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Israeli Officer Killed on Way to Seder in West Bank

Bad example is not a example... having suffered hardships shouldn't make you cruel against innocent children. Opening fire on woman and children is just an act of terror.

It seems our view of Islam differs.

Keeping religion aside, don't you find it hypocritical that the very European Jews residing in the state of Israel claim to have been persecuted and "exterminated" by the Nazis during the so called "Holocaust", yet they themselves have no qualms in kicking Palestinians off their own land (which they lived on for centuries) through brute force even at the expense of non-combatants like Women, Elderly, and even Children both born and unborn alike.

Take a look at this baby shot through in his mothers whomb by Israeli soldiers, and then the Israelis have the audacity to make a T-Shirt about it:


The result of using Phosphorus on civilian population by Israeli soldiers:


Justifying the murder of non combatants is sick and unhuman no matter if they are Jews, Muslims, Christians, hindus, etc etc.
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Of course pro-Zionist OP makes a thread two days later to get so much attention on one Israeli life but never any attention to Palestinians death. When an Israeli dies we are reminded he has a family and children and how he lead a good life and 'saved' civilians. But, when a Palestinian dies we don't hear any of that and all we hear is subhuman justifications to their deaths.

Now this thread is hit thread in order to highly publicize this one incident. But, the 52 Palestinians killed this year? Who cares about them.
Everyone cares and recognizes,hazzy..but we avoid too much drama..or we are too senseless now to feel that...or we are trying to close our eyes.This ignorance or escape will make us more extremist as we won't be in any position to recognize our flaws.
We should stop blaming zionist,israel,Us or Jew America for everything..it is our fault that we didn't established top class universities and halted our research work..our rich class wasted their money over women and wine and we slaughtered each other on the basis of difference of sects.When intellects like lord Rutherford were passing X-rays over gold metal to understand the atom and building new concepts,we were wasting the very same gold over woman and wine.
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Keeping religion aside, don't you find it hypocritical that the very European Jews residing in the state of Israel claim to have been persecuted and "exterminated" by the Nazis during the so called "Holocaust", yet they themselves have no qualms in kicking Palestinians off their own land (which they lived on for centuries) through brute force even at the expense of non-combatants like Women, Elderly, and even Children both born and unborn alike.

Take a look at this baby shot through in his mothers whomb by Israeli soldiers, and then the Israelis have the audacity to make a T-Shirt about it:


The result of using Phosphorus on civilian population by Israeli soldiers:


Justifying the murder of non combatants is sick and unhuman no matter if they are Jews, Muslims, Christians, hindus, etc etc.

Is it too hard to understand that i don't defend Israel.........why do you show those horrific pictures to me, did i commit those crimes..

Because Israel did these things is this allows you to act without dignity. Maybe it is your way but not ours.
Is it too hard to understand that i don't defend Israel.........why do you show those horrific pictures to me, did i commit those crimes..

Because Israel did these things is this allows you to act without dignity. Maybe it is your way but not ours.

Those are all your assumptions (highlighted in bold) because i never said any of that :coffee: . Guilty conscience much???

Those pictures of Palestinian children killed by israelis are real, but i guess the truth is too much for you to handle??

Anyway, since you said:
Opening fire on woman and children is just an act of terror.

And opening fire on women and children is exactly what israelis do (and they brag about it), which is probably why the Palestinians do it to the israelis in RETALIATION (you probably didn't think that through).

Its a tit for tat thing. Whether you and i agree with it or not.
And opening fire on women and children is exactly what israelis do (and they brag about it), which is probably why the Palestinians do it to the israelis in RETALIATION (you probably didn't think that through).
Its a tit for tat thing. Whether you and i agree with it or not.

Your kind's understanding of justice is far from mine.
Your kind's understanding of justice is far from mine.

Sinan, I believe what he's implying is these small tit for tat acts of violence are part of a larger picture. Which is the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory for decades now.
Sinan, I believe what he's implying is these small tit for tat acts of violence are part of a larger picture. Which is the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory for decades now.

Sinan, I believe what he's implying is these small tit for tat acts of violence are part of a larger picture. Which is the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory for decades now.

Mate, what's wrong is wrong. Israelis kills children it's wrong and it's vice versa.

We know how Israelis killed/kills innocent Palestinian children. They killed 9 of my citizens... but i still won't wish for the all Israelis death..

But i understand what you are saying my response to his post nothing else.
Mate, what's wrong is wrong. Israelis kills children it's wrong and it's vice versa.

We know how Israelis killed/kills innocent Palestinian children. They killed 9 of my citizens... but i still won't wish for the all Israelis death..

