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Italian envoy cannot leave India

Billions of dollars are at stake for the Italians here. There is no way they are going out with their heads held high.

What billions of dollars are you talking about?
Italy just has three and a quarter billion investment in India.
Peanuts in today's International trade /investment global market.
Get the grip on numbers first, then write some.
It is not about Indian ego, Now the ball is in the court of Italy, India has shown its willingness to act tough. Italy should not risk its name and goodwill in the international arena for the sake of two marines ( Since Still the trial is going on whether these guys acted on self defense or something else happened).

Italy from day one saying that Indian courts don't have jurisdiction on international waters and the fact is they have taken the risk, and i am sure they have calculated everything in advance. Who knows it's planned with coordination of India.
That's my point - Max. India can do is expel him, If she did anything else than she will put question mark on immunity of her own diplomats. So, What's need of dragging courts in this drama, do whatever you can do through diplomatic channels.

There is a difference here - the Italian ambassador stood sovereign guarantee for the marines and assured the court of their return - let's all wait and watch how this pans out, diplomatic immunity doesn't necessarily means they can get away with everything.
Ambassadors has protection under Geneva Convention. India cannot hold him responsible for any act.
This is a two way affair mate, Augusta westland deal also involves some key persons in Italy :cheers:.

Hardly. And no key person in Italy is involved, not their leadership anyways, other than some shady arms dealers.

And do you really think the Indian government has the gall to go on the offensive? Specially when their own leaders head is on the line. They wouldn't risk that, this issue will disappear in the oblivion like many before it.

You can't go on an anti corruption offensive when your own closet is full of skeletons waiting to tumble out any moment.

I infact called this the very day Augusta Westland scam news broke out. Call me a soothsayer :lol:
Relatively low trade between India and Italy does not necessarily invalidate the point made by Bang Galore.

Low trade for us, but not for them. They even have a special "desk-italia" tasked with improving trade and ties with Indian industries and various governments.
It is Supreme court that is dealing with the marine case and so the court has the authority here.

Authority yes but using it will be damaging to Indian interests. My fear is that a furious SC will come down heavily on the Italians (diplomatic niceties be damned) and that will have its own long term repercussions.
What billions of dollars are you talking about?
Italy just has three and a quarter billion investment in India.
Peanuts in today's International trade /investment global market.
Get the grip on numbers first, then write some.


I think you need to update on those numbers again. Its a few years late.
Low trade for us, but not for them. They even have a special "desk-italia" tasked with improving trade and ties with Indian industries and various governments.

It is the "potential" trade that people tend to worry about.
Far cry from your prior post in the following, where you laid your thrust to this key word "economic":

Thats why I had to give you some trade figures. But now you have digressed and tweaked yr post to suit your ends.

See the contrast!
Next time write slowly.....

India is one of the top ten destinations for Italian investments: Daniele Mancini

Daniele Mancini, ambassador of Italy to India, has observed that according to National Exports Plan of Italy, a 150 billion-euro export market would be explored by the country and India is one of the top ten important destinations for Italian investments. While speaking about Indo-Italian trade prospects at Bharat Chamber of Commerce in Kolkata recently, Mancini stated that by 2015, trade volume with India will increase to 15 billion euros..............

As stated by the Italian ambassador, India will account for 15 billion euros i.e close to their 1/10 of the export market. Plus there are some big defense deals which are going through.

Last but not the least, breaking the trust of India is not in Italy's favor either economically or internationally.
What billions of dollars are you talking about?
Italy just has three and a quarter billion investment in India.
Peanuts in today's International trade /investment global market.
Get the grip on numbers first, then write some.

Man you are getting boring. Any long term stand off with India will limit all trading opportunities which will run up to billions of dollars. Now, kindly go away & play with someone else whom you might actually understand.
you know what i think Italy has calculated all the risks of such measures-
By not sending the marines back to india- they have already implemented the Plan B- ball is now in indians court how it responds- any desperate measures will only weaken the indian case and the Italians may come out of this fiasco with their heads more higher--

Such incidents although unethical does happen and when they happen there is nothing you can do-
The Italians are not going to send back the marines ever- Thats the fact-

Italy has calculated nothing. Election are going in Italy, and there is lot of resentment among Italians about Italian government inability to bring Marines back. Hence this populist stunt

This is what appeared on La Repubblica, one of their national newspapers

The Rome daily La Repubblica said the move by Premier Mario Monti’s caretaker government ”dealt a terrible blow to our credibility from the point of view of international image.” The newspaper said the decision made the fishermen victims twice. ”First by the tragic misunderstanding, then by a fraudulent behavior on the part of a country that should in any case take responsibility for what happened.”
Ambassadors has protection under Geneva Convention. India cannot hold him responsible for any act.

Yes & no. He could theoretically be stripped of that because he willingly submitted to the writ of the SC by giving an undertaking but will probably not be implemented.
Authority yes but using it will be damaging to Indian interests. My fear is that a furious SC will come down heavily on the Italians (diplomatic niceties be damned) and that will have its own long term repercussions.

SC judgement is based on trial and according to the rule of law so i don't think what ever SC says is damaging for us internationally.

On long term repercussions:

It is vice versa, if Italians want to play hide and seek and want to break the trust shown by Indians it will damage their reputation internationally.
We were talking about the italian ambassador being called heroic, I asked whether it would be for damaging ties with an economically important country....You need to read very slowly. You seem to have comprehension problems.

Move on.

Precisely what I retorted, Economically important this country is not, tiny winy Dubai does more trade with India than Italy.
Tomorrow, If a country like Burkina Faso does the same numbers, does it mean its economically great/important country for India?
Silly logic.

On the country its other way round, Italy should mind more on this.
First they violated the given word/promise on such diplomatic imbroglio that has taken shape., they should be ashamed.
Then, Italy needs India more than otherwise, because Indian investment is 10 billion in Italy, three times what Italy has in India.
So India should not be pointed out here to be playing unfair or is weaker of the two.
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