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ISRO to launch seven satellites on Feb 25

You got none

Now listen to me Pretty boy
Every country has fanboys that will say thier country wants to become a supapawa believe me every country
& your rant about DRDO & ISRO is just plain BS
Imported achivements give me a break dude
& You are in no position to dectate me about achivements your space & defence program is based on Reverse engineering russian tech that to much inferior than orignal

Considering 82, I'll give you a break, a long one.

We are one of the best in space tech.

quite hard to swallow that wet dream, given not even capable of very low tech such as a basic level rifle and bullets let alone the best?

...unless, of course, you 82s don't share the same logic with the rest of the world when declaring "one of the best tech in the world"?
Considering 82, I'll give you a break, a long one.

quite hard to swallow that wet dream, given not even capable of very low tech such as a basic level rifle and bullets let alone the best?

...unless, of course, you 82s don't share the same logic with the rest of the world when declaring "one of the best tech in the world"?

@Indian members,don't encourage these kind of trolls.just post what is relative..and let them(trolls) post their rant,just ignore them.

Buoyed by its successful completion of 100 missions, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is gearing itself for the launch of seven satellites, including the Indo-French collaborative satellite ‘SARAL’, in a single mission later this month.
The launch of the satellites has been tentatively fixed for the evening of February 25 using ISRO’s workhorse Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C20) from the Indian spaceport of Sriharikota, ISRO sources told UNI.
This would be the first mission for ISRO in 2013 and the preparatory works had already begun and were progressing smoothly at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, about 100 km from here.
The core-alone PSLV-C20 (minus its strap-on motors) would carry seven satellites, totally weighing 700 kg, including SARAL (Satellite for ARGOS and ALTIKA), a joint collaboration between India and France, and place them in about 800 km sunsynchronous orbit at around 1800 hrs on February 25, the sources said.
The French space agency, CNES, contributed two payloads to the 400-kg SARAL—Argos for data collection and Altikameter —for measuring the height of the sea surface.
ISRO has provided the satellite bus (satellite frame) and built the satellite.
The data generated by SARAL would be shared by France and India.
The launch of the other satellites would be on commercial basis that fetches revenue for ISRO, which was the most sought after agency for proving its trustworthiness in launching multiple satellites in a single mission.
Using PSLV-C9, ISRO created a world record by successfully launching 10 satellites in one mission on April 28, 2008, that included CARTOSAT-2A, IMS-1 and eight foreign nano satellites.
The other satellites that would ride piggy back with SARAL included two Canadian satellites, the 82 kg NEOSSat (Near Earth Object Space Surveillance Satellite), the world’s first space telescope designed by Canadian Space Agency (CSA), and the 148-kg Sapphire satellite built by MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates (MDA), besides two satellites from Austria and one each from UK and Denmark.
According to CSA, NEOSSat would detect and track asteroids and satellites circling the globe every 100 minutes and scanning space near the Sun to pin point otherwise almost invisible asteroids.
The satellite would also be useful in tracking resident space objects including space debris, while Sapphire would look for resident space objects that includes functioning satellites and space debris circling between 6,000 km and 40,000 km above the earth.
The other four satellites to be ferried by PSLV-C20 were ‘BRITE’ and ‘UniBRITE’ (both from Austria, weighing 14 kg each), a Smartphone-sat STRaND-1 from UK and Denmark’s Aalborg University’s satellite, AAUSAT, weighing three kg.
‘STRaND-1’ would be the world’s first ‘smartphone-satellite’, built in Guildford by volunteers from the Surrey Space Centre (SSC) and Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL). (PTI)

Considering 82, I'll give you a break, a long one.

quite hard to swallow that wet dream, given not even capable of very low tech such as a basic level rifle and bullets let alone the best?

...unless, of course, you 82s don't share the same logic with the rest of the world when declaring "one of the best tech in the world"?

Mind fail we manufactured assault rifles in 90s & we produce a lot of bullets
But we know how you fail copying bullet to Rifel you photocopy everything
Only good for producing toys & cheap stuff
The single largest pool of world aid funds in the modern history has gone to India, not sub Sahara Africa. Is that mock?

With that amount of free cash every year since 1947, India should have already been as rich and as developed as Eastern Europeans to say the least – any decent country would have done so – yet in reality, India is as equal as, and far worse than (in terms of malnutrition, hunger, rapes), Sub Sahara Africa.. Is that mock?

