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Israeli settlers kidnap and kill Palestinian teen in Jerusalem

They were not identified, at the moment you have no proof or evidence against anyone and yes homes of people who have not even been found guilty have been destroyed
Both claims are false (just as thread title is false). We have enough evidence (records in police, cars etc, two Hamas men who went missing in hijacking day and so on).

No one destroyed any homes. If you talk about Gaza, Israel bombed simple empty terrorist camps in response to rocket attacks.
Hamas hijackers were identified. No one bombed any homes.

Lets wait and see for this case.

Number of Samaritans has dropped from hundreds of thousands to couple hundreds. Seems living in peace did not help them much.

At least those people are actually locals and peaceful people that always coexisted with the local Palestinians. Can't say the same about your likes from God's know where. You are with all due probability just an adopted Jew especially since you claim to be from Central Asia. Do you really believe that you have any ties other than adopted Judaism to land 10.000 km (if not more) away from Israel?

You probably don't look either "Jewish" or Middle Eastern to begin with.

It's like all those absurd groups of people from Zimbabwe to India that suddenly claim Jewish "blood" so they can enjoy the benefits of the illegal terror state.
At least those people are actually locals and peaceful people that always coexisted with the local Palestinians.
As result of coexistence they became virtually extinct. While Jews are strongest and most developed power in ME.

Can't say the same about your likes from God's know where. You are with all due probability just an adopted Jew especially since you claim to be from Central Asia. Do you really believe that you have any ties other than adopted Judaism to land 10.000 km (if not more) away from Israel?
I dont believe, I know.

It's like all those absurd groups of people from Zimbabwe to India that suddenly claim Jewish "blood" so they can enjoy the benefits of the illegal terror state.
Like this Palestinian Islamic Jihad guy who was killed in Gaza on sunday?

As result of coexistence they became virtually extinct. While Jews are strongest and most developed power in ME.

I dont believe, I know.

Like this Palestinian Islamic Jihad guy who was killed in Gaza on sunday?


Only due to European immigration and life support since the founding. But Israel is neither the richest nor the strongest. Arm any other major ME state with nuclear weapons and you will stand no chance. Egypt with nuclear weapons alone would be a stronger military power. Economically not but in terms of military, undoubtedly.

Yes, you have to keep telling yourself that. What's the chance of you being an Mongol instead by origin? Or Russian? Or Siberian? Or God knows what? People with no ancestral relations to ANY people in the ancient ME.

That guy was an African migrant. There are a minority of Afro-Palestinians, mainly in Gaza. That's it. 99% of all other Palestinians are local ME people that always lived in the region and are a result of various Semitic people intermarrying. Just like all other Arabs out there.

If the real Hebrews had not gone extinct the same would be the case with them. Sadly for them it is not. Most married with us Arabs and converted to Christianity or Islam along the lines while a smaller minority migrated, often to the Arab world or nearby Southern Europe.

Later non-Hebrews adopted Judaism. Today most of the Jews are their descendants. The real Hebrews have long gone extinct as we knew them once.
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As result of coexistence they became virtually extinct. While Jews are strongest and most developed power in ME.

I dont believe, I know.

Like this Palestinian Islamic Jihad guy who was killed in Gaza on sunday?


What the heck? Why are you getting off topic? He is a member of IQB and was killed in a drone strike. My main thread documents order of events.

And yeah...he's military which means he will have weapons...how shocking....

Don't derail the thread.
Only due to European immigration and life support since the founding.
In fact Americans started support of Israel only AFTER the Israeli victory in 1967.

But Israel is neither the richest nor the strongest.
I said strongest and most developed.

Arm any other major ME state with nuclear weapons and you will stand no chance. Egypt with nuclear weapons alone would be a stronger military power. Economically not but in terms of military, undoubtedly.
Egypt even together with Syria lost to Israel.

Yes, you have to keep telling yourself that. What's the chance of you being an Mongol instead by origin? Or Russian? Or Siberian? Or God knows what? People with no ancestral relations to ANY people in the ancient ME.
I have absolutely nothing to do with Mongols or Russians. But most probably I have the Iranian blood.

