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Israelis gathering to enjoy nighttime attacks on Gaza


I exactly did that, I did not name the god, neither did I name a religion, neither did I name a side, neither did I name a group.

Death and killings have lost their goriness and people dont mind their kids witnessing that - do youu believe thats happening there or not?.

People flocking the town hall to see the spectacle where the victims are crucified or are being beheaded with dull knives - is that happening or not?.

People shouting gods name and rejoicing when someone gets blown to bits or when a sniper scores a kill - is that happening or not?

Now how do you equate that with what happens in my country or what happens to a higher degree in your country?

At least, whats happening in our countries are internal issues - not like there where the hatred, support and killings traverses multiple borders. Hence the generalization to a particular region - I know pretty well that a few countries are safe - but they do are affected or have a stake in that conflict.
See let me make it much simpler for u, u will always look at the conflict from a news anchors a pundits or an opinion pieces point of view. U dont have a direct stake in the conflict, u are not connected to them, and u dont get effected by them. We as Muslims over all do. I know u indians also like to push down our throats the fact that oh we like to act more arabs, and shit. I cant change what u want to believe in. But u will not understand our bond. So the countries that are safe, still feel the pain. And we do still get effected. For the other stuff u have mentioned, the mothers and fathers dont like to send out their kids to go watch these things. Many a times there is no choice left. And I have just woken up to argue more about it. U take care.
This is the sad reality of war and while Israel is doing what it thinks suits their country, It is Palestine that needs to tread very carefully specially. IMO Hamas is to be blamed as much as Israel because they don't stop firing those stupid rockets at Israel which are only counter productive. They neither hit any target nor force Israel to talk rather do the very opposite and bomb the living crap out of Palestine.

Israel on its part should come out of this collective punishment strategy. They should limit their operation to target Hamas or any other group whom they consider a threat. There is no point in repeating history like what Japan did to Chinese and Koreans, Hilter did to Jews, US did in Iraq.
See let me make it much simpler for u, u will always look at the conflict from a news anchors a pundits or an opinion pieces point of view. U dont have a direct stake in the conflict, u are not connected to them, and u dont get effected by them. We as Muslims over all do. I know u indians also like to push down our throats the fact that oh we like to act more arabs, and shit. I cant change what u want to believe in. But u will not understand our bond. So the countries that are safe, still feel the pain. And we do still get effected. For the other stuff u have mentioned, the mothers and fathers dont like to send out their kids to go watch these things. Many a times there is no choice left. And I have just woken up to argue more about it. U take care.

You are right about me getting my information from the news or vids, I am not arguing about the sides, nor am I arguing about why you support your Muslim brethren.

I simply did not name the religion because most muslims here say that the one's who are doing the massacres aren't muslims and its not islam. I respect their sentiment about it. My comments are solely based on the events that takes place on a daily basis. A conservative figure would say that roughly 500 people have lost their lives unnaturally everyday for last year or so.

My comment is based on the spectacle that has been made about the killings in general.
How do you know they were celebrating bombardment? It could be a propaganda too.

Nevertheless ...
  • How is it different from Pakistani boasting shouting slogans after Arial bombardment in FATA. SWAT or once any Indian soldier is killed in cross border firing?
  • How is it different from Indian members celebrating killing of terrorist at border?
  • How is it different from Americans celebrating bombing in Iraq of Syria?
Morality is very subjective and always defined by individuals with a bias.
e.g. every body is aware of good Taliban and bad Taliban but end of day they kill people. People on either side of border define them good or bad with bias and complete dishonesty.

@500 what's your view.
Rockets flying both sides there. U can see spectacular views of interceptions. Dont see any problem except that it is somewhat dangerous.
How do you know they were celebrating bombardment? It could be a propaganda too.

Nevertheless ...
  • How is it different from Pakistani boasting shouting slogans after Arial bombardment in FATA. SWAT or once any Indian soldier is killed in cross border firing?
  • How is it different from Indian members celebrating killing of terrorist at border?
  • How is it different from Americans celebrating bombing in Iraq of Syria?
Morality is very subjective and always defined by individuals with a bias.
e.g. every body is aware of good Taliban and bad Taliban but end of day they kill people. People on either side of border define them good or bad with bias and complete dishonesty.
ohhh the conspiracy theory... this image is not true since it is showing some bad side of a few people.. no eveything should be perfect .. otherwise it is propaganda. smart move (ironic). the guy is not pro Hamas (the one who took the pic).

sure Hamas having a big responsability ...

we can see in comments in many sources... Israelians are human beings they are not perfect people ( like in any country)
they have as well their sick people enjoying the other side suffering
There are nations involved in such wars that are not suppose to start in the first place but they did and since Israel is fighting against Muslims, India is doing the same in Kashmir, Russia against Afghanistan , America against Afghanistan and so on.....
The point is stop killing innocent people where ever they are. So called terrorist or Jihad i's are fighting for there reasons but innocent civilians are dying and that is what we need to stop.
Palestinians gather to watch and film how the house will be destroyed:


Israel sends warnings before attacking populated areas.
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There are issues every where, lest u want to list down the ones in ur own country as well.

Stick to the topic pls... no one denies that there are places in all of South Asia which are still stuck in the dark ages.
It cannot get more disgusting when you and your ilk term killing children and women as a 'fitting reply'.
Only one who is targeting women and children is Hamas.

To watch the atrocities of these savages, I am forced to appreciate what Hitler did. They deserved it!
You are a retarded scum.

The muslims didn't kill Jews even when they defeated them and captured Jerusalam. Case in point - Salahdin.

That is why I called for Hitler.
Muslims made many massacres of Jews.

Category:Anti-Jewish pogroms by Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A terrorist for one, hero for the other , Vise Versa
we all rejoice when a terrorist in their respective countries are killed
Wow, so many emotionally uncalled for outbursts. As for the Pakistanis screeching their heads off here, I didn't notice the same emotional outbursts when your army conducts its SWAT operations and when the USA sends in their drones into your country's territory. Some Indians will cheer Israel on. Some Pakistanis will get epileptic hysteria from Israel's conduct. No need to start insulting and cussing India and Indians.
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