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Israeli official says countries are lining up to normalize ties with Israel, with Bahrain at the top of the list.


Jul 8, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Israeli official says countries are lining up to normalize ties with Israel, with Bahrain at the top of the list.


Bahrain and Israel are working to finalize an agreement to normalize ties between the two countries, Channel 12 News reported on Sunday.

According to the report, Mossad chief Yossi Cohen is currently in close contact with senior officials in the country in order on making the agreement public and coordinating the declaration of normalization between the two countries.

About three weeks ago, Channel 12 News first reported that Cohen had spoken with the Bahraini Prime Minister regarding the ties between the two countries.

"A long list of countries are lining up, Bahrain is currently the leader among them," said Israeli officials quoted in Sunday’s report. The US administration is also involved in the effort, including through visits to Bahrain which last year hosted the conference that dealt with the economic part of the Trump administration’s peace plan.

The announcement on normalization of ties with Bahrain is expected after the ceremony to establish ties with the UAE which is scheduled to take place in Washington in the next several weeks.

Sunday’s report follows the Bahraini government’s announcement last Thursday that it had accepted a request from the government of the United Arab Emirates to allow flights between the UAE and Israel to cross its airspace.

That announcement came a day after Saudi Arabia agreed to allow United Arab Emirates flights to "all countries" to overfly the kingdom.

Previously, Saudi Arabia permitted the historic first flight from Israel to the UAE to cross its airspace.

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