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ISRO to launch seven satellites on Feb 25

Do you know the difference between GSLV and PSLV?? Is weight the only parameter for different type of launches...please read about it before you comment.

Yes, roughly it is, a PSLV is used for launching around 1 tonne of payload to LEO & around 400 or so KG of payload to GEO (as in case of Chandrayaan - I), while the GSLV is used to launch around 3-4 tonnes of Payload to LEO & lesser (around 1 tonne or so) to GEO. This is the most basic difference b/w the TWO.

Launching a more costly rocket for performing the same job what a much more economical rocket could have done is clearly unprofessional attitude.
Yes, roughly it is, a PSLV is used for launching around 1 tonne of payload to LEO & around 400 or so KG of payload to GEO (as in case of Chandrayaan - I), while the GSLV is used to launch around 3-4 tonnes of Payload to LEO & lesser (around 1 tonne or so) to GEO. This is the most basic difference b/w the TWO.

Launching a more costly rocket for performing the same job what a much more economical rocket could have done is clearly unprofessional attitude.

Oh really...I thought it has something to do with the orbiting of the satellites...one synchronizing the sun (PSLV) and the other with the earth (GSLV)....now that a genius has pointed me to the right direction...I am enlightened now.

Go and read some class 8 science book....
Oh really...I thought it has something to do with the orbiting of the satellites...one synchronizing the moon (PSLV) and the other with the earth (GSLV)....now that a genius has pointed me to the right direction...I am enlightened now.

Go and read some class 8 science book....

Oh ... I met an aerospace engg. with his text book knowledge, can you enlighten me with your knowledge about PSLV and GSLV??

What has PSLV got to do with GSLV -- Do you even have any idea what are you talking about? Two serve completely different purposes. Have some basic understanding of payloads and then comment in space related threads. On the other hand you can go join the Iranian space thread, lots of street chit chat going on there.

I would have loved if these launch were made by GSLV....that is where true technological skills would be seen....PSLV is an outdated concept.

Awesome news :tup:

Best of luck to ISRO, PSLV is proven Launch vehicle, fingers corssed for the launch of GSLV Mark 2 & 3 later this year

Chi-bots are spamming this thread with their BS as-usual, I request Indian members not to reply these troll as well as new false-flagers

Do you know the difference between GSLV and PSLV?? Is weight the only parameter for different type of launches...please read about it before you comment.
i think other members have already told u about PSLV and GSLV and thr uses , so angry young man read first before making fool of urself.

What has PSLV got to do with GSLV -- Do you even have any idea what are you talking about? Two serve completely different purposes. Have some basic understanding of payloads and then comment in space related threads. On the other hand you can go join the Iranian space thread, lots of street chit chat going on there.

:D easy man , he is a newbie , dont be so so hard on him , let him learn something here.
i think other members have already told u about PSLV and GSLV and thr uses , so angry young man read first before making fool of urself.

:D easy man , he is a newbie , dont be so so hard on him , let him learn something here.

Do not worry brother, I think I am surrounded by space scientists in this forum. All these years I thought PSLV launches satellites in sun synchronous orbit and GSLV for geostationary orbits....didn't knew that name were disguise. I learnt the primary difference of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle and Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle is the weight of the satellites and nothing to do with the type of orbit the satellite makes. For me now PSLV= LSLV (Light satellite launching vehicle) and GSLV= HSLV (Heavy satellite launching vehicle). Finally .. some use of coming to this website. Thank you guys for being so patient and teaching me science. Please correct me if I am wrong...I must admit I am a novice when it comes to science and technology.

And sorry for going off topic.
Do not worry brother, I think I am surrounded by space scientists in this forum. All these years I thought PSLV launches satellites in sun synchronous orbit and GSLV for geostationary orbits....didn't knew that name were disguise. I learnt the primary difference of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle and Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle is the weight of the satellites and nothing to do with the type of orbit the satellite makes. For me now PSLV= LSLV (Light satellite launching vehicle) and GSLV= HSLV (Heavy satellite launching vehicle). Finally .. some use of coming to this website. Thank you guys for being so patient and teaching me science. Please correct me if I am wrong...I must admit I am a novice when it comes to science and technology.

