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Italy didn't see it coming

I admit my ignorance here. Foreign Secretary does report to Cabinet Secretary. But what you say is not entirely correct. Granted that high profile issues like the Italian marines issue will be discussed explicitly in Cabinet, each department is independent in its affairs. Policy making is in the hands of the politicians(Ministers, Cabinet and PM) not bureaucrats.

Just to add to that: on matters of Grave Policy importance, there are permanently constituted Committes od important Ministers, e.g. CCS-Cabinet Committee on Security where the PM, DM, Finance Minister and Minister for EA are members. So major Policy decisions come out of consensus evolved at their meetings.

Sometimes on matters which have come up suddenly and importantly then ad hoc EGOMs (Empowered Group of Ministers) are constituted to deal with particular matter(s) at hand. They deal with only that agenda and then are dissolved when done with their task.
@arp2041 Where are you ? Time to laugh at people who were laughing at us that day. :D

But I leave them. They can't say a word.

international relations and relations between people should not be built on spite. They finally gave in to what we wanted, let's leave it at that.
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Do you expect an Aurangzeb to be someone else? :lol:

What's harm in expecting ??? ;)
Sometimes you need proof to ascertain the facts

OMG; now you even want to masquerade as a "NRI" ? Please spare us, we seen you as an "Aviation Specialist", "Material Scientist" and on that Erieye thread as an "Insurance Actuarial Professional". Pretty much enough "Professional Opinions" to keep us amused.

Thanks but No Thanks. :D

Common captain let the guy try ;) it would be fun.
The Indian 'tax payer' pays the taxes t----------------through offshore accounts and by taking execs to Bangalore. Let's leave it at that!!

You know, the problem with you Pakistani fakers is that you try to fake too many things at once--in the same place. Never eat where you sh!t....or sh!t where you eat. It stinks.
The Indian 'tax payer' pays the taxes that were resulted from an American 'Tax Payer' losing its job that was outsources to India.....so indirectly, the Americans are sponsoring your military and other advancements. Go back to 1992 and tell me twenty years ago...how much tax was going to cause this growth by the Indian tax payer. It was the IT boom that caused it and resulted in millions non IT jobs getting eliminated and sent to India due to bribes, corruption, etc. I know the business deals that happen through offshore accounts and by taking execs to Bangalore. Let's leave it at that!!

1) India has a negative trade balance with the US.
2) India is not the recipient of the Kerry-Lugar bill.

Now who is exploiting whose tax payer ?
1) India has a negative trade balance with the US.
2) India is not the recipient of the Kerry-Lugar bill.

Now who is exploiting whose tax payer ?

None of you what you said made sense. Here's how the Indians did it. There was a need for off-shoring, that was legit. Then, there was greed on the American businessmen' end. So more than needed jobs got outsourced to India to save money.

THEN the Indians paid money to get jobs outsourced and ran the largest human trafficking network called the H1B visa system. Your companies are bringing people who have pretty much no qualification to be in the US. Outside of it, you guys are abusing the L (business visa system), It is NOT given so you guys can come here and work. It is given for business meetings, etc. You guys have companies there that bring people on L1 visas here in the US, make them work for two years for a much cheaper price than the American worker. Lie to the immigration about their visit and then that guys work costs an American worker a job. Now getting back to the H1B network.....you guys hire people for one thing and send them to the US for another. Under the H1B laws, No one on this visa should work for the employer who sponsored it. But, your Indian fellows borrow and lie about these resources ALL the time and they get away with it. If the US CIS starts to assess every Indian company. I can BET YOU, half the companies you have here today owned by the Indian community will be closed down for illegal human trafficking related activity and money laundering. You guys take American executives to India or even in the US, offer them significant bribes to offshore work to India. I can GO ON and ON and ON.
Next, you guys have staffing companies that tell the American client that there are no US citizens available for work. All they get it Indians from H1's. Rarely, even other minorities.....their first preference is to employ their Indian brethren. I have seen it all.
All these guys that come in through all these channels, whether qualified or not, take American jobs but send their money back to India (60% or more). It's a known fact. So...WHO is getting raped??? The American economy, its population and the tax payers who are being deprived of good jobs OR the Indian economy? Let's not try to call Sh*t .......soup. Sh*t is sh*t and it should be called by its name.
Before I begin to reply your post, I should ask: Why are you so angry? Why are you so frustrated? Why do you feel so powerless? And above all, why are you being deliberately disrespectful? Pipe down.

