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Israeli think tank: Don’t destroy ISIS; it’s a “useful tool” against Iran, Hezbollah, Syria

ISIS did not took responsibility actually. And ISIS are guys who often take responsibility even when they have nothing to do with the attack.
Which makes one wonder why would they wanna take the blame for? Or perhaps there is some boogeyman behind it. Anyways all i know is thou sahll create war through deception a very famous term used by you know what

Not surprised that they said it than people say it's Muslims who support terrorists.
@salarsikander do the honors bro :)
Aye. Sir ! After all the so- called islamic state can attack Al madeena but not throw a single pebble towrds theor david star masters. Not that I am in anyway asking them to do it.

It reminds of those days when the terrorist took over Grand mosque and then our boys in kHaki had to flush em out
Isis is clearly a tool to reshape the borders of some ME countries. Some interesting developments and detail from the top of my head.

1) Why can't the US and its close western allies, with all their intelligence service and technology, find Baghdadi all this time? Or will we hear some years later that Baghdadi has been captured and eliminated without any credible evidence once his role of acting as the face of the boogeyman is finished?

2) isis captures some regions and then gives it to the pyd/ypg without any serious battle. It's like a theater.

3) US clearly protects the pyd/ypg against everyone, even Assad. US clearly wants to create a loyal pyd/ypg vassal state.

4) The US, who invaded Iraq on illegal grounds and created the mess in Iraq through wrong policies should be mainly responsible to help clean up isis, however it is not sincere in ruthlessly cracking down on isis. The US is not after peace or the integrity of Syria, but is constantly buying time for pyd/ypg's landgrab. I wonder how fast the US will want to make peace once the pyd/ypg have grabbed all the lands they been promised.

While there is no hard proof, isis seems to be made or is opportunistically being used to reshape, destabilize and weaken muslim countries. My bet's on the former.
Boogie man that killed has killed thousands of Shias, Yazidis and others who disagrees with them? A boogie man that has enslaved and raped hundreds of thousands? A boogie man that has destroyed the border between two sovereign nations? I get you don't like Iran, but if you seriously thing they are just a "boogie man" that you are really simplifying the horror that is ISIS only because of your enmity with Iran.
Yep, ISIS killed thousands but Assad and Khamenai killed hundreds of thousands, tortured, starved to death and gassed and they are fine.

I will tell u more. When Saddam Hussain killed hundreds of thousands Shias, Kurds, Assyrians. Gassed entire villages, he was super fine:



But then he did not commit atrocities was turned into a bogey man:

Thats how media plays you guys.
That's my view as well.

ISIS are utterly insane religious extremists, they can't be reasoned with. At least Assad is afraid of his own death, which means that he can be persuaded using earthly means.

If ISIS got their hands on a nuke they would basically use it immediately. Whereas Assad would not due to fear of his own death, i.e. he can be deterred with logical means. For ISIS members, death is not a deterrent at all, in fact it moves them closer to their rewards in the afterlife.
Just a theory; why doesn't isis solely focus on Israel, EU (as they already have demonstrated) and the US? It will give them legitimacy, prestige and broader (moral) support, be it members or finance wise, from more muslims.
Annihilating, and barbaric at that, muslims, be they sunni or shia, despite isis claiming to be sunni/muslim doesn't make sense and muslims in general will give them the cold shoulder, condemn them and raise question marks about their intentions.
I wonder what is more disgusting. the fact that the jews are supporting isis in spirit & or in real life.
or the jew on this forum that denies saddam gassed kurds, lobbies for isis in plain view of everyone or the fact he tries to claim "100,000s of people were killed by Iran".
zionism, not even once.
if ISIS ever does go rouge on them. i hope they get what they deserve.
ISIS is just boogie man which is used by Iran and Russia to slaughter Syrians and by USA to create Kurdistan.

Well West has been fighting this fantasy boogey man of yours for over 4 years now. Western nations must be pathetic if this superior intelligence was not available to them. On the contrary ISIS is being used against asad as a tool so far West has done jack squat to curb ISIS terrorism in Syria.
Isis is clearly a tool to reshape the borders of some ME countries. Some interesting developments and detail from the top of my head.

1) Why can't the US and its close western allies, with all their intelligence service and technology, find Baghdadi all this time? Or will we hear some years later that Baghdadi has been captured and eliminated without any credible evidence once his role of acting as the face of the boogeyman is finished?

2) isis captures some regions and then gives it to the pyd/ypg without any serious battle. It's like a theater.

