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Israeli Pilot lands F-15 with only one wing!

Impressive indeed but not unique.

Two F/A-18 Hornets from (the) Top Gun (school) were dogfighting and made a head on pass, just a bit too close. One got home with part of the left wing and left vertical fin and rudder missing, while the other jet is missing everything forward of the cockpit pressure bulkhead - and is a flying convertible because the canopy is shattered, too. These guys are lucky. It shows how rugged these aircraft are...Also shows how good the pilots are."
Source: A US Navy contact / skyguy.com



Acknowledgement: This inofrmation was taken from 2 F-18's Collide & Survive, page 1
Imagine if an Arab Pilot was flying this plane.He would have ejected immediately.
this plane is outstanding. A similar incident hapend in SaudiArabian air force when F-15 lost both of its tails. But the plane crashlanded , luckely no one was hurt
I hear this is quite common with the A-10 Warthog..i.e the ability to land with one wing. Can someone confirm?
I hear this is quite common with the A-10 Warthog..i.e the ability to land with one wing. Can someone confirm?

"The aircraft is designed to fly with one engine, one tail, one elevator and half a wing torn off"
Henderson, Breck W. "A-10 'Warthogs' damaged heavily in Gulf War bug survived to fly again." Aviation Week and Space Technology, 5 August 1991

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