None of you what you said made sense. Here's how the Indians did it. There was a need for off-shoring, that was legit. Then, there was greed on the American businessmen' end. So more than needed jobs got outsourced to India to save money.

So you do understand that American money was kept in America by 'greedy' businessmen when they decided to outsource jobs? Or have you simply failed to understand the need to keep manufacturing/servicing costs low to be competitive in a consumer market?

THEN the Indians paid money to get jobs outsourced and ran the largest human trafficking network called the H1B visa system. Your companies are bringing people who have pretty much no qualification to be in the US.

Human trafficking is defined by the UN as:

The act of recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons ... by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person ... for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum:

the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation,
forced labour or services,
slavery or practices similar to slavery,
or the removal of organs.

Clearly you have lost your opening argument when you used a word that you do not understand. If the people who are 'brought' to the US have no qualification, how do they get their work done?

Outside of it, you guys are abusing the L (business visa system), It is NOT given so you guys can come here and work. It is given for business meetings, etc. You guys have companies there that bring people on L1 visas here in the US, make them work for two years for a much cheaper price than the American worker. Lie to the immigration about their visit and then that guys work costs an American worker a job. Now getting back to the H1B network.....you guys hire people for one thing and send them to the US for another. Under the H1B laws, No one on this visa should work for the employer who sponsored it. But, your Indian fellows borrow and lie about these resources ALL the time and they get away with it. If the US CIS starts to assess every Indian company. I can BET YOU, half the companies you have here today owned by the Indian community will be closed down for illegal human trafficking related activity and money laundering. You guys take American executives to India or even in the US, offer them significant bribes to offshore work to India. I can GO ON and ON and ON.

The 'L-1B Intracompany Transferee Specialized Knowledge' is explained by the American immigration website as:

To qualify for L-1 classification in this category, the employer must:

Have a qualifying relationship with a foreign company (parent company, branch, subsidiary, or affiliate, collectively referred to as qualifying organizations); and
Currently be, or will be, doing business as an employer in the United States and in at least one other country directly or through a qualifying organization for the duration of the beneficiary’s stay in the United States as an L-1. While the business must be viable, there is no requirement that it be engaged in international trade.

Doing business means the regular, systematic, and continuous provision of goods and/or services by a qualifying organization and does not include the mere presence of an agent or office of the qualifying organization in the United States and abroad.

To qualify, the named employee must also:

Generally have been working for a qualifying organization abroad for one continuous year within the three years immediately preceding his or her admission to the United States; and
Be seeking to enter the United States to provide services in a specialized knowledge capacity to a branch of the same employer or one of its qualifying organizations.

Specialized knowledge means either special knowledge possessed by an individual of the petitioning organization’s product, service, research, equipment, techniques, management, or other interests and its application in international markets, or an advanced level of knowledge or expertise in the organization’s processes and procedure

Now if you read the above, you will know that the use of L-1B is not fraud. The business visas that you are referring to are B1/B2 visas. I think Infosys was accused of this malfeasance and the case is tried in a US court of law. Not all companies can be painted with the same color. Besides, since you know 'all', why do you not act on your hatred? Stand up for yourself and fight a lawsuit against 'all' Indian companies. Must be more worthy of your time than loosing your mind in PDF?

Next, you guys have staffing companies that tell the American client that there are no US citizens available for work. All they get it Indians from H1's. Rarely, even other minorities.....their first preference is to employ their Indian brethren. I have seen it all.
All these guys that come in through all these channels, whether qualified or not, take American jobs but send their money back to India (60% or more). It's a known fact. So...WHO is getting raped??? The American economy, its population and the tax payers who are being deprived of good jobs OR the Indian economy? Let's not try to call Sh*t .......soup. Sh*t is sh*t and it should be called by its name.

Now, this is little more than rant. If there are illegal H1 B staffing companies, then they have nothing to do with Indian IT providers. Indian IT companies do not need staffing agencies to get Indians to America.
Before I begin to reply your post, I should ask: Why are you so angry? Why are you so frustrated? Why do you feel so powerless? And above all, why are you being deliberately disrespectful? Pipe down.

