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‘It is in India’s interest to integrate into CPEC’

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71 credit goes to bengalis, otherwise your inferior much larger malnutationed faced us in 65 and couldnt do shit instead its shame that triple in size army have to quit war and PM died with heart attack,

71 shows that how pathetic you baniya are.. You need proxies and civil wars to win a war against 7 times smaller nation.. Shove that victory where sun dont shine... Only low life bhangi can celebrate it as victory..

As i said we dont care, just dare to challenge us, we will not take much time to send ur kind in vedic age..
Relax bro. They have nothing but the same old rants (aka randi rona). Ignore them. Keep focused on what's ahead and keep showing them the F'off, we're busy sign. lolz.
It is unfortunate that we are unable to keep our house in order, and have to rely on an outside power to tell us what to do, whether is the US, China or IMF. Yet what must be remembered is that for China this project is to generate wealth, not generate development of the people of Pakistan.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/gwadar’s-crisis.447802/#ixzz4JNR8lxQI
:D Bhai jaan, It's not 52 million tons. It's in ounces.

Na kar yar it's in tons, anyways let the delusional prevail for the time being, we have some serious things to do and it has not been our trademark to boast about things before we really have them.
It is unfortunate that we are unable to keep our house in order, and have to rely on an outside power to tell us what to do, whether is the US, China or IMF. Yet what must be remembered is that for China this project is to generate wealth, not generate development of the people of Pakistan.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/gwadar’s-crisis.447802/#ixzz4JNR8lxQI
For China this project is for it's own strategic goal (of OBOR), whilst for Pakistan, it is a GOLDEN opportunity to use it to it's maximum potential for Pakistan's benefit.

Pakistan military and Nawaz Sharif Government understands this and are working together without any differences whatsoever.
Its a situation of damn if you do, damn if you dont for India. The more India oppose CPEC, more hostile Pakistan and China, its biggest and very powerful neighbors, would become. India can keep its hostile posture, and watch the CPEC integrate the regional business and trade going all the way to Russia, bar India , or take the bitter pill and join CPEC as a junior partner for long term benefits. Current Indian policy to somehow try to throw spanner in the works by resorting to terrorism and proxy war would backfire as no amount of backing by sugerdaddies in western civilization would guarantee Indian own internal stability if it comes to that.
For China this project is for it's own strategic goal (of OBOR), whilst for Pakistan, it is a GOLDEN opportunity to use it to it's maximum potential for Pakistan's benefit.

Pakistan military and Nawaz Sharif Government understands this and are working together without any differences whatsoever.
For once (rather surprisingly) I agree with you. It is a golden opportunity IF govt acts on the opportunities. Otherwise, you will be left with China pulling the strings, telling you what to do, where to do, and how to do. Not a good scenario, considering pretty much all your eggs are in one basket (china's) now.

Though it doesn't matter to us, so ignore if you don't like my point of view (and avoid abusing). Unlike in real world, in PDF discussions, we can give you genuinely good advise, and you can ignore us.
India: More than half a century of of terrorism in the neighborhood, resulting in 100s of thousands innocent civilian deaths at the hands of Indian financed, trained, armed terrorists.... LTTE, Mukti Bahini, BLA, TTP...

And that is just the tip of the iceberg!

what can you say to idiotic statements, just move on a laugh it off! thanks for the comic relief, but need to crank it up a bit more to get my vote! between step out Pakistan and say that to someone else, i would like to see their reaction!
Incorrect, those who are allowed to leave negative ratings hold the similar mindset you exhibit. So therefore its a case of being trigger happy. Anyway lets not derail the main subject. 40 Billion china is investing in CPEC, a disputed territory is asking for trouble.
GB is not disputed. It's like saying GOA is disputed.
Whole of J & K, including GB, P0K and aksai chin (part illegally leased to china) is a disputed territory. and this is the only reason why India is opposed to CPEC. Otherwise, India would be very happy looking at pakistan selling itself to China.
Which is why India needs to grow up and get out of this "Short-term thinking" mindset. National policies should be decided upon based on what's in the best interest of the nation rather than winning elections. Unfortunately, it's pretty much the same here.

Exactly, and also opening route between Afghanistan and India via Pakistan. It is naive to block trade routes because of political differences.
Your life is worthless bharati troll.

Sorry in all honesty how do you know that? some kind of superpowers we are not aware you have! stop derailing the bloody thread! :offpost:

Exactly, and also opening route between Afghanistan and India via Pakistan. It is naive to block trade routes because of political differences.

Going by the tone & tenor of the countries involved, there will be no mutual consensus, Pakistan being principle violator of peace, there is no scope for that to happen! Even in the case of something fructifying the infrastructure will be open to sabotage to suit the domestic politics.
Sorry in all honesty how do you know that? some kind of superpowers we are not aware you have! stop derailing the bloody thread! :offpost:

Going by the tone & tenor of the countries involved, there will be no mutual consensus, Pakistan being principle violator of peace, there is no scope for that to happen! Even in the case of something fructifying the infrastructure will be open to sabotage to suit the domestic politics.
You indiots have derailed all the Forum with your nasty stinky comments.
You indiots have derailed all the Forum with your nasty stinky comments.

Sure whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart! :pdf::flood:with :pakistan:trolls, who cant have a intellectual conversation and mutual respect. So dont keep barking for no reason! fix yourself first then everything else will fall in place!

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