Instead of spending these funds on the hungry masses, India sends these funds to Russian weapon vendors in exchange for outdated tech to boost India’s fragile ego of supapowa, with the significant part of the rest of the funds ending up in Banque du Luxembourg and UBS under individual names of Singh, Kumar, patel, etc, etc, while its people dying of hunger in masses as we speak. Is that mock?

The sun rises from the East everyday. Is that mock?

No, guru, these are NOT mock. These are ground realities.

The real mock is chest thumping hungry and angry Indians on PDF whom dream of the unattainable and pride themselves of lies and scams from cheat-factories such as DRDO and ISRO (DRTROLL and ISTROLL).

They should be reminded and mocked, constantly, and rightly so.

It’s not about the IQ. Sub-Sahara Africans have even slightly lower IQ than Indians. No one makes fun of them now because I have yet to see any Nigerian or Congolese comes across chest thumping world’s “supa pawa” in 20xx blah blah and “ world’s top scientific achievements” ( better say import achievements) of Africa’s DRDO and ISRO equivalents as you Indians pathetically do.

Strictly speaking, it is a question not only about IQ, but also about character and basic level morals.
Your rant is both nonsensical and idiotic, more so as China is ruled by a despotic communist dispensation where democracy and human rights are anathema. If you open your a$$, you're shoved into the cooler by your robotic communist police. No one dare speak about the communist honchos or speak about human rights. If anyone does, he's shoved behind bars!

The poor peasants of your benighted country are hounded out of their lands and thrown to the wolves for your so called 'development', building swanky towers where the rich and the corrupt reside. The tragedy is that you guys think you're the center of the universe.

The list of countries you've rubbed the wrong way are as long as the Nile. Your CPC has thrown all international laws to the wind, trampling on the legitimate rights of other countries, claiming seas and lands as though you own the world. In short, China doesn't fit into the comity of nations. They are nothing but bullies!

Don't forget, there exists enormous mental and material deprivation that affects hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens, particularly those living in rural areas. Last year World Bank pegged China's below poverty line population who lived on less than USD 1.25 a day at about 250 million. Not much better than Sub Saharan Africa.

Remember, you're still considered a third world country. So just shut the heck up.

Instead of opening your orifice too wide to spew nonsense, you need to start thinking of FREEING TIBET and stop trampling on their human rights!
Considering 82, I'll give you a break, a long one.

So you Give Pakistanis, Turks, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, Iranians and rest Middle-Easterners a long break? how lucky for them

quite hard to swallow that wet dream, given not even capable of very low tech such as a basic level rifle and bullets let alone the best?

...unless, of course, you 82s don't share the same logic with the rest of the world when declaring "one of the best tech in the world"?

Isn't its extremely humiliating and causing severe mental agony (witnessed by everyone here)that China import satellite imagery from a nation you perceive as "not even capable of very low tech such as a basic level rifle and bullets" ?



My guess, whoever responsible is not a CCP high IQ certificate holder, must be mainland locust? in your perverted perceptions atleast :tdown:

Besides @Speeder 2 i am still awaiting your reply to my queries in this post.


And be the resident dirty ****** Indophobic cyber-masochist and escape my queries and and prove me right this time too :partay:
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quite hard to swallow that wet dream, given not even capable of very low tech such as a basic level rifle and bullets let alone the best?
At least we don't produce cheap fake stuff in your fake factories by your robotic work force paid a pittance for their work. And needless to say, you Chinese are past masters in reverse engineering everything because you totally lack any originality seeing that the Chinese cranium size is far smaller than the average human being's. :P
At least we don't produce cheap fake stuff in your fake factories by your robotic work force paid a pittance for their work. And needless to say, you Chinese are past masters in reverse engineering everything because you totally lack any originality seeing that the Chinese cranium size is far smaller than the average human being's. :P

Lets not diss, entire China and mainland Chinese for their achievements in space.

People Like Speeder 2 consider mainland Chinese as locusts while enjoying their protection at the same time :cry:
I would have loved if there were launch made by GSLV....that is where true technological skills would be seen....PSLV is an outdated concept.
great news.best of luck isro.

great news.best of luck isro.

congrats isro:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

yaar,itna khatarnaak avatar.main to dar gaya.:fie::P

I would have loved if these launch were made by GSLV....that is where true technological skills would be seen....PSLV is an outdated concept.

it is under development-

I would have loved if these launch were made by GSLV....that is where true technological skills would be seen....PSLV is an outdated concept.

:what: dude you dont need bullet to kill a mouse. GSLV is for heavy payloads.
My brother went to see a movie, Planet of Apes, with his buddies...

I believe my option is even better!

pls pls continue. :popcorns:
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