That guy was an African migrant. There are a minority of Afro-Palestinians, mainly in Gaza. That's it. 99% of all other Palestinians are local ME people that always lived in the region and are a result of various Semitic people intermarrying. Just like all other Arabs out there.
Most of the Gazans are Egyptian migrants. They are Hamites not Semites.
Latest from Guardian:

Israeli and Palestinian tensions mount after 'revenge' killing - live updates | World news | theguardian.com

Three suspects who abducted a Palestinian victim of an apparent revenge attack were filmed speaking to the boy before he was abducted, Peter Beaumont reports from the family home in Shufat, east Jerusalem.

The film shows the men circled Mohammad Abu Khdair two or three times in a Honda car before getting out and talking to him, Peter said. The footage is "very shaky" he said it appears to show him being grabbed.

In fact Americans started support of Israel only AFTER the Israeli victory in 1967.

I said strongest and most developed.

Egypt even together with Syria lost to Israel.

I have absolutely nothing to do with Mongols. But most probably I have the Iranian blood.

Most of the Gazans are Egyptian migrants. They are Hamites not Semites.

Did you forgot the entire Jewish lobby and rich Jews from across the world that were the key behind the Zionism movement? Without them and the events during WW2 there would be no Israel. A fact as the vast majority of all Jews were poor marginalized people that often lived in ghettos.

While on the other hand Palestine was inhabited by 1 million (if I recall) Palestinians who were mostly farmers, traders and fishermen.

That can be discussed. I consider certain GCC states more developed and they are also far richer. It depends what you mean by developed. Political, economic, social etc.

Are you sure about that? You are from Central Asia. Look how people there look.

That's a joke. Egyptians are Semites and a mixture of Hamites who are basically the same people anyway now and to a great extent historically.
It is disgusting for the sake of their own *** + politics plus dirty superiority mindset (this goes for both Arabs and Jews) kids seem to be paying the prices! Kids! Shameless people dont have enough balls to do something and admit it!

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajeeoon...Lots of DOA for the Palestinians ...

As for the Jews...You people have been shunned from every corner of the earth! Can you at least live in peace in the corner you were given? No you had to cause chaos and mischief there too and expand like a fat lady!

I dont support Palestinians attacking you guys but I def do not support Israel attacking back coz Israel has research plus stronger weapons....They think they have taken revenge but in reality they have transgressed!

Both claims are false (just as thread title is false). We have enough evidence (records in police, cars etc, two Hamas men who went missing in hijacking day and so on).

No one destroyed any homes. If you talk about Gaza, Israel bombed simple empty terrorist camps in response to rocket attacks.
This is done to a suspect's homes...one would shudder at the thought of the home of a convicted...
Israeli troops destroy homes of two men suspected of killing 3 Israeli settlers

Israeli troops destroy homes of two men suspected of killing 3 Israeli settlers - International Middle East Media Center

Its not the first time you demolish homes: A bulldozer demolishes a Palestinian home in Jerusalem in February 2012. (Photo: Ahmad Gharabli/AFP/Getty Images) Israeli Officials Threaten Return to Illegal Intifada-Era Policy of Demolishing Suspects’ Homes | Global Research

Do you think the airstrikes were done in a desert? :pop:

Israel pummels Hamas in Gaza with airstrikes over slain teens

Read more: Israel pummels Hamas in Gaza with airstrikes over slain teens | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR

Do you need more ??

Not too long ago...

Israel destroys aid projects in West Bank to make room for settlements

Israel destroys aid projects in West Bank to make room for settlements — RT News

At least have the decency to call a wrong a wrong!
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Now let's see all kidnappers brought to justice, something I highly doubt will happen to the terrorist settlers. And of course we will have Indian and several Turkish members say absolutely zero about this since they are racist bigoted terrorists who have a double standard.

India can do little if anything at all to resolve the Middle East crisis. India is a third world country arising from the ashes of being conquered and colonized for a thousand years and has plenty of its own problems to address. The views of Indian members here are therefore immaterial my friend. I can only pray that the murderers of this child is brought to justice soon
India can do little if anything at all to resolve the Middle East crisis. India is a third world country arising from the ashes of being conquered and colonized for a thousand years and has plenty of its own problems to address. The views of Indian members here are therefore immaterial my friend. I can only pray that the murderers of this child is brought to justice soon

You were always among those sensible Indian users that one can only held in respect contrary (unfortunately) too many of your radical and often ignorant compatriots on the ME section.

It's about time that Arabs (in this case Palestinians) and their Jewish cousins learn to live in peace and prosperity like once before for centuries.

