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Israelis, Arabs and Kurds discuss a Middle East Confederation

no use speaking to brain dead Arabs from the Maghreb.

They are no Arabs in the Maghreb..Maghreb is Amazigh..and there is no need to put all the Maghrebi in the same basket because of one kiss *** Moroccan.! Moroccan are kind and prideful people...and that piece of shit doesn’t represent Moroccan by any measure...
For Israel there should be just one goal: solving the Palestinian conflict.

Do it and become the centre of the Middle East where Muslim nations will revolve around you. We will buy your goods, share your technology, support you against anybody and we will send our elites to study in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, billions of investments could pour into Israel. The Israeli people could easily become twice as wealthy as they are today.

Just one issue left to be solved, one...

but Turkey has already recognized Israel as a state and was the first "Muslim country" to recognize Israel without even solving the Palestinian conflict, as far as I know Turkey is the sixth top trade partner of Israel worldwide and the first top trade partner of Israel in the whole region.

I'm waiting for Turkey to severe its diplomatic and economic ties with Israel.
They are no Arabs in the Maghreb..Maghreb is Amazigh..and there is no need to put all the Maghrebi in the same basket because of one kiss *** Moroccan.! Moroccan are kind and prideful people...and that piece of shit doesn’t represent Moroccan by any measure...

Most Moroccans in The Netherlands identify as Muslim, then Moroccan and then Berber / Amazigh (even though many are mixed with Arabs).
Most of them are anti-Zionist, anti-Jewish, anti-Dutch...
Well, basically anti-everything.

I assumed that GBU-28 was a Moroccan Jew.

Are you a Moroccan Jew, Amazigh or Arab?
Peace ended the moment your state was created.

That's funny Jamal. Your tribe were beheading Jews before Israel was reestablished. That's what you're known as, the head choppers.

Pretty much all your culture has given to the world.
Essentially a revival of the free-trading zone that operated in the region before Israel's independence, with an added security component.

In Pierre von Passen's 1943 book The Forgotten Ally he describes British consternation at the effectiveness of the partnership between the Zionist Jews' brainy leadership and Arab manpower. The Brits applied it to their advantage during the early stages of WWII but immediately sought to disrupt it once the tide had turned in North Africa. Apparently the Brits feared the emergence of the Middle East as a group of industrial powers rather than an arrangement of smaller economic and political dependencies and therefore sought to divide the Jews and Arabs politically and economically in ways that would disrupt possibilities of their mutually beneficial cooperation. Von Passen predicted much of what the Jews and Arabs in the Middle East would experience later in the war and in the decades afterwards.
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