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It was Freedom/Separation NOT Partition: Time for Seeing things with Clarity

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Freedom from British

Partitioned Punjab&Bengal

Bengali muslims Separated from Punjabi Muslims

funny thing is 'still u are discussing it even after 73 years' almost weekly.
The Idea of Pakistan lives on...and it shall continue to do.... InshaAllah!!!

Pakistan lives on and it shall continue to do.... InshaAllah!!!

Narratives. Stories. Tales. Myths. Legends.... the weaver weaves...and is still weaving...fake cloth of AkhandBaharat... stealing Our Ancient and Islamic Heritage.... on daily basis... even the poor IndusValley is not safe....

We haven't even excavated 10% of OurAncientHeritage yet... but the good Indians are busy....busy...busy...

One Million Pak Lives were Given for Separation i.e. to be separate from the good Indians to have OurPakistan!

The Movement for Pakistan was the Moment of Separation....from the good Indians.

Speeches of Our Elders, speeches of Quaid e Azam R.A. and Allama Iqbal R.A. are there for the YoungPaks to read/listen to over and over and over again.....

The Hybridwar on Pakistan has taken 80k PakLives and $220Bln loss to PakEconomy.... The Price of Separation.... still being paid on the Western borders with lives of Our Boys!

PakKashmiris have paid the prices of 7.000+ Massgraves with 100.000+ PakKashmiris in them... with 10.000+ PakKashmiris women/girls with their Honour as victims of Gang Rape...used as Weapon of War by the good Indians.... 100s lost the sight... 1000s tortured... 14.000 PakKashmiri boys taken away by the TerroristIndianArmy...

PakKashmiris want Separation from the good Indians....and are paying the price for it.

When OurWorld got smashed in 1857 for good... we were a broken Nation... a defeated minority without OurRule...and the good Indians had plans....

The British India was a BritishColony
... they won...they ruled... they played their GreatGame... sold Kashmir to an alien to keep the PakKashmiris down....

It would be instructive to read qoutes of Churchill ...the man who won the WW2 for the British... what he thought of the good Indians ....

The Great Game didn't end when the British left..it got only bigger and wider....

We are still paying for it..along with Afghans... yet the good Indians profited from both AfghanWars...and Pakistan faced IndianSponsored Terrorism...

It is imperative for the YoungPaks to understand why the British couldn't even dare to imagine the maps proposed by Ch. Rahmat ....

The activities against China in Tibet by the good Indians, British and Americans are well documented.... annexations of Sikkim and SouthTibet.... examples of support to the good Indians...

The very construct of India as mega state was to Keep Pakistan Down and China Out... because both would be able to change the Balance of Power in Asia ..hence, upset The GreatGame... now it has become TheGreatestGame!

We keep on hearing about how 'desh' was divided... or partitioned... as if it was forever one single state..and not a collection of states and pricipalities....

Even sitting with IndiaPhraand DoLaanTrum CheeWala said that 'we were one country before.....' ...this to the question of mediation on IoJK.

We do have AllooGoshtPhilosophers among us... who think the there is this line...called border..otherwise, the 'same' people and 'culture'....

Is it not the Direct Negation of the Very Idea of Pakistan?

Nothing wrong being liberal or secular...but it is when there is Renting involved...to continuously build a narrative subtly that undermines the Idea of Pakistan.

Hybridwar on Pakistan continues!

The British came.
They saw.
They conquered.
They ruled.
And then they kinda left!

They created a Geopolitical Architecture that suited the AngloShpere...and suits it till today... India the construct to keep Pakistan Down and China Out!

But then CPEC happened....

We didn't want the 'partition' of Punjab or Bengal.... Who did?

The price we paid for it. PakKashmiris are paying it ...to be separated....

The British were pure ColonialPower and had nothing to partition... it is not some rotti...

We demaned Separation and we Separated from the good Indians.

What is highly insightful that the good Indians are also yearning for Separation
...from the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan... validating thus that OurSeparation from them was the Wiset Decision!

From Guajarat to MaqboozaDelhi .... Babri Masjid verdict by the good Indian SC... and the non-stop vilification of the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan ...on their FacistMedia and in their general political discourse....to economic bycott... to putting a saffron flag on fruit cart....

All the Hindutva/RSS or Indianness is a desparate attempt to Separate from Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan...who are the poorest income group ....

Calling them Pakistani or Bengali or topi walas or puncture walas.... proves time and again that Our Separation was the best choice.

Even today the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan are Separated/Segregated in their Ghettos by the good Indians...

It is imperative for YoungPaks here on PDF at least to properly understand the Freedom/Separation Movement of Our Elders.... so that they can smash this fake narrative of 'desh ki partition ho gai'

The British were bankrupt and had to leave... but they didn't want to leave behind a power, large MuslimState that could once again become the Ruler of the good Indians... hence they constructed a mega state and gave it the name India... from BritishIndia to India.

We gave a name to Separation = Pakistan!

Something, that the YoungPaks need to ponder about!

The GeoConstruct called India is there to keep Pakistan Down and China Out...

But for some odd reason..the longterm geostrategic planners...despite giving the biggest aid and all technological help... haven't been able to prop up India as Balance of Power against China...

At best in its totality, this mega geoconstruct, India ...is there for Balance of Power against Pakistan....

CPEC is enlarging... CentralAsian will have the right to use our ports and roads...via China...bypassing Kabulistan ...effecting negatively the Persian-Indian plan of ChaBahar...

We shall face more terrorism and we shall loose more of OurBoys....

We Separated... but we are not forgotten!


@Ace of Spades @Verve @M. Sarmad @Indus Falcon @masterchief_mirza @Reddington @Mentee

Dildar Meray PaaJee @SIPRA
Excellent post as usual, good Sir!

Muslim league's master stroke was leave behind a Pakistan in India itself after partition.

I have always been saying Pakistan's Trump card is not nukes but it's reserve army of 350 million stationed within borders of India.

And your honorable PM Imran Khan is realizing that too.
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