Well my man, this is your typical way to try to show the world that someone is challenging the mother India's corrupted businessmen because they are powerless, angry, etc, etc.
So, I don't work for an Indian company, I have a couple of global businesses that I run and advise very large companies on strategic stuff. I am not angry or frustrated, I do feel the pain that the American tax payers have been going through. So no one's disrespectful. When you take American businessmen and bribe them for outsource jobs under the 'competitive advantage and cheaper labor B.S'....it's unethical business practices. And I'll speak about those when I can. That's illegal to pay bribe and get business offshore more than its needed. I will go as far as to say that some of the most corrupted people are the Indian businessmen that I have seen. Openly bribing, paying money. Even an average contractor tells its manager to keep him there and he'll give him $ 10 - $ 20 an hour from his rate. If you challenge more. I'll start to name your brethren. So be careful for what you wish for.......I don't write stuff without having the Spine to stand behind what I said!!!

So you do understand that American money was kept in America by 'greedy' businessmen when they decided to outsource jobs? Or have you simply failed to understand the need to keep manufacturing/servicing costs low to be competitive in a consumer market?

What do you know about competitive business advantage? NOTHING is more than a country's national security and economy. Competitive advantage is for a limited number of jobs (basic IT operations) to be offshore. Not every single job in telecom, call center, etc, etc. Then, you guys use H1B, Sham get interviewed and speaks with authority on the subject. Ram shows up who actually paid the company to get am H1B. Whether Ram qualifies or not, he's now here and supported by the Indian IT mafia. There is a competitive advantage and there is a economic rape. What you guys started as the 'competitive advantage' has now become the economic rape of our beloved country. My countrymen will start to realize this in the next ten years when its too late.

Human trafficking is defined by the UN as:
The act of recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons ... by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person ... for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum

Ever asked an H1B person what they get paid vs. what their H1B owners charge? H1B is the new form of slavery. Second, your text book definition didn't tell me.....what about the H1's where someone interviewed for another candidate and the other candidate got here without the qualifications to do the work. The company can't send him back because they needed someone and they've spend so much money on it. Isn't this FRAUD? and it matches with our definition of the US labor laws? Also, what about the H1B's that paid money to get to US? That's also fraud and exploitation of others legal process by illegal means, aka, human trafficking for money by violating host country's criteria illegally and cheating its system?
What about the H1B's who work for other jobs and use their friends green cards, etc??? I can literally give you MANY examples with names of companies and even people. Here are a VERY few articles:

Feds Bust Nationwide H-1B Visa Scam
Here is a LIST of H1B investigations: Google: H1B Visa Fraud - ALIPAC

The 'L-1B Intracompany Transferee Specialized Knowledge' is explained by the American immigration website as:
To qualify for L-1 classification in this category, the employer must:
Have a qualifying relationship with a foreign company (parent company, branch, subsidiary, or affiliate, collectively referred to as qualifying organizations); and
Currently be, or will be, doing business as an employer in the United States and in at least one other country directly or through a qualifying organization for the duration of the beneficiary’s stay in the United States as an L-1.
To qualify, the named employee must also:
Generally have been working for a qualifying organization abroad for one continuous year within the three years immediately preceding his or her admission to the United States; and
Specialized knowledge means either special knowledge possessed by an individual of the petitioning organization’s product, service, research, equipment, techniques, management, or other interests and its application in international markets, or an advanced level of knowledge or expertise in the organization’s processes and procedure

Now if you read the above, you will know that the use of L-1B is not fraud. The business visas that you are referring to are B1/B2 visas. I think Infosys was accused of this malfeasance and the case is tried in a US court of law. Not all companies can be painted with the same color. Besides, since you know 'all', why do you not act on your hatred? Stand up for yourself and fight a lawsuit against 'all' Indian companies. Must be more worthy of your time than loosing your mind in PDF?

Now, this is little more than rant. If there are illegal H1 B staffing companies, then they have nothing to do with Indian IT providers. Indian IT companies do not need staffing agencies to get Indians to America.[/QUOTE]

Indians have started partnerships in the staffing companies and own many, many of them. Reason is simple, the middle man, the staffing company has contracts with employers besides larger companies like Info Sys, Wipro, etc. But the agenda is the same, let Indians work, both offshore and by taking over jobs onshore in the US. I've been told a few times in my corporate life as an executive that 'the only talent available is from India', I did my own research and found out that there were four American resumes for this one job, two of the applicants were MIT grads. But the Indian guy, the recruiter suppressed their resumes, lied about those and wanted JUST Indians hired. Speaks volumes for your nationalism and the agenda and definitely shows how American tax payers are getting raped out of the money they deserve.

