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It was Freedom/Separation NOT Partition: Time for Seeing things with Clarity

Yes!! But the problem is not just democracy. It's whole system; judiciary, bureaucracy, politicians. And then accountability in ALL INSTITUTES. And i repeat ALL...

True that!

I wrote about it in length... Pak's CriminalEnterprise ... it is a sticky thread... in PakPolitic section... I even calculated the numbers of this CriminalEneterprise... more like a Model... but is more or less the strength of the 'system' keeping 220mln hostage and treating Pakistan as Colony!
Architects of Kashmir conflict
The Kashmir conflict emerged during the same time when the Palestine issue emerged. Both are Muslim dominated regions, both are being oppressed by the occupation forces.
We all know Edwina Mountbatten, the wife of Louis Mountbatten but a few people know that she was a dedicated Zionist and was grand-daughter of British Zionist banker Ernest Cassel who was a Jewish banker. Ernest Cassel who along with Maurice de Hirsch (German Jewish financer) financed Theodore Herzl’s movement for a World Zionist Organization. Theodore Herzl the father of the political form of Zionism supported the immigration of the Jews to Palestine in an attempt to create a Jewish State (Israel)and he is also known as the spiritual father of the state of Israel. Edwina Mountbatten was a loyal Jewess and a Zionist agent in the sub-continent who exercised influence on Louis Mountbatten, Jawaharlal Nehru and Cyril Radcliffe (who draw the boundary line for India and Pakistan) to give birth to Kashmir conflict. The role of these fine actors in giving birth to the Kashmir conflict is well documented in history. Edwina who executed her scheme aimed directly against newly-emerging Pakistan as an Islamic state. Her daughter Pamela Mountbatten in an interview confirmed that her mother’s affair with Nehru got the Kashmir deal done.
Revenge on History
Keeping historical facts aside, even if we apply the military theory of conventional warfare it is very clear that taking Kashmir is strategically essential for this band of adversaries because of Kashmir’s strategic location in South Asia. Kashmir is the vortex point between Russia, China, Pakistan, and India. Whosoever controls Kashmir not only controls the strategic military position in the northern hemisphere of South Asia but also controls the source which supplies water to South Asian countries through its more than 28 rivers, 147 glaciers in the Jhelum basin and several networks of canals.
The occupation of Kashmir on the part of the Zionists through Indian military forces was empirically based on revenge motivation. But on what political developments on the part Muslims in the sub-continent, this revenge was taken?
The answer is “The Khilafat Movement” which established a roadmap to the state claimed on the basis of Islamic ideology & this was a great setback for World’s Zionist Movement. Thus, the creation of Kashmir either as an independent state or as a proxy of India was essential for the Zionists. The Kashmir conflict emerged during the same time when the Palestine issue emerged. Both are Muslim dominated regions, both are being oppressed by the occupation forces; the difference in between the two conflicts is that Palestine is claimed by the Zionists as their Jewish Holy-land, on the other hand, the land of Kashmir is being used by the Zionists as a pawn in between India and Pakistan to control the chess game in South Asia.
The History of Khilafat movement (1919-1924) signifies the fact that Kashmir Conflict was intentionally started by the Zionists to take revenge from the Muslim leadership in the sub-continent. Khilafat movement not only created problems for administration in Britain but also disturbed the Zionist project in the Middle-east for two years which was aimed at snatching Palestine from the Ottoman’s Khilafat. Gandhi took this movement as a vital tool for political gains and joined hands with the Islamic scholars in 1920 for not only Hindus but for the Muslims of the world. During this time in the Middle-east, the Zionists federation ensure a Jewish national home in Palestine, and Gandhi was against the illegal occupation of Palestine by the state of Israel.
Murder of Gandhi just after the independence was a planned operation by the Zionists who used Nathuram Godse (an RSS member) and to pave the way for their friend Jawaharlal Nehru to rule India. Then this theory also makes sense why Sheikh Abdullah and his family were installed in Kashmir. We all know the situation in Jammu and Kashmir got worse with the installation of Sheikh Abdullah to govern Jammu and KashmirAbdullah family of Jammu and Kashmir is commonly known among Pakistanis and Kashmiris as “puppets of India”. NPP leader Bhim Singh also exposed his son Farooq Abdullah as CIA’s silent agent.
According to Historian Henry Makow’s in“The Myth of India’s Independence”; Nehru was a dedicated member of the Zionist Movement in India. Everyone knows that he was the father of Indira Gandhi and but very few know that he was the son of a Zionist Motilal Nehru who was initiated into freemasonry at Lodge Harmony in Kanpur in 1884.

