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Israeli officers face Turkish trial


Jan 7, 2012
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BBC News - Mavi Marmara: Israeli officers face Turkish trial


A Turkish court has charged four senior Israeli military commanders over the killing of nine Turkish activists trying to reach Gaza in 2010.

Ex-military chief of staff Gabi Ashkenazi and former heads of military intelligence, the navy and air force are expected to be tried in absentia.

The nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed after Israeli troops boarded their ship, the Mavi Marmara.

They had been hoping to breach Israel's naval blockade and deliver aid to Gaza.

A prosecutor at the court in Istanbul has called for each of the four Israeli officers to face nine life sentences, Turkish news agency Anatolia reported.

The other three commanders are ex-naval chief Vice Admiral Eliezer Marom, former head of military intelligence Major General Amos Yadlin, and former head of the air force Brigadier General Avishai Lev.

Israel has refused to co-operate with any prosecution of those who took part in the attack.

If they are convicted, the Turkish court could issue a warrant for their arrest.

The Mavi Marmara was intercepted by the Israeli navy in international waters as it sailed towards Gaza's coast on 31 May 2010.

A UN inquiry found that Israel's blockade of Gaza was "a legitimate security measure".

It said Israeli troops had faced "significant, organised and violent resistance" when they boarded the ship.

But it said Israel's decision to board the ship and the use of substantial force was "excessive and unreasonable".

The incident has led to a major rift in relations between Turkey and Israel.
No, they don't, it was a trial in absentia.

It is pure propaganda, meant to please the Islamic masses. No leader in the world would dare arrest an Israeli general, lest they face the consequences.
Yes, Israel is a threat to Turkey, otherwise Erdogan wouldn't bark
Yes, Israel is a threat to Turkey, otherwise Erdogan wouldn't bark

The first time i agree with an Israeli, YES sadly the Turkish Government became a puppet of the west, and the west is a puppet of Israel, its obvious, and erDOGan can't do anything, without a permission from his masters in Tel Aviv and NATO countries, poor man is trying so hard to become a member of the EU for some reason, so they will always hold the membership against him.
Turkey is no longer trying hard for the EU membership, actually majority thinks its not necessary anymore.

Erdoğan is a Islamist, naturally he barks at Israel.
Turkey is no longer trying hard for the EU membership, actually majority thinks its not necessary anymore.

Erdoğan is a Islamist, naturally he barks at Israel.

It's very disrespectful living in Turkey and telling your prime minister is "barking", he is not a dog, only dogs barks. You should have more respect, afterall he made Turkey bloom in economy.

To the topic, Turkey is on its own feet. Fact is Turkey is a NATO member, but this doesn't make us a "puppet" of USA which is a "puppet" of Israel, it's not that simple. Every country has its own way of politics. If USA was fully a "puppet" of Israel and Turkey was a puppet of "USA", then we would never care for the casualties in Mavi Marmara, since this fail logic would make Israel the grand masters of Turkey.

I know some Syrians likes Assad, until his own family members gets killed by his troops. I hope this won't happen to you though, I hope you will realize soon enough that he is not much different from Gaddafi, and I hope his end will not be much different from Gaddafi.
The first time i agree with an Israeli, YES sadly the Turkish Government became a puppet of the west, and the west is a puppet of Israel, its obvious, and erDOGan can't do anything, without a permission from his masters in Tel Aviv and NATO countries, poor man is trying so hard to become a member of the EU for some reason, so they will always hold the membership against him.

Glad to see you people get together so well..You agree with an Israeli, an Iranian liked your post..What a wonderful day :D
Israeli officers will be unaffected. Turkish courts have no power to acquit those officers.

This is purely a publicity stunt it seems, perhaps to raise the popularity of ruling party.

I hope Israel-Turkey relations get better soon. I'm sure relations are normal under the table by now.
Israeli Admirals and Generals committed crimes against humanity in international waters and killed 9 peaceful and unarmed Turkish ciitzens. Turkey has every right to bring these criminals to trials by their courts of law.

Israeli officers will be unaffected. Turkish courts have no power to acquit those officers.

This is purely a publicity stunt it seems, perhaps to raise the popularity of ruling party.

I hope Israel-Turkey relations get better soon. I'm sure relations are normal under the table by now.

The opinion of an Indian false flagger like yourself does not count.

Are you really that ashamed of your indian nationality ?
The opinion of an Indian false flagger like yourself does not count.

Are you really that ashamed of your indian nationality ?

Seriously, get rid of this paranoia. Anybody who disagrees with you must be an "evil Indian" right? What kind of logic is that?

Now everybody knows if these officers are convicted, they won't turn up in the trial. The turkish ruling government knows this too well. Then why go ahead with the trial? Publicity stunt.
I did not call him dog, in fact I did not even post here, dude.
But I agree with Targons statement, Erdogan talks a lot and does nothing. Its sad that his followers don't see that how many times he promised to do X or Y but then chickend out.
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