Welcome to Forbes

I am going to give you some of your Indian links as to you guys, those are more authentic:
There was a reason to do this but the lobby won eventually: U.S. Singles out India by Denying L1 Visas

Here's an Indian link to Wiro's L1 Visa fraud investigation
Wipro HCL TCS B1-L1 visa fraud | Blog(Mohan Arun) =
Outsourcing company Infosys under criminal investigation for visa fraud (companies, interest, tax) - City-Data Forum

Trust me, I can name a LOT of this crap b companies and what not. Not sure if you want that crap posted on here.
Trust me, I can name a LOT of this crap b companies and what not. Not sure if you want that crap posted on here.

No, dude; we do not want that CRAP posted here; if you have'nt noticed yet---it has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of this thread!!!!
And if you still have'nt got it yet: the topic of the thread is "Italy did'nt see it coming". Now to make it even simpler for you; it relates to the episode of the two Italian Marines facing prosecution in India for shooting down two Indian fishermen.
Is that simple enough to comprehend?
While you have typically gerry-mandered about to IT, Visas for Indian professionals, US taxpayers, RSS, Sati, Shiv Sena and astronomic amounts of blarney about god knows what else!

If you wish to vent your spleen as well as tell us about "I, me and mine"; then please do start another thread about it.
Thank you!

Trust me, I can name a LOT of this crap b companies and what not. Not sure if you want that crap posted on here.

No, dude; we do not want that CRAP posted here; if you have'nt noticed yet---it has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of this thread!!!!
And if you still have'nt got it yet: the topic of the thread is "Italy did'nt see it coming". Now to make it even simpler for you; it relates to the episode of the two Italian Marines facing prosecution in India for shooting down two Indian fishermen.
Is that simple enough to comprehend?
While you have typically gerry-mandered about to IT, Visas for Indian professionals, US taxpayers, RSS, Sati, Shiv Sena and astronomic amounts of blarney about god knows what else!

If you wish to vent your spleen as well as tell us about "I, me and mine"; then please do start another thread about it.
Thank you!
Well my man, this is your typical way to try to show the world that someone is challenging the mother India's corrupted businessmen because they are powerless, angry, etc, etc.
So, I don't work for an Indian company, I have a couple of global businesses that I run and advise very large companies on strategic stuff. I am not angry or frustrated, I do feel the pain that the American tax payers have been going through. So no one's disrespectful.

Save the self aggrandizing attitude to people who care. Your 'global businesses' do not matter to me. You clearly do not espouse the 'pain of American tax payers' when you bash my 'brethren'. So leave your narcissism out of the discourse.

When you take American businessmen and bribe them for outsource jobs under the 'competitive advantage and cheaper labor B.S'....it's unethical business practices. And I'll speak about those when I can. That's illegal to pay bribe and get business offshore more than its needed. I will go as far as to say that some of the most corrupted people are the Indian businessmen that I have seen. Openly bribing, paying money. Even an average contractor tells its manager to keep him there and he'll give him $ 10 - $ 20 an hour from his rate. If you challenge more. I'll start to name your brethren. So be careful for what you wish for.......I don't write stuff without having the Spine to stand behind what I said!!!

Once again, you churn the same frustration. To stereotype Indian businesses as corrupt is the evidence for it. What stops you from 'naming' anybody? You think that you can intimidate people from behind your keyboard? That is simply silly. Now go ahead the tell the world what you know. Nobody will stop to care for what you have to say.

What do you know about competitive business advantage? NOTHING is more than a country's national security and economy. Competitive advantage is for a limited number of jobs (basic IT operations) to be offshore. Not every single job in telecom, call center, etc, etc. Then, you guys use H1B, Sham get interviewed and speaks with authority on the subject. Ram shows up who actually paid the company to get am H1B. Whether Ram qualifies or not, he's now here and supported by the Indian IT mafia. There is a competitive advantage and there is a economic rape. What you guys started as the 'competitive advantage' has now become the economic rape of our beloved country. My countrymen will start to realize this in the next ten years when its too late.

More rhetoric based on unsubstantiated conjectures. Ram and Sham get their job done for the Indian companies that employ them and that is what that matters.

Ever asked an H1B person what they get paid vs. what their H1B owners charge? H1B is the new form of slavery. Second, your text book definition didn't tell me.....what about the H1's where someone interviewed for another candidate and the other candidate got here without the qualifications to do the work. The company can't send him back because they needed someone and they've spend so much money on it. Isn't this FRAUD? and it matches with our definition of the US labor laws? Also, what about the H1B's that paid money to get to US? That's also fraud and exploitation of others legal process by illegal means, aka, human trafficking for money by violating host country's criteria illegally and cheating its system?
What about the H1B's who work for other jobs and use their friends green cards, etc??? I can literally give you MANY examples with names of companies and even people. Here are a VERY few articles:

The H-1B employees who come here are paid the salary that they are promised. The major Indian IT companies that bring people here on H-1B visas do not defraud people like you have claimed. So, peddle your lies at some place where people do not call you out.

