry!

Everyone saw your and your cousins' silly and emotional Indian responses like high school chicks on their first periods....and YET....somehow you stripped me naked and spanked me? (by the way, if you know English well, this idiom doesn't apply here correctly, the ESL teacher forgot to tell you what situations call for what type of idioms).
Anyway, you guys have no shame, it's pretty obvious and its also obvious that you guys are pretty blatant about it. Someone taking a sh*t isn't reading Bible...he's taking a sh*t. So man up to hear the sh*t you are causing within the American system. The rest is all childish high school emotional crap as always since 'someone' tried to write against India. I am now expecting about a billion people in them little Indy-Shorts at my door tomorrow.....BOOOO!

WTF!!! So much frustration :rofl:

None of your rant amounts to jack and sadly I don't think you are aware of it. Don't spoil your health kid - see a doctor - you are filled with too much hate and venom.
Guys, you have to admit - it's always fun to see a pathetic little troll making a complete fool of himself and then wallowing around in his self created "mess" (to use a polite term), and then spouting racist remarks as a consolation prize for himself. Some people try to make a fool of their friends on April 1rst, as a practical joke. Then there are some people who demonstrate their own stupidity, laying it bare for all to see. There is a reason they call it "fool's day".
Guys, you have to admit - it's always fun to see a pathetic little troll making a complete fool of himself and then wallowing around in his self created "mess" (to use a polite term), and then spouting racist remarks as a consolation prize for himself. Some people try to make a fool of their friends on April 1rst, as a practical joke. Then there are some people who demonstrate their own stupidity, laying it bare for all to see. There is a reason they call it "fool's day".

today is his day.. let him have his way ;) :woot:

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