3) US clearly protects the pyd/ypg against everyone, even Assad. US clearly wants to create a loyal pyd/ypg vassal state.

4) The US, who invaded Iraq on illegal grounds and created the mess in Iraq through wrong policies should be mainly responsible to help clean up isis, however it is not sincere in ruthlessly cracking down on isis. The US is not after peace or the integrity of Syria, but is constantly buying time for pyd/ypg's landgrab. I wonder how fast the US will want to make peace once the pyd/ypg have grabbed all the lands they been promised.

While there is no hard proof, isis seems to be made or is opportunistically being used to reshape, destabilize and weaken muslim countries. My bet's on the former.

How come Turkey protects ISIS even though it is blowing up Turks?
Well West has been fighting this fantasy boogey man of yours for over 4 years now. Western nations must be pathetic if this superior intelligence was not available to them. On the contrary ISIS is being used against asad as a tool so far West has done jack squat to curb ISIS terrorism in Syria.
1) West needs bogey man for its reasons. If no ISIS there will be another.
2) ISIS helped Assad greatly. I remember well how Assad supporters even on this forum cheered ISIS when they slaughtered rebels.

I wonder what is more disgusting. the fact that the jews are supporting isis in spirit & or in real life.
No one supports ISIS. ISIS are terrorists but Iranian and Assad terrorists killed 100 times more people and both have representatives in UN.

or the jew on this forum that denies saddam gassed kurds
When I denied gassing Kurds? On contrary I said Saddam DID gas Kurds, but he was considered as fine legitimate leader during that time and both superpowers met with him.

But one he stopped gassing Kurds he turned onto a bogey man.
The US,EU,RU Creating crises in the Middle East
Some of the crises on purpose, and some because of their ignorance about the Middle East.
Then they take advantage of the "result" of the problems they have created (in this particular case Isis) to their interests to control and influence and money and so on.
Then usually they will offer a solution to the crisis they themselves created and in this way they will buy your trust.
For these three factors (US, EU, RU), the Middle East, including Israel, Turkey, Iran and the rest are soldiers in the chess game that they play, and if you do not want to play by their rules or if you do not want to play this game, they will create or at least they will try to create new crises for you (Eg US supported the Muslim Brotherhood against Mubarak and against al-Sisi, or the US that tried to change the regime in Israel, or finances all kinds of organizations to do "revolution" in Israel, that will bring to power a government that plays by the rules of the US,* in Israel and in Egypt it wasn't so successful).
All the Middle East as we know it today is a product of colonialism and the influence and interests of foreign parties.
Even if we get rid of Isis and from the Ayatollahs, then there will be something new that will cause problems here.
Isis is not the problem, Isis is the result of the problem.
The Middle East will be in a better position when we the residents of this area set our boundaries, our belonging, our religion, our community, our tribe, our language, our culture, etc, etc, when we'll settle the Middle East as we want and not like what others (foreigners) want.
Unfortunately, this is not going to happen because we are ignorants,
good day for everyone.
ISIS is not Israel's enemy, they haven't done jack against Israel despite sharing borders with it. ISIS perfectly serves interests of Israel in ME, so it's understandable if they love it so much.

I would go a step further and say that it is quite likely the State of Israel may have created ISIS to destroy the Muslim World. You are quite right in claiming that ISIS has never attacked Israeli interest directly or indirectly.
How come Turkey protects ISIS even though it is blowing up Turks?
The pinnacle of stupidity and ignorance. When Turkey refused to fight ground war against isis on behalf of the US 'Turkey supports isis!!!'. When Turkey suffers from isis and launches operations against isis 'nope, Turkey protects isis!!!' :rofl:
I would go a step further and say that it is quite likely the State of Israel may have created ISIS to destroy the Muslim World. You are quite right in claiming that ISIS has never attacked Israeli interest directly or indirectly.

In 2014 and for 50 days Gaze was being bombed and non of these groups or their masters and supporters in southern of Persian gulf raised any condemnation against israel ...

Look at these American declassified secret US intelligence report, written in August 2012 :


and who are these supporting powers:

The pinnacle of stupidity and ignorance. When Turkey refused to fight ground war against isis on behalf of the US 'Turkey supports isis!!!'. When Turkey suffers from isis and launches operations against isis 'nope, Turkey protects isis!!!' :rofl:
Just lip service.
Nothing important, and any deal with Russia is likely to end up with attacks on Kurds.
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