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It may be Modi Vs Rahul in 2014 elections

I prefer someone who can give India double digit growth rates, so cheers on that.

What was the highest growth rate BJP gave you in two stints at power and when the global recession hadn't hit?

Nothing has been proven against Modi. Stop calling innocent men guilty.

The courts follow a rule of evidence and witnesses. Evidence can be manufactured and witnesses bought. Votes count for personal opinion and everyone knows what Modi is.
What was the highest growth rate BJP gave you in two stints at power and when the global recession hadn't hit?

max was 8.5 -9 in 2004. tht is not bad but we want over 10% and both bjp and congress completel;y understand that. our nation is hungry for food and more power buildup in the world. below 10% after 2015 is unacceptable. just waiting for economic conditions to get better.
Washington: Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi may pose a challenge to Congress's young scion Rahul Gandhi in India's next parliamentary elections, Time magazine said.

Modi, who figured on the cover page of the latest issues of the Asia edition of the prestigious magazine, which hit the stands yesterday could put up a challenge to Gandhi in particular after the recently held Uttar Pradesh assembly elections, where Congress fared poorly.

"With two years left before the next national election in 2014, Congress hopes its young scion, Sonia's son Rahul, will refresh the party, but a resounding loss in a recent state election makes him look vulnerable," Time said.

"Modi Means Business. But can he lead India?" says the headline on the coverage which has a blown up picture of a serious looking bearded Modi who has ruled Gujarat for more than a decade now.

"Modi, 61, is perhaps the only contender with the track record and name recognition to challenge Rahul Gandhi," says the cover story by Jyoti Thottam, which includes an interview of Modi.

"Many Indians recoil at any mention of a man whose name is indelibly linked to Gujarat's brutality of 2002; choosing him as India's leader would seem a rejection of the country's tradition of political secularism and a sure path to increased tension with Muslim Pakistan, where he is reviled," it says.

"But when others think of someone who can bring India out of the mire of chronic corruption and inefficiency ? of a firm, no-nonsense leader who will set the nation on a course of development that might finally put it on par with China ? they think of Modi," Time says.

The cover story highlights the achievement of Gujarat under his Chief Minister ship. "What's certain is that during his 10 years in power in Gujarat, the state has become India's most industrialised and business-friendly territory, having largely escaped the land conflicts and petty corruption that often paralyze growth elsewhere in the nation," it said.

"Gujarat's USD 85 billion economy may not be the largest in India, but it has prospered without the benefit of natural resources, fertile farmland, a big population center like Mumbai or a lucrative high-tech hub like Bangalore. Gujarat's success, even Modi's detractors acknowledge, is a result of good planning, exactly what so much of India lacks," the magazine said.

But Time does point out towards the 2002 riots, the victims of which are yet to get justice. "In the decade since that carnage, dozens of individual rioters have been convicted, but the state has never had to answer accusations that it failed to halt the violence: no top officials have been held accountable or had conspiracy charges proved against them," it said.

"One case naming Modi remains open, a notorious incident in which nearly 200 people were killed while taking shelter in the home of a Muslim politician, Ehsan Jafri, whose desperate calls to government officials for protection were ignored.

Modi denies ever hearing from Jafri, who was dismembered and killed. If this case also ends without any charges being brought, the last remaining obstacle between Modi and national office will fall," the weekly wrote.

It may be Modi Vs Rahul in 2014 elections: Time

Lets hope Rahul Gandhi goes crying back all the way to the house of Mainos in Italy
NDA will not allow Modi to campaign together but Modi may campaign BJP only areas. BJP will lose again if it projects Modi as PM. It has made lot of effort in losing its untouchability. I dont think they will repeat the isolation of 90s.

Actually what is keeping BJP out of power is not the fact the Muslims don't vote for it (except in Gujarat), it is the fact that the Hindus don't vote for it.

And the reason the Hindus don't vote for it is that the BJP brass prefer being in a corrupt opposition party rather than in an efficient and strong party lead by Modi.

he is one of the most respected politicians and scholar. so dont let ur hatred of congress turn into hatred for one great son of India.

India loves its image as a happy go lucky land where Muslims go to Teerath Yatra and Hindus wish they could go for Haj. Where there is secularism and modernism, orgies on the streets, and candy rains from the skies.

That image can't be sold with a Hindu frothing from his mouth shouting racial remarks as a PM.

It will be fun if there is Modi in India and a Charismatic figure like Imran Khan here in Pak. It will be Musharraf vs Vajpayee again. Vajpayee used to put people to sleep while Musharraf went in bam bam and came out.

It has always been easier for Pakistan to take out Hindu fundamentalist nutjobs than the secular folks in Delhi.
believe me that even modi can not do anything if he becomes PM...we need more CM like him in every state....PM post is useless anyways..
It will be fun if there is Modi in India and a Charismatic figure like Imran Khan here in Pak. It will be Musharraf vs Vajpayee again. Vajpayee used to put people to sleep while Musharraf went in bam bam and came out.

Let's go for it.

You can get your Imran Khan, and we will get Modi. Let's see who wins. ;)
India loves its image as a happy go lucky land where Muslims go to Teerath Yatra and Hindus wish they could go for Haj. Where there is secularism and modernism, orgies on the streets, and candy rains from the skies.

That image can't be sold with a Hindu frothing from his mouth shouting racial remarks as a PM.

It will be fun if there is Modi in India and a Charismatic figure like Imran Khan here in Pak. It will be Musharraf vs Vajpayee again. Vajpayee used to put people to sleep while Musharraf went in bam bam and came out.

It has always been easier for Pakistan to take out Hindu fundamentalist nutjobs than the secular folks in Delhi.

