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Israelis are the real victims according to president zelensky

What goes around comes around ;)
Now he is feeling what Palestinians felt .
Karma is bitch. I sympathise with the people of Ukraine, but the leader led them to where they are now.
He is a Zionist who fully supported the Israeli attacks on Syria, Lebanon and Palestine .
He is a puppet of the west who arrested opposition parties and shut down papers who criticised him.
He also has a massive propaganda effort underway in his favour,
But more and more people are beginning to see through this charade.
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Why do you guys watch TRT? 😂
It has nothing to do with TRT.
It's a fact president zelensky sympathized with isreali Zionists who are known child and civilian killers. Doesn't matter TRT reports this or some other channel.
But I do understand as a Greek you have some serious beef with anything Turkish.
What goes around comes around ;)
Now he is feeling what Palestinians felt .

I don't know whether people are aware of this, but Zelensky is a Jew by faith and Zionist by political allegiance. Also, he has no real power in Ukraine, the real power brokers in Ukraine are the Neo-Nazi and Ukrainian Ultra-Nationalists. It is these two groups whom the Western (America & Britain) powers truly support, politically, militarily and economically.
It has nothing to do with TRT.
It's a fact president zelensky sympathized with isreali Zionists who are known child and civilian killers. Doesn't matter TRT reports this or some other channel.
But I do understand as a Greek you have some serious beef with anything Turkish.
No I know and I agree with you. I'm just laughing because a lot of guys here post TRT videos. I don't hate everything Turkish,but TRT is like the official mouthpiece of the government there. But this has nothing to do with the specific subject. I agree about what you said.

Israel said to have reached cap on non-Jewish refugees​


Israel's authorities announced Sunday that several thousand Ukrainian refugees arrived in the country, reportedly hitting the cap on non-Jewish refugees that the country was ready to accept.
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