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Israeli threat to attack Iran over nuclear weapons

Would you like your neighbor to learn how to kill people especially if he says that the first thing he will do after learning to kill will be to kill you ?



So will you believe in only rhetoric or worry about the one who is already killing hunderds for drawing oil
Jana this has been debated in another thread, Niaz sir would help eliminate doubts, actually America has spent mor than it can gain from Iraqi oil


:) thank you sir for reminding me of that thread.

and indeed US once again had done the blunder everyone knows that. one wonders why everytime their policy makers make things complicated and give others pain as well as their own people.
thank you sir for reminding me of that thread

Janajee you have a strange way of mocking do you, I am a young lad and no need to call me sir, or wait a minute , were you being sarcastic.

one wonders why everytime their policy makers make things complicated and give others pain as well as their own people.

The problem is they have too much conviction(atleast from the Americans I met), they beileve that the are right and want others to have same Sometimes too much of blind conviction is not good either
So will you believe in only rhetoric or worry about the one who is already killing hunderds for drawing oil

Dear Jana,

Please give us credit or read the posts more carefully.

I have always maintained that I would like our troops to be in Afghanistan not Iraq.

Blair lost his job due to that which shows that Uk politicians are not rubber stamps unlike those in Asia.

Mr. Saddam H was a real bad man and if you don't believe ask the 10,000 Kurds who were gassed. But I guess you don't value their lives as much as you do for Palestinians.

As far as stealing of oil or asking for it as aid from the Saudi's both USA and Pakistan do it equally well.

So whats the difference.

YES there is one difference USA (be it Hillary or Bush ) have all reacted to the President of Iran's threat not the other way around.

President of Iran is making political statements. Who would be stupid enough to destroy what he don't even have yet( I mean the bomb ). I beliee they are far away from making an actual bomb as indicated by the IAEA but are acctually making political grounds by making good speeches.
COnsidering the fact that israel is a nuclear armed nation, Coming up of such dialouges from Iran doesnt make any sense, however when iran too gets nuclear weapons that is it does since iran has stated it only wants to use it for civilian purpose, even then it doesnt make sense, the reason is both countires will posses nuclear weapons and hence an equlibrium will be established since none will be fool enough to use it on the other and get banged inreturn specially iran because iran is seen as a threat by the whole West, so any misadventure could lead to the wipe out of iran. Israel and US on the other hand would not attack iran since an attack would give iran the justification to use full force on israel. So like i said it is highly unlikely that any one from both the countries would be stupid enough to use nuclear. Similar the case between Pakistan and India.
I really wouldn't be surprised if they do bomb iran IAF is highly skilled,bold and got the tech to pull it off just like they did it to iraq they only need to go a little further this time and they got american backing this time too.
I really wouldn't be surprised if they do bomb iran IAF is highly skilled,bold and got the tech to pull it off just like they did it to iraq

Khanz Iraq was a cakewalk compared to what would have to be done to degrade Iranian nuclear faclility. It is apples and oranges

they only need to go a little further this time and they got american backing this time too.

Add to that , bomb several targets that are spread over a wide geographical area, an intense SAM enviroment, Several facilities that are well protected underground, certain facilities that are situated right in the centre of urban population. It aint a cake walk, only the Americans can pull off such an intense operation. Also IAF better not expect Iranian SAM operators to switch off their systems and dozze of like Iraqi operators.
Khanz Iraq was a cakewalk compared to what would have to be done to degrade Iranian nuclear faclility. It is apples and oranges

Add to that , bomb several targets that are spread over a wide geographical area, an intense SAM enviroment, Several facilities that are well protected underground, certain facilities that are situated right in the centre of urban population. It aint a cake walk, only the Americans can pull off such an intense operation. Also IAF better not expect Iranian SAM operators to switch off their systems and dozze of like Iraqi operators.