The links you have listed are as bogus as your claim. The first link does not identify Indian companies at all and the second link reports the Infosys B1 visa case. Neither of the two links back your claim of H 1B visa holder for Indian IT companies being unfairly compromised. Try harder.

Indians have started partnerships in the staffing companies and own many, many of them. Reason is simple, the middle man, the staffing company has contracts with employers besides larger companies like Info Sys, Wipro, etc. But the agenda is the same, let Indians work, both offshore and by taking over jobs onshore in the US. I've been told a few times in my corporate life as an executive that 'the only talent available is from India', I did my own research and found out that there were four American resumes for this one job, two of the applicants were MIT grads. But the Indian guy, the recruiter suppressed their resumes, lied about those and wanted JUST Indians hired. Speaks volumes for your nationalism and the agenda and definitely shows how American tax payers are getting raped out of the money they deserve.

I am going to give you some of your Indian links as to you guys, those are more authentic:
There was a reason to do this but the lobby won eventually:Outsourcing company Infosys under criminal investigation for visa fraud (companies, interest, tax) - City-Data Forum

Trust me, I can name a LOT of this crap b companies and what not. Not sure if you want that crap posted on here.

Your glorious 'Indian' links are blogs that start with the line " I dont have access to any ‘proof of visa fraud’ ". For a 'know it all' and 'seen it all' like you, this is pretty pathetic! The only legitimate accusation here is the Infosys case. You have posted the same information from multiple sources to shore up your claim of 'all Indian businesses' being fraudulent. Please come back with your 'inside' knowledge from the corporate world that you so proudly try to brandish. An important guy like you would surely have legitimate proof that can prove Indians wrong. Let us have it! :)

PS: I had to remove links from quotes as I do not have the necessary post count.
Save the self aggrandizing attitude to people who care. Your 'global businesses' do not matter to me. You clearly do not espouse the 'pain of American tax payers' when you bash my 'brethren'. So leave your narcissism out of the discourse.

Once again, you churn the same frustration. To stereotype Indian businesses as corrupt is the evidence for it. What stops you from 'naming' anybody? You think that you can intimidate people from behind your keyboard? That is simply silly. Now go ahead the tell the world what you know. Nobody will stop to care for what you have to say.

More rhetoric based on unsubstantiated conjectures. Ram and Sham get their job done for the Indian companies that employ them and that is what that matters.

The H-1B employees who come here are paid the salary that they are promised. The major Indian IT companies that bring people here on H-1B visas do not defraud people like you have claimed. So, peddle your lies at some place where people do not call you out.

The links you have listed are as bogus as your claim. The first link does not identify Indian companies at all and the second link reports the Infosys B1 visa case. Neither of the two links back your claim of H 1B visa holder for Indian IT companies being unfairly compromised. Try harder.

Your glorious 'Indian' links are blogs that start with the line " I dont have access to any ‘proof of visa fraud’ ". For a 'know it all' and 'seen it all' like you, this is pretty pathetic! The only legitimate accusation here is the Infosys case. You have posted the same information from multiple sources to shore up your claim of 'all Indian businesses' being fraudulent. Please come back with your 'inside' knowledge from the corporate world that you so proudly try to brandish. An important guy like you would surely have legitimate proof that can prove Indians wrong. Let us have it! :)

PS: I had to remove links from quotes as I do not have the necessary post count.

chill man.. he seems to be an immigrant who has been releived of his job cause some indian agreed to do twice his work at haf the salary.. :P
If you wish to vent your spleen as well as tell us about "I, me and mine"; then please do start another thread about it. Thank you!

Although I kind of want to keep going, because some of your countrymen think you guys have become macho men, which isn't exactly, the case, I do understand the topic's been deviated. So I'll get back to the topic.
Lastly, FACTS are not venting, its FACTS. What doesn't work for your personal or country's interests doesn't change from the FACTS to Venting!! Wanted to make a clear distinction so the 'venting' statement doesn't distort the facts that I've provided!!! Just by sheer responses, it's pretty visible how much fire got put underneath people's a**.

chill man.. he seems to be an immigrant who has been releived of his job cause some indian agreed to do twice his work at haf the salary.. :P

:) actually the opposite. I hire 'QUALIFIED' people that you guys have in India and don't take bribes or agree to offshore homes, cottages or women that your fellow countrymen offer in exchange of services.... such as hiring wrong people who'll take the American jobs based on their community and screw our already upside down economy further upside down. Hope you are catching my drift. If I was you, I'd stop where you are :)
Save the self aggrandizing attitude to people who care. Your 'global businesses' do not matter to me. You clearly do not espouse the 'pain of American tax payers' when you bash my 'brethren'. So leave your narcissism out of the discourse.