Although the conflict is far from the bloodiest (in fact not so bloody compared to most other conflicts of this nature and longivity) it has had a huge importance for several reasons that we are all familiar with. Not only in the ancient ME but across the entire world.
You were always among those sensible Indian users that one can only held in respect contrary (unfortunately) too many of your radical and often ignorant compatriots on the ME section.

It's about time that Arabs (in this case Palestinians) and their Jewish cousins learn to live in peace and prosperity like once before for centuries.

Although the conflict is far from the bloodiest (in fact not so bloody) it has had a huge importance for several reasons that we are all familiar with. Not only in the ancient ME but across the entire world.

Thank you for your compliment. My "radical and ignorant compatriots" are unfortunately usually kids who haven't traveled much (if at all) and are internet warriors who post stuff on forums without realizing how insensitive they sound or what a bad image they project of India.

Yes, I must agree with you that the Palestinian conflict is now overdue for a negotiated settlement. If I can recall, Arch- Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa who headed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which brought about ever lasting peace in that country, offered to head a similar commission for Palestine. If my memory serves me correct (I could be wrong), this offer was welcomed by the organization founded by the later Yasser Arafat (FATAH?) but rejected by Israel and Hamas. Why wouldn't two warring groups who are really achieving nothing meaningful refuse a respected and undisputedly neutral mediator is beyond me.
Did you forgot the entire Jewish lobby and rich Jews from across the world that were the key behind the Zionism movement? Without them and the events during WW2 there would be no Israel.
Without the WW2 Israel would be much stringer and larger today.

A fact as the vast majority of all Jews were poor marginalized people that often lived in ghettos.

While on the other hand Palestine was inhabited by 1 million (if I recall) Palestinians who were mostly farmers, traders and fishermen.
The wast majority of the Palestinians were poor illiterate serfs, who did not own the land they worked on it (the landowners lived mostly in Beirut and Cairo) and nomad Bedouins. Here a typical Levantine village in the end of 19th century:

When I say that that village is of the usual style, I mean to insinuate that all Syrian villages within fifty miles of Damascus are alike--so much alike that it would require more than human intelligence to tell wherein one differed from another. A Syrian village is a hive of huts one story high (the height of a man,) and as square as a dry-goods box; it is mud-plastered all over, flat roof and all, and generally whitewashed after a fashion. The same roof often extends over half the town, covering many of the streets, which are generally about a yard wide. When you ride through one of these villages at noon-day, you first meet a melancholy dog, that looks up at you and silently begs that you won't run over him, but he does not offer to get out of the way; next you meet a young boy without any clothes on, and he holds out his hand and says "Bucksheesh!" --he don't really expect a cent, but then he learned to say that before he learned to say mother, and now he can not break himself of it; next you meet a woman with a black veil drawn closely over her face, and her bust exposed; finally, you come to several sore-eyed children and children in all stages of mutilation and decay; and sitting humbly in the dust, and all fringed with filthy rags, is a poor devil whose arms and legs are gnarled and twisted like grape-vines. These are all the people you are likely to see. The balance of the population are asleep within doors, or abroad tending goats in the plains and on the hill-sides. The village is built on some consumptive little water-course, and about it is a little fresh-looking vegetation. Beyond this charmed circle, for miles on every side, stretches a weary desert of sand and gravel, which produces a gray bunchy shrub like sage-brush. A Syrian village is the sorriest sight in the world, and its surroundings are eminently in keeping with it.

all the women and children looked worn and sad, and distressed with hunger. They reminded me much of Indians, did these people. They had but little clothing, but such as they had was fanciful in character and fantastic in its arrangement. Any little absurd gewgaw or gimcrack they had they disposed in such a way as to make it attract attention most readily. They sat in silence, and with tireless patience watched our every motion with that vile, uncomplaining impoliteness which is so truly Indian, and which makes a white man so nervous and uncomfortable and savage that he wants to exterminate the whole tribe.

These people about us had other peculiarities, which I have noticed in the noble red man, too: they were infested with vermin, and the dirt had caked on them till it amounted to bark.

The little children were in a pitiable condition--they all had sore eyes, and were otherwise afflicted in various ways. They say that hardly a native child in all the East is free from sore eyes, and that thousands of them go blind of one eye or both every year. I think this must be so, for I see plenty of blind people every day, and I do not remember seeing any children that hadn't sore eyes. And, would you suppose that an American mother could sit for an hour, with her child in her arms, and let a hundred flies roost upon its eyes all that time undisturbed? I see that every day. It makes my flesh creep. Yesterday we met a woman riding on a little jackass, and she had a little child in her arms-- honestly, I thought the child had goggles on as we approached, and I wondered how its mother could afford so much style. But when we drew near, we saw that the goggles were nothing but a camp meeting of flies assembled around each of the child's eyes, and at the same time there was a detachment prospecting its nose. The flies were happy, the child was contented, and so the mother did not interfere.

