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Israeli officers face Turkish trial

I did not call him dog, in fact I did not even post here, dude.
But I agree with Targons statement, Erdogan talks a lot and does nothing. Its sad that his followers don't see that how many times he promised to do X or Y but then chickend out.

I didn't quote you, why would you think I was talking to you?
Why should I pretend like I'm respecting him ?
Why should I pretend like I'm respecting him ?

We don't say you should pretend anything. But not acknowledging his accomplishments is ignorance. He is the only PM in the history of Turkey to have tripled the country's economy in 10 years. Imagine another ten year time or 20 years with honest and solid politicians with integrity. Where Turkey is today is thanks to the AKP, i am not an AKP fanboy or whatever, but i base my thoughts on facts and current developments, not on some illogical sentiments as most anti-AKP people do.
Illogical ? I don't like his Islamic policy, simple as that, I don't have to recpect him or AKP.
I am really shocked on how people disrespect the PM Erdogan like this, You dont see me calling Ataturk a filtthy secularist dog. Show some more respect especially What and Targon.

Interesting approach..Disgusting too
Its no longer a conspiracy theory, yes he is openly threating the secular system, in an appropriate situation&time, there is nothing holds him to not turn state to a Islamic republic, according to what you think a group who openly discriminates non-muslims , supports radical applications and wants to raise childs religious would not want that ?
Its no longer a conspiracy theory, yes he is openly threating the secular system, in an appropriate situation&time, there is nothing holds him to not turn state to a Islamic republic, according to what you think a group who openly discriminates non-muslims , supports radical applications and wants to raise childs religious would not want that ?

The AKP is an islamic oriented conservative party just like the examples in Germany with Angela Merkel and the Christian Democracts which is very big parties in Europe. Teaching a country's youth its history and religion is not abrupt on the contrary it is what to be excepted of every single mature country out there.
Illogical ? I don't like his Islamic policy, simple as that, I don't have to recpect him or AKP.

Same goes for me but I acknowledge that they also did something good but we don't have to exaggerate because the economic boom is the result of Kemal Dervis's rerforms but the AKP is carrying off the laurels.
We are not European, don't compare us with their maturity.

Are you heard something like "Free choice" ? Secular system's mission is just educate the youth, not abuse their minds with religious stuff, when they become mature enough, they will follow their own path, but since I had similar conservations before, I know how its hard to convince Islamist that abusing the mind of youth is not a good thing, or Atheists are not really "evil".
Its no longer a conspiracy theory, yes he is openly threating the secular system, in an appropriate situation&time, there is nothing holds him to not turn state to a Islamic republic, according to what you think a group who openly discriminates non-muslims , supports radical applications and wants to raise childs religious would not want that ?

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday called on Egyptians to adopt a secular constitution, noting that secularism does not mean renouncing religion.

A secular state respects all religions, Erdogan said in an interview with the private satellite TV channel Dream before heading to Egypt for a two-day visit.

"Do not be wary of secularism. I hope there will be a secular state in Egypt," Erdogan said.

He stressed that people have the right to choose whether or not to be religious, adding that he is a Muslim prime minister for a secular state.

Erdogan calls for a secular Egypt | Egypt Independent

So he wants Turkey to be ruled by Sharia Law and threatening Secular system in Turkey, but he openly advertises and supports Secular system for other Muslim countries..Interesting..Would you mind to elaborate what kind of policies that AKP follow is a threat to Secular system in Turkey? Its obvious you have some info that we dont have
Yes, what a irony right ? he himself not respects secularism but suggests others to be secular.

What kind of info do you want ? compare his statements, actions with the meaning of secularism.

A little tip, state should be indifferent in religious matters.
Yes, what a irony right ? he himself not respects secularism but suggests others to be secular.

What kind of info do you want ? compare his statements, actions with the meaning of secularism.

A little tip, state should be indifferent in religious matters.

Again we are at the beginning..How does he not respect secularism? Just give me an example so i can get what you mean..I am not trying to come at you, just want to know what you mean
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