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Israeli tourists killed in bus explosion in Bulgaria

Tough moment? Ours die in larger numbers every day. I'm sure many more die in car accidents in Israel every month. Of course killing without right is wrong and condemnable, but it's hardly tough on a country.
There are what, 200 million Pakistanis? There are only around 5 million Jews in Israel. Even without the other cultural differences, this alone should tell you that the national impact of these deaths is proportionately larger.
Even so, Bnei Israel isn't going to be museum material just because about 10 died, however regrettable that death is. Even if they somehow disappeared, they could count on us to keep naming our children after men they hold dear, and to propagate the Abrahamic (A.S.) DNA.
Even so, Bnei Israel isn't going to be museum material just because about 10 died.
I understand that there is no room in your heart for justice and mercy towards Jews. Sadly, you are not alone.

Of course, you don't see how your widely-shared attitude contributes to Pakistan's own ills, do you? I suggest you think deeply before you respond.
Highly unfortunate incident.

RIP to the dead.

Though Netanyahu is doing himself no favours by instantly blaming Iran for every single bad thing that happens. Why not do an investigation first before immediately accusing Iran?
See: Debunking the Map that Lies

"See u learned something today now be a good boy n have some milk and cookies and then go to bed or else Daddy will spank u."

Whose land was confiscated to create Israel?

don't re-quote my quote that's classic or else Dadda will spank u.

Is that HOT OR WHAT ?!!!!!:flame:

no it looks sad to me that even after trillion of $ all of its neighbours hate it.

Israel = state prison where every man/women are forced to learn how to kill others by Law
I understand that there is no room in your heart for justice and mercy towards Jews. Sadly, you are not alone.
Of course, you don't see how your widely-shared attitude contributes to Pakistan's own ills, do you? I suggest you think deeply before you respond.
I see how you could chop out half my sentence and the entire one after that to make some some opening to wiggle in the response you gave. Playing petty politics over dead people hey!

Fortunately, between the two of us, in this you are alone.

I've your reply quoted, so when unbiased Jews see our thre previous posts they could see through your mentality.
well.its up to you to believe.but i was in varna last week.dont worry!just as a tourist!i can say i pissed off there.it was so shocking for me.
anyway may GOD punish the terorist whoever he was.and im sure it wasnt an Iranian at all as far as in shism such an act is forbiden as well.

R.I.P to deads.
i hope he is doing fine, definitely an awesome member of this forum

RIP to the dead.

I am more concerned about one of our members - Adir-m who was planning to vacation in Bargas. Hopefully he is fine.


Finally found out that you are safe (somehow missed this post) . Remember there are two members who were concerned about you in this forum.

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