These relationships are still maintained today in between the ruling families in India and Israel, and are based on their mutually shared common ideology of “The End of History”. both the Brahman Hindu and Jew consider themselves as the elite of human civilization and consider others of inferior status. This laid the foundation for secret brotherhood in between the Brahman Hindus who rule India and the Zionists who rule Israel today. This is one secret of all secrets which are only known among the elite Jewish-Kabalistic circles and the elite Brahmans of India.
Faisal Mir
Does it even matter what we call it? "British India" only existed because the Brits willed it. Pakistan exists because the people of Pakistan will to remain together with each other, separate from India, under a united state. Doesn't matter what anyone else says. This is a done debate as far as I am concerned.

The History of Khilafat movement (1919-1924) signifies the fact that Kashmir Conflict was intentionally started by the Zionists to take revenge from the Muslim leadership in the sub-continent. Khilafat movement not only created problems for administration in Britain but also disturbed the Zionist project in the Middle-east for two years which was aimed at snatching Palestine from the Ottoman’s Khilafat. Gandhi took this movement as a vital tool for political gains and joined hands with the Islamic scholars in 1920 for not only Hindus but for the Muslims of the world. During this time in the Middle-east, the Zionists federation ensure a Jewish national home in Palestine, and Gandhi was against the illegal occupation of Palestine by the state of Israel.
Murder of Gandhi just after the independence was a planned operation by the Zionists who used Nathuram Godse (an RSS member) and to pave the way for their friend Jawaharlal Nehru to rule India. Then this theory also makes sense why Sheikh Abdullah and his family were installed in Kashmir. We all know the situation in Jammu and Kashmir got worse with the installation of Sheikh Abdullah to govern Jammu and KashmirAbdullah family of Jammu and Kashmir is commonly known among Pakistanis and Kashmiris as “puppets of India”. NPP leader Bhim Singh also exposed his son Farooq Abdullah as CIA’s silent agent.

The successor to the Khilafat movement was the Majlis Ahrar, which was vehemently opposed to the Pakistan movement and Jinnah, and it was used by Gandhi to divide muslim support for Muslim League. What is this revisionist thought that seeks to cast Gandhi in an angelic light as being some sort of harbinger of peace and saviour of Muslims in the subcontinent. The man was a politician, and used every tool at his disposal to prevent the partition of the British raj, due to his religious and cultural beliefs in Bharat.
However the people are thats how the leaders are going to be.

If we want our society to be better, Just, fearless, we have to go back and do what Zia was trying to accomplish.
  • It was freedom from British rule - British India
  • Only Punjab was partitioned. Rest were organic units which federated into Pakistan.
  • Other provinces federated into Indian Union.

Please look at this infographic which makes it clear. British India was dissolved into various states.

  • It was freedom from British rule - British India
  • Only Punjab was partitioned. Rest were organic units which federated into Pakistan.
  • Other provinces federated into Indian Union.
Please look at this infographic which makes it clear. British India was dissolved into various states.


MSM-oh look Partition was le bad cause it separated one nation

Woke-It was a former British colony
. . .
  • It was freedom from British rule - British India
  • Only Punjab was partitioned. Rest were organic units which federated into Pakistan.
  • Other provinces federated into Indian Union.
Please look at this infographic which makes it clear. British India was dissolved into various states.

It's a sermon, not a debate, what leads you to think there's going to an informative exchange?

The flock has been raptured and eagerly awaits the next one.:laugh:
However the people are thats how the leaders are going to be.

If we want our society to be better, Just, fearless, we have to go back and do what Zia was trying to accomplish.

What Zia accomplished wow so great a tin pot third world military dictator who basically was reliant on economic and political aid from the Americans then again the root of the problem isnt Zia but the way the country has been govern since 1949 due in part of the Objectives Resolution
The Idea of Pakistan lives on...and it shall continue to do.... InshaAllah!!!

Pakistan lives on and it shall continue to do.... InshaAllah!!!

Narratives. Stories. Tales. Myths. Legends.... the weaver weaves...and is still weaving...fake cloth of AkhandBaharat... stealing Our Ancient and Islamic Heritage.... on daily basis... even the poor IndusValley is not safe....

We haven't even excavated 10% of OurAncientHeritage yet... but the good Indians are busy....busy...busy...

One Million Pak Lives were Given for Separation i.e. to be separate from the good Indians to have OurPakistan!

The Movement for Pakistan was the Moment of Separation....from the good Indians.

Speeches of Our Elders, speeches of Quaid e Azam R.A. and Allama Iqbal R.A. are there for the YoungPaks to read/listen to over and over and over again.....

The Hybridwar on Pakistan has taken 80k PakLives and $220Bln loss to PakEconomy.... The Price of Separation.... still being paid on the Western borders with lives of Our Boys!

PakKashmiris have paid the prices of 7.000+ Massgraves with 100.000+ PakKashmiris in them... with 10.000+ PakKashmiris women/girls with their Honour as victims of Gang Rape...used as Weapon of War by the good Indians.... 100s lost the sight... 1000s tortured... 14.000 PakKashmiri boys taken away by the TerroristIndianArmy...

PakKashmiris want Separation from the good Indians....and are paying the price for it.

