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Italian guards to be arrested over Indian fishermen deaths

Sir, this is not arrogance. Punishing the Italians sailors for something which at best can be described as an accident will not help feed the family members of those fishermen. Giving them $100,000 on the other hand, will help them sail through their life without any hardships.

Whoa there sunshine......i think ye got yer' flags mixed up. You'd look pretty darn good in green.
Sir, this is not arrogance. Punishing the Italians sailors for something which at best can be described as an accident will not help feed the family members of those fishermen. Giving them $100,000 on the other hand, will help them sail through their life without any hardships.

Let the law decide if it was an accident. If so, let the law decide who is responsible for the accident. If they are acquitted by our judiciary then I do not have any problem with that!

AFAIK, giving them a clean chit in such an early phase of investigation is completely wrong!
Sir, this is not arrogance. Punishing the Italians sailors for something which at best can be described as an accident will not help feed the family members of those fishermen. Giving them $100,000 on the other hand, will help them sail through their life without any hardships.

Here is another approach - judge them in criminal court and send them to prison if they are guilty and sue them in civilian court for damages and get few million dollars - this is what I see here in US - looks like you underestimate the price for the lives of these fishermen.
Oftopic though--


When i saw add wars between TOI & Hindu .........i thought our young generation are not so fools........By the by what child did Aishwarya Rai gave birth???
the reason it was delayed was that they are serving Italian navy personnel.(usually posted on merchant vessels to safeguard against pirates), also the Italian government tried to make this a diplomatic issue . saying they had immunity.

at least all thats sorted now . they have been arrested and are now being produced in court.
When i saw add wars between TOI & Hindu .........i thought our young generation are not so fools........By the by what child did Aishwarya Rai gave birth???

That adds are truly hilarious. Hindu had TOI by the balls.

What does UPA stands for?...Uttar Pradesh...

Who will succeed Ratan Tata?...obviously his son

---------- Post added at 07:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ----------

Never trust the white man(West europeans and Yankies).

Pure racist comment.
2 ship guards held, to face murder case


Two armed Italian marine personnel allegedly involved in Wednesday’s killing of two Indian fishermen off Kollam were arrested by the police Sunday afternoon and charged with murder, while an Italian delegation landed in New Delhi and held talks with the external affairs ministry on the incident.

India had sought Italy’s help to ensure that the “law of the land takes its course”. The Italian securitymen had mistaken the fishermen for pirates, and shot and killed them.
Latorre Massimiliano and Salvatore Girone, part of the six-member marine team on board Italian merchant ship Enrica Lexie, were brought to the shore nearly eight hours past the earlier deadline set by the police.

The ship’s captain, Umberto Vitiello, was also brought to shore for further investigations. He will not face any penal liability, but has civil liability as the firing was from a vessel under his command.

The three were taken to the Central Industrial Security Force guesthouse at Willingdon Island by the police, and will be taken to Kollam Monday. As Monday is a court holiday, the two marines will be presented at the chief judicial magistrate’s residence.
The police said a case of murder under Section 302 IPC was filed against the marines based on the complaint filed by the next of kin of the deceased at a local police station.

2 ship guards held, to face murder case | The Asian Age

Good Job by Gov. Throw them in jail...:tup::tup::tup:
oh... really SL navy killed 483 TN fisherman no actions taken yet? not a single boat captured , we shouted everywhere nobody listened. Have u knw that yesterday they captured 3 TN fisherman we don't knw whether they come alive or not. But one keralite shot dead whole India is burning , Malayali Anthony strongly condemn the act ,they deployed few coastal ship in that area, they captured that ship ,inquiring the captain so much actions why all those thing happened? becoz they killed a non Tamil I knw TN member one among we count him 484 not a big deal. Let watch this game.
TN fisherman aren't Indians? long live national integration.

your post is as worthless as you are...now that you are in pink....enjoy the vacation :)
Exactly, and it was the fault of the Indian fishermen for trespassing. For trespassing and getting killed in the process, India must make an apology to the nation of Italy and to the families of the dead Indians.

First, India must release the Italians unharmed, no questions asked. The longer India waits, the more likely the possibility of facing human rights charges from the international community.

They were unarmed,Its debatable if they had any arms or if they tried to attack...Cant they arrest the Unarmed if they trespassed...?Y keep such impotent guards...?.These Italians should be hanged i say...It should be a lesson to others...
Italy minister in India for talks on fishermen deaths

Italy's junior foreign minister is due to meet Indian officials in the capital, Delhi, amid a diplomatic row over the killing of two fishermen.

Staffan De Mistura will meet India's junior foreign minister Praneet Kaur later on Wednesday, officials say.

Two members of an Italian navy security team accused in the shooting of the fishermen have been taken into custody.

Italy says the fishing boat behaved aggressively and ignored warning shots fired from the Italian oil tanker.

They said they opened fire after mistaking the fishermen for pirates. India said the fishermen were unarmed.

The incident took place off the coast of the southern state of Kerala last Wednesday.

It has sparked a major diplomatic row between the two countries, with Indian police opening a murder inquiry into the deaths.

Indian Defence Minister AK Antony has described the killings as "very serious" and an "unfortunate incident".

'Coercive action'
Junior Foreign Minister Staffan De Mistura will "continue on a political level the action so far carried out by a delegation of experts from the Italian foreign, defence and justice ministries", the Italian foreign ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

It said Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi will also visit Delhi next week to discuss the issue.

The foreign ministry also said that Indian police had taken "coercive" and "unilateral" action on Sunday when they escorted the two soldiers off the oil tanker where they were deployed as security guards and arrested them, news agency AFP reported.

The marines - identified as Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone - were detained on Sunday from the Italian ship Enrica Lexie and produced at the magistrate's court on Monday. They have been remanded in custody for two weeks.
delegation of experts from Italy's foreign, defence and justice ministries has already visited Delhi to discuss the case with Indian officials, but the two sides have so far been unable to resolve their differences.

Italy insists that its personnel cannot be charged under Indian law. It says the marines have immunity as the tanker was flying an Italian flag and was in international waters when the incident happened.:eek:

But India wants the marines to be tried under local laws and has registered a case of murder against the men, who could face the death penalty or life imprisonment if they are found guilty.:what:

The Enrica Lexie was on its way from Singapore to Egypt, with a crew of 34, including 19 Indians. The Italians say the crew members fired in self-defence - after initially firing warning shots - because they feared their vessel was about to be attacked.

Indian officials say they are surprised at the shooting, maintaining that the fishermen did nothing to threaten the Italian ship.

A senior official in Kerala, PG Thomas, said the attack was unwarranted as there were "no weapons on the trawler".

Indian officials said nine of the 11 fishermen in the trawler were asleep and the two victims were steering it when the incident happened.

Following the incident, the Indian coastguard sent two boats and an aircraft to intercept the ship which is now anchored off the port of Kochi.

The Kerala state government has authorised a payment of 500,000 rupees ($10,125; £6,450) each to the dead fishermen's families.

Piracy has emerged as a major threat to merchant ships in the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea, with Somali pirates hijacking ships and their crews for ransom.

But there have been fewer attacks recently, partly because more armed guards are now deployed on board ships.

BBC News - Italy minister in India for talks on fishermen deaths
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