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It is the right time to make peace with India: Najam Sethi

I hope one day India and rest of the world will get inspired by Pakistan and become as prosperous and peaceful as Pakistan.

That is the point, if you associate your internal problems with your neighbors and stop playing cricket (i wonder how it helps) peace will remain illusive.
Pakistan is bleeding because of indian armed TTP! this is definately not the best time for peace?
How can India put any condition over something which never belongs to India in the first place.


Pakistan and Pakistanis want peace with India. We are ready to make it so only if India stops attrocities in Held Kashmir, Stops blocking our water, stops lobbying for weakening Pakistani defence, stops childish propaganda against Pakistan and so on. The list is long.

So lets not assume India is just a saint.

If intentions are pure.. we will both understand there are mistakes from both sides. If you are going on an accusiation spree nothing is going to happen. Accepting mistakes is the first step, atleast at the grass root level, that is by the people of both countries. If that happens the same will refelect in diplomacy. The fact of the matte is there is deep rooted hate and MISTRUST between the two nations. Given the present scenario and from where we stand, the shore of peace is too far away invisible to the naked eye. First instead of peace, effort should be made to understand the problems as it is and get a larger perspective, peace should come gradually if not in this generation atleast the next, we all should start paving the way by trying to understand each other without prejudice.
That is the point, if you associate your internal problems with your neighbors and stop playing cricket (i wonder how it helps) peace will remain illusive.
Pakistan is bleeding because of indian armed TTP! this is definately not the best time for peace?

i can also say that.

um... Indian Kashmir is also bleeding, because of Pakistan armed militants their.

First thing for peace.

Acceptance on part of India that yes , Kashmir is the core Issue ALONGSIDE terrorism.

Subsequently , for both sides to Accept reality as it stands today on both sides - for India to accpet that the entire J&K will never be a part of integrated india again

For Pak to understand that there is going to be no plebiscite or anything close to that , nobody can force India and that too a rising one and violence will only bring about more violence.

If we can make the status quo as Intl. border then talks can be taken forward on removing restriction on both sides for travel so all Kashmiris feel and do as they wish.

P.S. - I don't have a opinion on whats right or wrong in Kashmir and whose point of view is correct so don't cut me to size on that issue at least.
If you're so proud that you have a separate homeland for the Muslims, why do you live in the United Kingdom?

India-Pak relations are too complicated and can't be solved unless major concessions are made by both sides.

Just because i have a UK flag doesnt mean i live here; I still have a Pakistani Passport mate :pakistan:

Yup; the relations are really complicated; we're willing to let go off of Kashmir if they vote for a separate state; are you willing to do the same...?
Yup; the relations are really complicated; we're willing to let go off of Kashmir if they vote for a separate state; are you willing to do the same...?

Kashmir was already separate independent state before Pakistan invaded it. It was having standstill treaty with both countries.
Kashmir was already separate independent state before Pakistan invaded it. It was having standstill treaty with both countries.

Listen fella, realise that people of kashmir want nothing to do with india, they made that clear many times. However indian does not seem to understand that.

As far as peace is concerned with India i believe that is possible when we are sitting in delhi, as a muslim we know no matter we are guaranteed victory and it is in our fate and belief to destroy/smash the facist indian dictatorship.

Pushtoons and and pakistan zinda bad Allah O Akbar soon india pakistan banay ga like the old times.
Just because i have a UK flag doesnt mean i live here; I still have a Pakistani Passport mate :pakistan:

Yup; the relations are really complicated; we're willing to let go off of Kashmir if they vote for a separate state; are you willing to do the same...?

To be frank, NO. India is not in a position to do so now. But yes, if the relations between both countries improve, and there is a trust between both countries, India might hear the voice of kashmiris independent of Pakistani persuasion.
Right now, there is an impression that, pakistani's have fueld the freedom struggle and terrorism in kashmir. As long as such impression is there in india. Kashmiri voice will never be heard and that is a sad fact.
I don't know about right or left, but if we(pakistan & india) resolve kashmir issue then it is always very good time to make peace with india. Otherwise, things will never move forward.
Listen fella, realise that people of kashmir want nothing to do with india, they made that clear many times. However indian does not seem to understand that.

As far as peace is concerned with India i believe that is possible when we are sitting in delhi, as a muslim we know no matter we are guaranteed victory and it is in our fate and belief to destroy/smash the facist indian dictatorship.

Pushtoons and and pakistan zinda bad Allah O Akbar soon india pakistan banay ga like the old times.

When is this going to happen ?? Forget Pakistan, no islamic nation has defeated any non islamic nation in living memory. From the Indian defeat of Pakistan in 1971 to the thrashing by Israelis of a dozen middle eastern nation in the 6 day war in 1967!
Rhetorics are good and you might even get some self confidence , however it always pays to be more circumspect in life.
hellooooooooo can anybuddy tell me what is the "kashmir isuue"?
i think there is no issue....all are the sue by pakistan...
kashmir is the democratic state...not like pakistani kashmir of pakistan..

so away from my kashmir...
aur kuch pado likho aur acche admi ban ke dikhao tab to duniya tumhe accha kahegi..samghe
When is this going to happen ?? Forget Pakistan, no islamic nation has defeated any non islamic nation in living memory. From the Indian defeat of Pakistan in 1971 to the thrashing by Israelis of a dozen middle eastern nation in the 6 day war in 1967!
Rhetorics are good and you might even get some self confidence , however it always pays to be more circumspect in life.

afghanistan defeated the british read up left one person alive to tell the story, read up on Amir dost Muhammad, before that mughals defeated india, before that ghuri and before that ghazni also look at spain defeated by the moors and ruled for many centuries do some research and then make comments like that.

By the way we are not arabs we pakistanis are different we have balls we fight to the bitter end.

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