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It was a secret project-MILRES


Feb 20, 2008
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Milres (National wind energy systems) From turbines, gears to wings, towers...etc


Planned roadway in 2007.

First prototype 500kW turbine to be operational in this year specifications

In Netherlands we have a lot of this things. Its not so super like they saying. This thing need a lot of maintenance and dont give a lot of energie. One windturbine is enough for 1 far.
In Netherlands we have a lot of this things. Its not so super like they saying. This thing need a lot of maintenance and dont give a lot of energie. One windturbine is enough for 1 far.

Actually, Noone cares about wind turbines being a super energy resources of not. It is a green energy that The World shows great interests meaning a huge market to be reached in following years. It is about being able to manacture the turbines which is classified as 2,5MW+more as a turning point. The statics indicates for only home market, Turkey will secure 9 billion $ to be saved in home thanks to Milres project within 8-9 years. There are lots of licence agreements given/to be given which is aiming to increase the wind energy rate of country from 1600MW to 20000MW. If we consider 9 billion $(home) + X billion $ (export) incomes, It is clearly shown How important project Milres is along with defence industry projects for following years. That's why TAI along with lots of subcontactors are working in same project.
@cabatli_53 may i ask which 9 billion$ are we talking about here? Was there a secret budget for wind turbine procurement as well? The question is, is this MILRES' estimation from amount of potential Turkey have or was there some tender in progress that I have no knowledge of?

What's important here is the wing design. With the tight mountain passages we have, wide angles shouldn't be much of a problem. We can improve efficiency by using composite materials (perhaps the only reason why TAI is involved :)) If composites become too much of an expense we can stick with light alloys but as we have discussed before; mostly developed countries invest in renewable sources so unit costs should be second plan. I believe @Sinan has some expertise, he may have some words
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]cabatli_53 may i ask which 9 billion$ are we talking about here? Was there a secret budget for wind turbine procurement as well? The question is, is this MILRES' estimation from amount of potential Turkey have or was there some tender in progress that I have no knowledge of?

1 Kasım 2007
itibariyle EPDK’ya yapılan toplam lisans başvurusu 86GW, kesinleşmiş toplam gücümüz (kurulu, inşa
halinde, sözleşmesi imzalanmış) 2.5GW mertebesindedir. Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı’nın bu
alandaki resmi öngörüsü 10 Yıl içinde yaklaşık 20GW rüzgâr gücü kapasitesine ulaşmaktır. Bu değer
20-30 yıl içinde tahminen 40GW kurulu kapasiteye ulaşacaktır. Tamamen yabancı firmaların hâkim
olduğu ülkemiz piyasa şartlarında maliyetler kabaca megavat başına 1.5 milyon Amerikan dolarını
bulmaktadır (1.5 milyon USD/MW). Bu da kesinleşmiş toplam kapasitemiz 2GW için 3 Milyar USD, 10
yıllık toplam 20GW için 30 Milyar USD ve 20-30 yıl içinde gerçekçi bir tahminle toplam 40GW için 60
Milyar USD gibi son derece yüksek meblağların söz konusu olduğunu göstermektedir

If you compare this system with solar tower ( Wind - $1.5 Million /MW / Solar Tower -$10. Million / MW ) This system is much better.

What's important here is the wing design. With the tight mountain passages we have, wide angles shouldn't be much of a problem. We can improve efficiency by using composite materials (perhaps the only reason why TAI is involved :)) If composites become too much of an expense we can stick with light alloys but as we have discussed before; mostly developed countries invest in renewable sources so unit costs should be second plan. I believe Sinan has some expertise, he may have some words

There are important parameters as wing design, wing weight, efficiency of gearbox, efficiency of alternator, etc...)

For more detailed info: http://www.mmo.org.tr/resimler/dosya_ekler/3fe6212d42098ba_ek.pdf
If you compare this system with solar tower ( Wind - $1.5 Million /MW / Solar Tower -$10. Million / MW ) This system is much better.
Of course It's not so simple, this system requires some serious maintenance(mechanical components, moving parts, etc) on the other hand solar plants require very little. You may have to clean the panels every once in a while maybe :D as the polymer solar cell technology improves, they will be much, much cheaper to build. Every good thing requires some R&D work, this technology is no different. Wind trubines too will improve with use of composite materials.
As long as we decrease the share of gas-run-plants. All the other plants are welcome.
I knew about this last or previous year. I don't understand why it's called "secret".
The blades look like made in German wind blades. Are you sure they are not imported?

Why secret? Turkish industry is clear. Nothing is secret.
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