I dont know any Hindu who wants to go for Haj.

Vajpayee put people to sleep? Guess u haven't heard him speak,even people who didn't understand Hindi would show up for his meetings.

And Imran Khan is just a little kid in front of Modi? Let us see if Imran wins first.

Modi is already the CM of a province for close to 10 years.
India loves its image as a happy go lucky land where Muslims go to Teerath Yatra and Hindus wish they could go for Haj. Where there is secularism and modernism, orgies on the streets, and candy rains from the skies.

That image can't be sold with a Hindu frothing from his mouth shouting racial remarks as a PM.

It will be fun if there is Modi in India and a Charismatic figure like Imran Khan here in Pak. It will be Musharraf vs Vajpayee again. Vajpayee used to put people to sleep while Musharraf went in bam bam and came out.

It has always been easier for Pakistan to take out Hindu fundamentalist nutjobs than the secular folks in Delhi.

Dude honestly please stop trolling. If you think Musharraf was was better than Vajpayee, then you are in a dreamland that I dont think anyone can wake you up from. While Musharraf laid the foundations for all kinds of problems Pakistan finds itself in today, Vajpayee laid the foundations because of which the Indian economy has doubled in the last 5 or so years.

That being said, we dont give 2 shits about what Pakistan thinks of our election candidates or our secular ideology. We dont care if you prefer a Hindu fundamentalist GoI or a secular GoI. You are not Indian, this is an internal Indian matter which has nothing to do with Pakistan whatsoever, but you are simply trolling here with no valuable discussion. I think it would be better if you spent your intellectual assets in another thread.
Dude honestly please stop trolling. If you think Musharraf was was better than Vajpayee, then you are in a dreamland that I dont think anyone can wake you up from. While Musharraf laid the foundations for all kinds of problems Pakistan finds itself in today, Vajpayee laid the foundations because of which the Indian economy has doubled in the last 5 or so years.

I'm talking about on bilateral issues and on the international scene. Musharraf's hand shake alone was a very heavy burden on Vajpayee.

When Vajpayee spoke he looked like a senile elderly gentleman who has been made head of state, to top it all off, the Hindu fundo tag.
I'm talking about on bilateral issues and on the international scene. Musharraf's hand shake alone was a very heavy burden on Vajpayee.

When Vajpayee spoke he looked like a senile elderly gentleman who has been made head of state, to top it all off, the Hindu fundo tag.

Ok fine. We will elect a Hindu fundamentalist in Modi just so that Pakistan can enjoy bilateral relations. I hope you are happy.
Ok fine. We will elect a Hindu fundamentalist in Modi just so that Pakistan can enjoy bilateral relations. I hope you are happy.

Please take things in the spirit of discussion on a discussion forum. You are a case in point about Hindu fundos who start frothing in the mouth when faced with Pakistani secularists.

Even though it would be beneficial for Pakistan to have a nutjob in charge of India, I wouldn't wish Modi on my worst enemies.
Gujarat riots were not a planned conspiracy it was a spontaneous sequence of events that spiralled out of control from the Godhra train burning, so how did Modi plan and execute the riots?
I'm talking about on bilateral issues and on the international scene. Musharraf's hand shake alone was a very heavy burden on Vajpayee.

When Vajpayee spoke he looked like a senile elderly gentleman who has been made head of state, to top it all off, the Hindu fundo tag.

Unfortunately for Pakistan, Mushy's hand wasn't strong enough to lift Pakistan out of its misery. :azn:

Vajpayee was a true statesman. Mushy is more of a pathological liar. The guy's reputation for lying is all too pervasive. You only have to know where to look.

Vajpayee strengthened economic and democratic the foundations laid by the previous government.

Musharraf strengthened the Pakistani Army tradition of trampling democracy and 'bloody civilians' under the boots of the General.
Vajpayee won international acclaim with the restraint he exercised in Kargil by not crossing the LoC. That was his legacy.

Mushy's legacy? Waging war without even taking his PM in confidence. Then losing that war comprehensively being beaten black and blue out of Kargil. Forcing his PM to take shelter in Uncle Sam's lap to prevent his country from being drawn into the spectre of war with a much larger and stronger military.

Not only this. The guys comes back, imprisons his democratically elected PM, sends him to exile and begins his grand project of shaking the very foundations of Pakistani security.

O Mushy! My leader is thee! In thou shalt lay the faith of thy bloody civilian followers! ROFLMFAO

You really should thank Nawaz and Bill for their contribution in saving your country from Mushy's whimsical war.

A lost war is what is Mushy's legacy.

Mushy was the one who gave the Americans the permission to drone you guys, wasn't he?

WoW! A man of steel indeed. :lol: Shoved some of his steel down the arses of the poor, common Pakistani on the street.

Mushy was the one who dragged you into America's WoT, wasn't he?

:lol: What a pragmatic leader!

Mushy wa sthe one who sacked your then CJ, wasn't he?

:lol: What an able administrator!

Mushy was the one who let Blackwater and CIA operatives inside Pakistan, wasn't he?

:lol: All hail Mushy the great leader of Pakistan.


BTW, why is the great Mushy nowadays hiding as a fugitive?
Please take things in the spirit of discussion on a discussion forum. You are a case in point about Hindu fundos who start frothing in the mouth when faced with Pakistani secularists.

Even though it would be beneficial for Pakistan to have a nutjob in charge of India, I wouldn't wish Modi on my worst enemies.
Good for you is that modi becoming pm of india is extremely difficult
due to People of vote bank religion are easily illusionised by their psycho religious leaders snd sickularists
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