Once again, you churn the same frustration. To stereotype Indian businesses as corrupt is the evidence for it.

Dang, I seem to have hit the spot and put a light under the Indian community's a** it seems like. Truth ALWAYS hurts!!! Here's a few more things for you to see. You really think the human trafficking network is now known to people in the US? People know both, the greed on the American businessmen' part and the blatant violation of the US laws by the Indian labor.
Watch this and wait to see more scrutiny in place soon. Here, some of the statistics by the US-CIS too:

Lou Dobbs: Law Firm teaches how to avoid hiring Americans - YouTube

H-1B Visas Fraud - YouTube

Another US university accused of visa fraud - YouTube

Visa fraud: US warns Indian students - YouTube
Although I kind of want to keep going, because some of your countrymen think you guys have become macho men, which isn't exactly, the case, I do understand the topic's been deviated. So I'll get back to the topic.
Lastly, FACTS are not venting, its FACTS. What doesn't work for your personal or country's interests doesn't change from the FACTS to Venting!! Wanted to make a clear distinction so the 'venting' statement doesn't distort the facts that I've provided!!! Just by sheer responses, it's pretty visible how much fire got put underneath people's a**.

OPINIONS are not FACTS. There is a difference.

You started off claiming that India's military is funded by the US. When asked to explain that bizarre statement, you went on and on about US outsourcing jobs to India. For one thing, all the outsourcing put together accounts for 5 percent of India's GDP. It is not like India survives merely because of outsourced jobs. Also, outsourced jobs are still JOBS - ie, Indians still have to work for it, and always works more and get paid less than an American would (which is why these jobs are outsourced in the first place.) So again, if Indians work and EARN money and then pay taxes, and a small percentage of those taxes go to the military, it is NOT equivalent to our military being paid for by the USA. If the US gives cash assistance, then you can make that statement. Not when Indians WORK and EARN. And as noted, you are talking about 5 percent of India's GDP when you rant about outsourcing.

By the way do you have any idea how many manufacturing jobs have shifted from USA to China? The numbers would dwarf the jobs outsourced to India by orders of magnitude.

There is really no logical link between outsourcing of jobs and the topic of the thread, which is about India taking a firm stand about justice, and Italy capitulating. The reason you are indulging in off topic rants (that too factually hollow ones) is because you cant accept the simple explanation that India is too big to be taken for a ride in this century. Instead of accepting that obvious and plain fact, you have to find some devious explanation, something ignoble to explain it - so you rant about India bribing americans for jobs and all that nonsense. It sounds more like the ravings of a person who has been laid off for incompetence, seething about Indians and Chinese stealing his job.

Also, your last line is a common tactic - spout nonsensical rants, and when others poke fun at you, play the martyr card and insist that since everyone is heated at you, you must have said something right. Guess what, if I start ranting on this thread about how the evil jews stole my lunch money, everybody would ask me to shut up - and it won't be because I exposed a hidden truth that shocked everyone, it would be because such a rant would be nonsensical, off topic and plain stupid.

Adding later: So now you have made yet another post, and again claimed that Indians are all hurt because of some hidden truth you exposed. Seriously - do you not notice the topic of the thread? And do you not realize that I could give lots of explanations about the other side of outsourcing, about how it keeps goods and services cheap for the American public? And that it is an entirely different debate, completely out of scope of the present thread? And do you realize that outsourcing is NOT the reason for India's military might today, or for India's diplomatic and economic clout? That the only reason that so many posts have been about outsourcing is because of your idiotic assertion that outsourcing is the reason for India's military strength, and that somehow that's a military subsidy? I mean, really!

To put an end to this nonsense:
Contribution of outsourced jobs to India's GDP = 5%
Percentage of GDP spent by India on defence = 2%
Therefore, contribution of taxes from outsourcing to the defence budget = 0.1%

And even that 0.1% is not a gift by the US to India's military, it comes from taxes collected from people who EARNED it by working for it.

That blows away your initial assertion of Indian military being funded by the US, and the foundation of all your subsequent ranting.
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