Jews were mostly craftsmen.

That can be discussed. I consider certain GCC states more developed and they are also far richer. It depends what you mean by developed. Political, economic, social etc.
I mean by scientific and technologic output. Gulf countries have oil money but thats about it.

Are you sure about that? You are from Central Asia. Look how people there look.
Yes I know very well how they look, thats why I am saying that I have nothing to do with them.

That's a joke. Egyptians are Semites and a mixture of Hamites who are basically the same people anyway now and to a great extent historically.
No they are not same. Egyptians vs Semites:

Thank you for your compliment. My "radical and ignorant compatriots" are unfortunately usually kids who haven't traveled much (if at all) and are internet warriors who post stuff on forums without realizing how insensitive they sound or what a bad image they project of India.

Yes, I must agree with you that the Palestinian conflict is now overdue for a negotiated settlement. If I can recall, Arch- Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa who headed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which brought about ever lasting peace in that country, offered to head a similar commission for Palestine. If my memory serves me correct (I could be wrong), this offer was welcomed by the organization founded by the later Yasser Arafat (FATAH?) but rejected by Israel and Hamas. Why wouldn't two warring groups who are really achieving nothing meaningful refuse a respected and undisputedly neutral mediator is beyond me.

Well, of course I held many Indian users here (that I consider) friends in high regard so when I criticize Indian trolls (allow me to call some of them that) it does not mean that I have anything against India or Indians. It's just that I don't like when people meddle in a non-constructive manner especially if they are only preaching ignorance, hatred etc. That is why I never meddle in Indian affairs for instance for several reasons. I don't want to stereotype people, I have not a too great knowledge about Indian politics and internal affairs. If I want to know something I ask in a respectful manner in order to get an answer that satisfies me. I once did that when I asked about Kerala and Western India as those parts of India have had 5000 year old trade relations with the Arabian Peninsula across the Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean and the remaining ME.

I have noticed that many Indians are for unknown reasons hostile against the nearly 450 million (!) Arabs out there despite our close historical relations in terms of trade etc. and mostly totally peaceful coexistence. Maybe they confuse Mongols and other rulers of South Asia for Arabs. I have no idea. Again the ignorance.

Trade and cultural links between Ancient Arabia and ancient India date back to third millennium BC.[1]

Heptulla, Nejma. Indo-West Asian relations: the Nehru era. Allied Publishers, 1991. ISBN9788170233404.

I think the last foreign ruler outside of Israel and Palestine that really cared about the conflict and wanted it to end (even at his deathbed) and who actually managed to not only make Palestinians and Israeli leaders negotiate with each other due to who he was and his history but he even was busy fighting for peace at his DEATHBED when he was sickly ill from cancer.

I am obviously talking about His Majesty and Sharif King Hussein I of Jordan.

If you got the time then watch this entire clip. Especially from 8.35. minutes onward.

In that same video the meeting with Rabin, Clinton etc. an also be seen before Rabin was assassinated by a radical Zionist.

Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


More nonsense. The Levant region was always prosperous. While most Jews were poor marginalized people that lived in ghettos or were victims of pogroms. The Jews were the Negros of the Slave Period in the US in Europe for centuries. To put it directly.

Palestinians were talented craftsmen too.

Well, there will be a lot of future surprises coming from the GCC for your likes then. Still it's much more prosperous, stable and has a bigger potential on nearly all fronts. You are limited by geography and surrounded by enemies. Most of the technology is European too.

Nonsense. That's Nubians. Egyptians are a mixture of Semites and Hamites. More or less the same people historically. The only real Hamites are found in Horn of Africa but even they have a lot of Semitic admixture. Especially the Habesha and other Semitic speaking peoples.
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3 Arabs were arrested and currently taken to a police station for investigation.
Also, the teen had issues with the family due to his ****** orientation, a possibility of Honor killing is investigated.

I hope it is really honor killing

and Arabs are not being rounded up to get the matter resolved quickly.

However I do have trust on Israeli courts to decide fairly.

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