When OurWorld got smashed in 1857 for good... we were a broken Nation... a defeated minority without OurRule...and the good Indians had plans....

The British India was a BritishColony
... they won...they ruled... they played their GreatGame... sold Kashmir to an alien to keep the PakKashmiris down....

It would be instructive to read qoutes of Churchill ...the man who won the WW2 for the British... what he thought of the good Indians ....

The Great Game didn't end when the British left..it got only bigger and wider....

We are still paying for it..along with Afghans... yet the good Indians profited from both AfghanWars...and Pakistan faced IndianSponsored Terrorism...

It is imperative for the YoungPaks to understand why the British couldn't even dare to imagine the maps proposed by Ch. Rahmat ....

The activities against China in Tibet by the good Indians, British and Americans are well documented.... annexations of Sikkim and SouthTibet.... examples of support to the good Indians...

The very construct of India as mega state was to Keep Pakistan Down and China Out... because both would be able to change the Balance of Power in Asia ..hence, upset The GreatGame... now it has become TheGreatestGame!

We keep on hearing about how 'desh' was divided... or partitioned... as if it was forever one single state..and not a collection of states and pricipalities....

Even sitting with IndiaPhraand DoLaanTrum CheeWala said that 'we were one country before.....' ...this to the question of mediation on IoJK.

We do have AllooGoshtPhilosophers among us... who think the there is this line...called border..otherwise, the 'same' people and 'culture'....

Is it not the Direct Negation of the Very Idea of Pakistan?

Nothing wrong being liberal or secular...but it is when there is Renting involved...to continuously build a narrative subtly that undermines the Idea of Pakistan.

Hybridwar on Pakistan continues!

The British came.
They saw.
They conquered.
They ruled.
And then they kinda left!

They created a Geopolitical Architecture that suited the AngloShpere...and suits it till today... India the construct to keep Pakistan Down and China Out!

But then CPEC happened....

We didn't want the 'partition' of Punjab or Bengal.... Who did?

The price we paid for it. PakKashmiris are paying it ...to be separated....

The British were pure ColonialPower and had nothing to partition... it is not some rotti...

We demaned Separation and we Separated from the good Indians.

What is highly insightful that the good Indians are also yearning for Separation
...from the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan... validating thus that OurSeparation from them was the Wiset Decision!

From Guajarat to MaqboozaDelhi .... Babri Masjid verdict by the good Indian SC... and the non-stop vilification of the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan ...on their FacistMedia and in their general political discourse....to economic bycott... to putting a saffron flag on fruit cart....

All the Hindutva/RSS or Indianness is a desparate attempt to Separate from Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan...who are the poorest income group ....

Calling them Pakistani or Bengali or topi walas or puncture walas.... proves time and again that Our Separation was the best choice.

Even today the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan are Separated/Segregated in their Ghettos by the good Indians...

It is imperative for YoungPaks here on PDF at least to properly understand the Freedom/Separation Movement of Our Elders.... so that they can smash this fake narrative of 'desh ki partition ho gai'

The British were bankrupt and had to leave... but they didn't want to leave behind a power, large MuslimState that could once again become the Ruler of the good Indians... hence they constructed a mega state and gave it the name India... from BritishIndia to India.

We gave a name to Separation = Pakistan!

Something, that the YoungPaks need to ponder about!

The GeoConstruct called India is there to keep Pakistan Down and China Out...

But for some odd reason..the longterm geostrategic planners...despite giving the biggest aid and all technological help... haven't been able to prop up India as Balance of Power against China...

At best in its totality, this mega geoconstruct, India ...is there for Balance of Power against Pakistan....

CPEC is enlarging... CentralAsian will have the right to use our ports and roads...via China...bypassing Kabulistan ...effecting negatively the Persian-Indian plan of ChaBahar...

We shall face more terrorism and we shall loose more of OurBoys....

We Separated... but we are not forgotten!


@Ace of Spades @Verve @M. Sarmad @Indus Falcon @masterchief_mirza @Reddington @Mentee

Dildar Meray PaaJee @SIPRA
Good luck with revisionism.

Alternative - take pride in being Muslim. And cherish the brotherhood instead of firing your nationalistic guns on a Sunday.
So here we go once again :D
Ghum phir ke ek bar aur.
I think a sticky thread or separate section shud be created for similar topics.
Title can be either Identity crisis or Pakistan ka matlab kya?
What Zia accomplished wow so great a tin pot third world military dictator who basically was reliant on economic and political aid from the Americans then again the root of the problem isnt Zia but the way the country has been govern since 1949 due in part of the Objectives Resolution

Most of the worlds history has been ruled by dictators.

Thats exactly why we should be implementing things according to the Quran to make our society better, a more purer society.
Most of the worlds history has been ruled by dictators.

Thats exactly why we should be implementing things according to the Quran to make our society better, a more purer society.

I am not against authoritarian rule then again former third world countries that became developed had dictators but Pakistani dictators from Ayub to Zia to Mushy have all failed
. .

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