But i understand what you are saying my response to his post nothing else.

Stop making assumptions, nobody has ever said any of the words you're putting in our mouthes. If you're looking at violence from every single incident then yeah all violence in the world including Turkish on Kurdish violence is wrong. However, you're ignoring the context on the part of the larger picture. There is a brutal occupation and that is the reality, it's going been going on for decades.

Palestinians aren't wishing death on all Israelis, Israelis are wishing death on all Palestinians, expelling them, demolishing their homes, occupying their hand and restricting all their rights and preventing goods from entering Palestine at a regular rate. So the reality is Israel's in a continuous state of aggression against the Palestinian people in Palestine and around the world were they seek to censor our national identity. Not the other way around.

So I understand what you mean, but we don't know if this person had his family member killed by Israeli forces recently. It's not a hate crime or violence inspired by hatred, it's violence unfortunately inspired by Israel's occupation. It's still wrong if you're only looking at it through a moral scope.
Stop making assumptions, nobody has ever said any of the words you're putting in our mouthes. If you're looking at violence from every single incident then yeah all violence in the world including Turkish on Kurdish violence is wrong. However, you're ignoring the context on the part of the larger picture. There is a brutal occupation and that is the reality, it's going been going on for decades.

Palestinians aren't wishing death on all Israelis, Israelis are wishing death on all Palestinians, expelling them, demolishing their homes, occupying their hand and restricting all their rights and preventing goods from entering Palestine at a regular rate. So the reality is Israel's in a continuous state of aggression against the Palestinian people in Palestine and around the world were they seek to censor our national identity. Not the other way around.

So I understand what you mean, but we don't know if this person had his family member killed by Israeli forces recently. It's not a hate crime or violence inspired by hatred, it's violence unfortunately inspired by Israel's occupation. It's still wrong if you're only looking at it through a moral scope.

I never said anything about "Palestinians wishing deaths of Israelis" but some of the members said it you can look for it in the previous posts.

And i'm saying still. whatever the cause this is plain wrong.

Let me give you an example when Greeks occupied Izmir after WW1 they stepped on ur flag.... years later when Atatürk defeated Greeks and entered Izmir townsfolk put down the Greek flag on the road.

Ataturk refused step on it "Saying a flag is nations honor and pride. Greeks misbehavied but we will not repeat the same mistake."

This is not in our culture. Maybe that's why we can't understand each other.

Look at these insane people, because of an individual act, they want Israel to declare 'sovereignty' over a Palestinian city and want Israel to expand its borders and increase colonialist projects.

Official Calls for Sovereignty Over Hevron Area - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Of course if dozens of Palestinians were killed they can't demand the same treatment of declaring sovereignty over their own land in the West Bank. They use security as a pretext to occupy Palestinian land and as a pretext to expel Palestinians from their lands. This is a criminal state which needs to be held accountable by international law.

I never said anything about "Palestinians wishing deaths of Israelis" but some of the members said it you can look for it in the previous posts.

And i'm saying still. whatever the cause this is plain wrong.

Let me give you an example when Greeks occupied Izmir after WW1 they stepped on ur flag.... years later when Atatürk defeated Greeks and entered Izmir townsfolk put down the Greek flag on the road.

Ataturk refused step on it "Saying a flag is nations honor and pride. Greeks misbehavied but we will not repeat the same mistake."

This is not in our culture. Maybe that's why we can't understand each other.

My friend I understand you but you're not familiar with this conflict. These people are unlike any people you've seen or heard of in the world. They are the only people who colonize other people's land based on nationalist extremist pretexts.
Your kind's understanding of justice is far from mine.
It seems that it is very hard for your mind to comprehend the situation.

I'M NOT JUSTIFYING THE MURDER OF INNOCENTS BE THE JEWS/ISRAELIS OR PALESTINIANS. I'm merely presenting you the situation as it is. Your attempt at dragging me personally into a pathetic rant of yours only displays your weak argument.

I hope that is cleared out for you, but if your mind still can't comprehend such a simple explanation, then one can only be amused at such a lack of understanding on your part.

Now, coming back to the situation at hand, israeli's and Palestinians have probably been killing each others non-combatants for a while now, it is a tit for tat.

@Sinan I don't think a IDF soldier gives two hoots about what you think about "justice" or if you disagree with his "understanding" of Justice, nothing in the world stops him from executing his orders, least of all your understanding of "justice". The same with a Palestinian, he will not care what some unknown person like yourself has to say or think about his actions because for him it is a war zone and he will do anything to avenge his loss in property and family members.
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