yep your totally right it will not be a cakewalk but israelis are not afraid of hard work or scared to take a risk of they can still pull it off iran does not have a strong airforce or long range strike capability or modern awacs like the IAF does israeli pilots and intelligence are probably the best in the world SAM sites will probably be destroyed first probably similar to 67 when EAF was totally destroyed on the ground before they even knew what hit them not saying iran will be an easy target but israel shouldn't not be understimated they'll find a way to destroy anything which they believe a threat to their existence plus they also have one of the best anti-BM systems in the world the arrow to counter any iranian missile threats which may happen after an attack.
yep your totally right it will not be a cakewalk but israelis are not afraid of hard work or scared to take a risk of they can still pull it off iran does not have a strong airforce or long range strike capability or modern awacs like the IAF does israeli pilots and intelligence are probably the best in the world SAM sites will probably be destroyed first probably similar to 67 when EAF was totally destroyed on the ground before they even knew what hit them not saying iran will be an easy target but israel shouldn't not be understimated they'll find a way to destroy anything which they believe a threat to their existence plus they also have one of the best anti-BM systems in the world the arrow to counter any iranian missile threats which may happen after an attack.
Your point is that IF Iran does not have a strong airforce and lot of parameters which is not a ground situation. Comparing what happended in 1967 will not be correct as Iranians must have learnt some lessons from that. But agree with you that israelis have the best intelligence.

Overall, it will be very risky mission, with a huge risk of Iran's retaliation with her's ballistic missiles. (Arrow is not battle proven)
yep your totally right it will not be a cakewalk but israelis are not afraid of hard work or scared to take a risk of they can still pull it off iran does not have a strong airforce or long range strike capability or modern awacs like the IAF does israeli pilots and intelligence are probably the best in the world SAM sites will probably be destroyed first probably similar to 67 when EAF was totally destroyed on the ground before they even knew what hit them not saying iran will be an easy target but israel shouldn't not be understimated they'll find a way to destroy anything which they believe a threat to their existence plus they also have one of the best anti-BM systems in the world the arrow to counter any iranian missile threats which may happen after an attack.

Yes I agreed that IAF destroy the whole EAF in 1967 because they were not the best Air force in Middle East. Also if you can read a thread which was posted one month back by A fighter pilot who went to train the EAF in 1967 you can understand what exactly the Situation was in 1967. And also do not forget that Israel which has 150 Nuclear warheads never test these weapons because Israel knows if he test this weapon he will destroy himself because he has not to much land that can cover the Radiation reaction also when Israel has Nuclear warheads one missile if hit the facilities it can destroy all middle east I think you got the point if you are sitting in middle of bombs and you are thronging them to others any little bottle of fire can destroy your whole Depoe and you. :yahoo::sniper:
Yes I agreed that IAF destroy the whole EAF in 1967 because they were not the best Air force in Middle East. Also if you can read a thread which was posted one month back by A fighter pilot who went to train the EAF in 1967 you can understand what exactly the Situation was in 1967. And also do not forget that Israel which has 150 Nuclear warheads never test these weapons because Israel knows if he test this weapon he will destroy himself because he has not to much land that can cover the Radiation reaction also when Israel has Nuclear warheads one missile if hit the facilities it can destroy all middle east I think you got the point if you are sitting in middle of bombs and you are thronging them to others any little bottle of fire can destroy your whole Depoe and you. :yahoo::sniper:

ahh but they will not let even one missile touch them arrow is thought to be one of the best anti-BM systems in the world and if they feel they are going to be nuked they'll probably launch theirs first and iran has no second strike capability let alone nuclear weapons also all israelis homes are built with bomb shelters,gas masks and food rations etc when it comes to their security israelis don't play games believe me they will probably nuke iran first if it means saving israel no matter what even america or the rest of the world thinks.
The real issue is range and US plausible deniability. Without US tanker and AWACS support, the IAF can't pull it off. But if the conflict drags on, this support becomes impossible to hide, and the Iranians respond with asymmetric warfare. The Isrealies have done alot of back-pedaling lately, and seem to want to minimize risk by waiting until the diplomatic game runs its course and then putting their lot in with a Joint US strike. Links follow to Isreali downplaying.

Israel tries to play down minister's warning of attack on Iran | World news | The Guardian
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