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It is the right time to make peace with India: Najam Sethi

Listen all my friend what is the point of peace between these two nations. I mean one mother F!@#$% do something and we all back again pointing each other with our giant nuke. We were going so fine before Mumbai attack, we both were enjoying each other. One mistake by one A@# h@#$% and we are back to F!@# each other up.

So until we honestly behave good and respect each other from our heart I think all this drama of good relationship is pointless. We should both fix our attitude first towards each other and then talk about peace.

I got really frustrated when I hear something happened big and India is point from first day to Pakistan that Pakistani have done this etc. Without any proof pointing each other a finger give a clear indication that who like who. So we all need to be both clean our heart first and then talk about all this drama. Other wise there is no point of peace or friendship etc. It’s better we live like this so at least it did not break millions of heart when we start fighting.
So let that be united, hand over your piece of land to Pakistan and host any polls and any plebiscite there in the united J&K. Now don't say this unification of Kashmir should be with Indian held part. We have already accepted one of the two requirements that it should be united. We are flexible and listening to you, its your turn to show some.

But honestly speaking, United Nation can does so in Indian held part and the liberated Kashmir and that would be acceptable to Pakistan and Kashmirees. If India is willing to resolve the Kashmir Dispute peacefully, India has no reasons not to accept this proposal. India would not quite Kashmir even if every single Kashmiree would say they are part of Pakistan. Its not desire of the people that's holding India back or making him spend 36 Bullion Dollars a year over defense. Its India's desire to keep Kashmir for other geopolitical and economic reasons.

UN resolution is the only argument you can come up with...tell me this - did the UN allow you to sell parts of Kashmir to China?

What guarantee is there you wouldnt sell the rest of it off?
Indian subcontinent is there, as once piece of land, since the begining of time. Somehow it split into many nations in the name of religion. It still is one piece of land academically- INDIAN subcontinent.

Oh wow; I can claim america as part of Pakistan now; as the continents were all connected as "Pangaea" since the beginning of time... nice analogy.

It is btw known academically as South Asia in Europe and the Americas. Only indians claim it as Indian Subcontinent as if the other people do not have a claim to this land; kisi k **** ki jageer nai hai ye jaga...

So what if we separated in the name of religion? We didn't want to live in a hindu majority country and we're proud that we got a separate homeland for us muslims. :pakistan:
I wish peace for india but peace in india is not subjected to Pakistan, they have enough of there own troubles.
It was no Pakistan who inspired moody for ethnic cleansing, it was not Pakistan who inspired hindus to burn Christians alive, it was not Pakistan who advised indian army to insult Muslim women...and the list go on.
Point being any diplomacy with Pakistan cannot help improve conditions of any sort, inside india.
On the contrary, I'm not hope ful of any similar gesture from indian side.
We should subject the diplomacy with pull out of indian troops from Afghanistan and stop hosting and funding Baluchi terroists.
Having said that, I see govt. of Pakistan have already given many concessions to india whihc they have never enjoyed in past.
e.g. use of air space and land transit, for the purpose of terrorists transport, smugling of kidnaped Afghani and Pakistani children, supply of arms and explosives to Pakistan via Afghanistan etc. etc.

Importan point to note is the diplomatic U turn of india vis-a-vi Pakistan and Bangladesh.
I wonder it is because india is trying to save its pupet govts. in both states after they being exposed for working against their national interest.

I hope one day India and rest of the world will get inspired by Pakistan and become as prosperous and peaceful as Pakistan.
who is this "we" by the way. Indus People didnt grew out of soil did they?......they all migrated! if that was the case u and me can call Africa home.

And did African grew out of soil?
Oh wow; I can claim america as part of Pakistan now; as the continents were all connected as "Pangaea" since the beginning of time... nice analogy.

It is btw known academically as South Asia in Europe and the Americas. Only indians claim it as Indian Subcontinent as if the other people do not have a claim to this land; kisi k **** ki jageer nai hai ye jaga...

So what if we separated in the name of religion? We didn't want to live in a hindu majority country and we're proud that we got a separate homeland for us muslims. :pakistan:

Probably Bengali Muslims are proud too. May be some day Balochis will be proud too.
Oh wow; I can claim america as part of Pakistan now; as the continents were all connected as "Pangaea" since the beginning of time... nice analogy.

It is btw known academically as South Asia in Europe and the Americas. Only indians claim it as Indian Subcontinent as if the other people do not have a claim to this land; kisi k **** ki jageer nai hai ye jaga...

So what if we separated in the name of religion? We didn't want to live in a hindu majority country and we're proud that we got a separate homeland for us muslims. :pakistan:

I wont blame you. Most of the people, including you, only know the bigining of continants from Pangaea. A little geography lessons for u. Do u realize that Pangaea was formed by colliding many land masses?. If not refer to any credible scientific and geographic scholar. Now i have a video for u for quick reference, Keep an eye on Indian subcontinant. might help u understand what i am talking about.

Its a natgeo video...dont tell me its made by RAW.:rolleyes:

PS:"South Asia" and "Indian subcontinent" are used by academics interchangeably. u can refer any source.

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Yes there is and in reality there has always been a chance for peace.
BUT the reality is there is not going to be peace because no one wants to let go of the various mantras specifically J&K of “Its mine”, “No it isn’t”, etc.

What is worse is the fact that people who should be looking outside the box, ie the on coming generations, for solutions do little more that perpetrate these mundane mantras.

It is some 60 years since the birth of these two nations but both are still behaving like 2 year olds.

India wants to be a super power. The argument is we have the military might, (nuclear power), the political power and he economic power.
Being a super power also is a case of leadership, be it regional or world. India has not demonstrated this in real terms. The constant bickering with Pakistan and neighbours collective does not show leadership.
India also has many internal issue still to resolve as well.

Pakistan, well there are problems and many are self generated.
The article titled “Feudalism in Pakistan” is a good point on this.
It is here on this forum at:

Face some facts the political parties are semi feudal dynasties and represent the “landed” power block. The reality that land holders still control so much and delivers so little to the local surfs is in many ways worse than the old feudal system.
FATA and Balochistan are just examples of provinces/regions left on the fringe of the power group. These are areas of the most obvious problems and yet so little is done to solve these except by military means.

Yes it is time to look outside the current black box and fine solution and deliver peace between these two nations.
Both need real peace to get on with their own internal solutions.
I have said before a peaceful stable India and Pakistan would be an economic power house in the region. Seems no one really wants this anyway...

But heck, why bother! Bickering is so much fun and keeps everyone happy. They don’t see their own problems so its all Ok.
We didn't want to live in a hindu majority country and we're proud that we got a separate homeland for us muslims

If you're so proud that you have a separate homeland for the Muslims, why do you live in the United Kingdom?

India-Pak relations are too complicated and can't be solved unless major concessions are made by both sides.
It's all very fragile - it takes only a dozen men with ammunition to put any prospect of peace back by at least a decade.

I agree with you. Pakistan is the victim of the terrorism.
India-Pak relations are too complicated and can't be solved unless major concessions are made by both sides.

Concessions..hmm.. Forget Kashmir and in return we will take our eyes off of Delhi.
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