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Israeli regime’s US-made F-16 warplane engines stolen !!! :D

If you want to separate azeris from Iran then I dare you to come show your face here. It's easy to sit in the west and make such comments. but go ahead and try and separate us. Iran is our motherland and we will always be Iranian.

We all know this one of your clone accounts, Shahin.
My name is not shahin and if you really want know then:

"ge joratt dari biya Iran, neshoonat migam ke man kiyam bache kooni

Shahin, don't be such coward. Put your mask of. You're a clown. Only a big mouth behind the PC.
Why this summer? you planning to immigrate there in summer?
why are you afraid to come to Iran? You got that Israeli stamp in your passport?

Kooni age to joratt dashti miyoomadi Iran va man sareto mijashtam to koone pakit.

I'm going to Turkey this summer anyway. You are welcome to join, or else; shut the phuck up. Everybody knows your full of sh!t.
Remove that iranian flag you trash. You are as much Iranian as a zionists piece of crap.

kooni, chera mitarsi? joratesho nadari beyay Iran?

Haha, internet warrior. If you would stand in front of my face, you would see who's a kooni.
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