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Italian Activist: 'USA, EU, Italy, Qatar, Saudi, Turkey Support Terrorists'


At the conference in Rome between US minister of foreign affairs and his tool the Chief of Nusra Front Moath Al Khatib, a brave Italian activist raised in their face the reality they're trying to fool the Sheeple in the west.

Reality when it suits you but delusional when it doesnt, Your such a pathetic excuse for a human being...
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Reality when it suits you but delusional when it doesnt, Your such a pathetic excuse for a human being...
what are you trying to deny? F$A are nothing but terrorists, and just recently they kidnapped UN observers, that is another proof to show the world that F$A are nothing but terrorists... wake up... you ran out of arguments, that you started insulting people?
what are you trying to deny? F$A are nothing but terrorists, and just recently they kidnapped UN observers, that is another proof to show the world that F$A are nothing but terrorists... wake up... you ran out of arguments, that you started insulting people?

Don't try to argue with BordoEnes. He never has anything productive to say. He just comes in with his broken English accusing people of being "pathetic". It's the only thing he does.
No matter if Assad ends up staying or leaving after this ordeal, he will go down in history in a bad way.

I am aware that Syrian rebels are committing atrocities, but I am also aware that Syrian army is doing the same thing in a bigger scale. I got this from a UN report from a couple of weeks ago.

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/24/w...f-crimes-against-humanity.html?pagewanted=all
The source has the UN report itself posted as well.
No matter if Assad ends up staying or leaving after this ordeal, he will go down in history in a bad way.

I am aware that Syrian rebels are committing atrocities, but I am also aware that Syrian army is doing the same thing in a bigger scale. I got this from a UN report from a couple of weeks ago.

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/24/w...f-crimes-against-humanity.html?pagewanted=all
The source has the UN report itself posted as well.

UN is nothing but BS.... all those crimes were caused because of F$A, F$A kill innocent people, just to blame the government....
it is old story my friend, come up with something new...
plus Alasad does not care about what non-Syrians think of him, he only listen to the Syrian people, and Syrians want him, .
UN is nothing but BS.... all those crimes were caused because of F$A, F$A kill innocent people, just to blame the government....
it is old story my friend, come up with something new...
plus Alasad does not care about what non-Syrians think of him, he only listen to the Syrian people, and Syrians want him, .
Sorry you are right, I used the wrong source. I ment to use this one: Both sides in Syria commit war crimes including murder, torture, UN says - World News
The report is from a few weeks ago. The report covers a time period of 6 months until January of 2013.

To be honest, it's hard to imagine the majority of the Syrian people supporting Assad. Even if they don't support FSA, I can still imagine them not supporting Assad, because he is the one directly responsible for the conflict in Syria. Depends on how you would look at it, he is responsible in the way that he let things escalate because he didn't step down. But he could also be held responsible because he wasn't able to defeat the rebels, because he wasn't competent enough.

However, I am aware of the power of the media. The Syrian state televisions are able to turn public opinion to support Assad, but at the end I still think most of the Syrian people would not support Assad because of the reasons I stated above. This is just my opinion by the way, the reality might not be this way.
Sorry you are right, I used the wrong source. I ment to use this one: Both sides in Syria commit war crimes including murder, torture, UN says - World News
The report is from a few weeks ago. The report covers a time period of 6 months until January of 2013.

To be honest, it's hard to imagine the majority of the Syrian people supporting Assad. Even if they don't support FSA, I can still imagine them not supporting Assad, because he is the one directly responsible for the conflict in Syria. Depends on how you would look at it, he is responsible in the way that he let things escalate because he didn't step down. But he could also be held responsible because he wasn't able to defeat the rebels, because he wasn't competent enough.

However, I am aware of the power of the media. The Syrian state televisions are able to turn public opinion to support Assad, but at the end I still think most of the Syrian people would not support Assad because of the reasons I stated above. This is just my opinion by the way, the reality might not be this way.

Read the link I posted

and every country has opposition, does that mean every leader should step down, when couple say step down?? what logic is that??
If Alasad has no support from the Syrian people, he would have been gone already...
I have already said that million times, please take a look at this...
It is really funny to me how foreigners pretend to know what is best for Syrian people, more so then an actual Syrian like Syrian Lion, who is the only real Syrian we have here. Not including the false flagger free syrian guy.
what are you trying to deny? F$A are nothing but terrorists, and just recently they kidnapped UN observers, that is another proof to show the world that F$A are nothing but terrorists... wake up... you ran out of arguments, that you started insulting people?