:enjoy: good for u , just skip the trolling part and u will learn a lot . anyways :welcome::pdf:
Space mission counting by India's method: Double Counting
ISRO scores on 100th mission, PSLV rocket launch successful

Yankees space enthusiast opinion on the India's method

They've miscounted.
4 SLV + 4 ASLV + 21 PSLV + 7 GSLV = 36 launches.

This is the 22nd PSLV, and the 37th launch overall, so assuming they do have 62 satellites (I don't have time to check), this is actually the 99th "mission", not the 100th.

LIVE: PSLV C21 - SPOT 6 - September 9, 2012 (0423UTC)

The "missing" count is likely the GSAT-8 / INSAT-4G launched by Ariane-5ECA. Yes, launch by Europe is also counted by India.
The "missing" count is likely the GSAT-8 / INSAT-4G launched by Ariane-5ECA. Yes, launch by Europe is also counted by India.

My Brother @Nan Yang :D

I love you Bro :D

But don't you know that it is common practice around the world that a satellite made by a country or a rocket made by the country is counted as 1 mission, while if both are indigenous they are counted as 2 missions?? so even if European Ariane rockets are launching vehicle for the launch, but isn't the satellite ISRO/Indian made one?? So, shouldn't it be counted as 1 mission?? Similarly, when ISRO launches a foreign satellite like a SARAL, it only count it as 1 mission i.e. the rocket count (PSLV) not the satellite since it is a foreign satellite.
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@Capt.Popeye Pakistani scientists want to return but they don't get support from govt. They are as patriotic and want to help their nation just like our people do.

I was watching a show where few Pakistani businessmen have invested in their country. But they said that govt. don't provide the electricity. Even Zardari said that produce your own electricity.

Pervez Hoodbhoy of Pakistan is PhD from MIT but tell me how he feels when many people like AQ Khan supported that water car Engineer. This make them frustrated.

Its all about support. My prof. did his PhD from IIT K, worked in NASA but when he returned, he was given job in IIT where he taught brilliant students and published hell lot of papers. He became HoD of Mathematics there. His students also earned good position. Many of them are HoD or senior Faculty in IIT, NIT etc. He is over 70 years and still getting 12 lakhs per annum while living in his home town with his son and his family.

So providing income source to such researchers help us in keeping them in India. His one son has settled in US and hardly comes to India. Reason is that India lacks few research infrastructure for him to do his work with good salary.

Similarly, IISc provides comparatively better resources for R&D. TIFR is another such institute.

Then comes DRDO labs all over India. We have ISRO. Met a ex DRDO scientist who is in Board of Director of Private Institute in Kanpur with a decent salary..

CSIR, DST, etc. provide financial support even for presenting papers in International Conferences.

There is a new scheme launched, something like Prime Minister PhD scholarship. They are paying 50,000 Rps per month to those who secure it.

Now tell me, in India where does there is so much money given for PhD students. I am not talking about money from collaborative work but by home university.

This is the support we need. Providing a attractive job with comforts and competitive salary to lure back our brains.

China has been doing it and those students who earned their PhD from US and other best univ. are offered good jobs.

India has started just recently.

Send your students to best Universities, let West teach them advance research in their labs and then bring them to establish similar research institutes.

India has also started a institute for Space Engineering. Opening new IITs is a great step but India shouldn't compromise on entry level qualifications of students and increase funding we provide.

With so many Foreign companies coming, they want to higher top notch engineers and scientists and they will like to hire Indian people as it costs low and since they are local, they adjust easily as they can go home more often.

My friends work in Noida in Samsung but they come home on weekends. Hyundai is already decreasing foreign employees and replacing with Indian people.

It is very good scheme
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It is very good scheme
up. Few of my friends joined the job even when they wanted to do PhD because the needed money for family obligations or to repay the educational loan.

And I am talking about students who published in international conference while doing work summer internship in IITs and foreign universities. 2 of them are good friends of mine.
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