Beach please, I am never out of arguments and never will. I never denied that FSA where good and harmless, But in the end the SAA is no different, You both are uneducated war hungry morons, Both side used violance as an answer. The only difference is that we dont really appreciate an Iranian puppet in charge, So we will put one that is more 'Pro-Turkish' ...
Beach please, I am never out of arguments and never will. I never denied that FSA where good and harmless, But in the end the SAA is no different, You both are uneducated war hungry morons, Both side used violance as an answer. The only difference is that we dont really appreciate an Iranian puppet in charge, So we will put one that is more 'Pro-Turkish' ...
really? so you want a pro-turkish( you forgot Syria-Turkish relations before ErDOGan sold his dignity to the west?)... that explains Turkish support for Jbhat Alnusra?? ... in other words you just said, you want terrorists.... anyways people woke up and know the truth... AKP government will regret this someday, because chaos is contagious...
Don't try to argue with BordoEnes. He never has anything productive to say. He just comes in with his broken English accusing people of being "pathetic". It's the only thing he does.

Ah yes, The 'Hypocrite' is talking again, Ofcourse my response is as usual, Its productive when it suits you but its not when it doesnt... You cant argue with people believing in the F-313 '5th Generation' fiasco lol.
really? so you want a pro-turkish( you forgot Syria-Turkish relations before ErDOGan sold his dignity to the west?)... that explains Turkish support for Jbhat Alnusra?? ... in other words you just said, you want terrorists.... anyways people woke up and know the truth... AKP government will regret this someday, because chaos is contagious...

Please, Stop acting like your any different, Its only logical for nations to supports the party that benefits them the most. Both of you are scum, One side has an arrogant cvnt which doesnt even want to give the majority of his country the same benefits as Shia/Christians, And the other hand pissed of Civilians, An as tradition goes, Everyone which is not pro-state in a regime like assads, is a terrorist.

We alreadywon anyway, Wether Assad stays or not. If he stays he will face the effect of such civil war, Economical especcialy, Syria has become useless for Regional developments. If he leaves, Trade with Turkey will be booming and as the most advanced nation in the region, That would be highly benefitial. So call them terrorist as such, i couldnt care less as long as it benefits us, Thats how everyone thinks in the end, Even the Iranian Proxies are considering changing sides... Thats how the world works, I dont like it but thats the way it is.
It is really funny to me how foreigners pretend to know what is best for Syrian people, more so then an actual Syrian like Syrian Lion, who is the only real Syrian we have here. Not including the false flagger free syrian guy.
Aren't the rebels made up of Syrian people? You'll probably reply saying that foreigners joined the fight as well, that's true, but most of the resistance is still Syrian. Just because Syrian Lion is Syrian and supports Assad, doesnt mean that all Syrians support him.
Beach please, I am never out of arguments and never will. I never denied that FSA where good and harmless, But in the end the SAA is no different, You both are uneducated war hungry morons, Both side used violance as an answer. The only difference is that we dont really appreciate an Iranian puppet in charge, So we will put one that is more 'Pro-Turkish' ...
I'm cool if Assad's predecessor isn't pro-Turkish. As long as he is a good leader for his people, I don't really care if he likes or dislikes Turkey. Politics are fickle and leaders change with the times. If Assad's predecessor isn't on good terms with Turkey, then Turkey just need to show patience and wait for the next election and hope that a different leader gets chosen.
really? so you want a pro-turkish( you forgot Syria-Turkish relations before ErDOGan sold his dignity to the west?)... that explains Turkish support for Jbhat Alnusra?? ... in other words you just said, you want terrorists.... anyways people woke up and know the truth... AKP government will regret this someday, because chaos is contagious...
I wouldn't have been happy with the Turkish government if they decided to support Assad in this conlfict to be honest. I do agree that Turkey could've been less active, or talk more in a constructive way.
its nothing new they (cia&)hav been doing this for dcades. its obvius whenthey supported death squads of mb thirty years ago used to roam streets murdering civlians. same old policy only now europand arabs do more the dirty work for there master.

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