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Israeli missile shield for Bengaluru, The Tech City

mate u really are a dreamer . we can take hits anywhere from north to south and from east to west. but just think how many hits pakistan will take. ohhhhh i forgot , only one hit will put your existence at stake . so don't dream be realistic if u want pakistan to exist in the world map.

Bhartis having wet dreams :lol:

India and Pakistan are too close for any "defence cover" ..If Pakistani military decided to launch a nuclear holocaust on India then,my friends,it is almost certain that we WILL succeed in destroying cities like Mumbai,Agra,Delhi,Kolkata,Chennai,Ahmedabad etc etc ... The next war b/w Bharat and Pakistan would be the last war of this region...

Why you want to end Indian civilization?
Bhartis having wet dreams :lol:

India and Pakistan are too close for any "defence cover" ..If Pakistani military decided to launch a nuclear holocaust on India then,my friends,it is almost certain that we WILL succeed in destroying cities like Mumbai,Agra,Delhi,Kolkata,Chennai,Ahmedabad etc etc ... The next war b/w Bharat and Pakistan would be the last war of this region...

Why you want to end Indian civilization?

O is it! wasn't Pakistan lost Kargil war few years ago??? :cheesy: Instead of having your Nuke you were not able to hold the position in Kargil...

Indian Civilization is one of the oldest and strongest civilization, It won't finished by small wars... since 10,000 years Invaders unsuccessfully tried and failed... your existence is lesser than 70 years...
Bhartis having wet dreams :lol:

India and Pakistan are too close for any "defence cover" ..If Pakistani military decided to launch a nuclear holocaust on India then,my friends,it is almost certain that we WILL succeed in destroying cities like Mumbai,Agra,Delhi,Kolkata,Chennai,Ahmedabad etc etc ... The next war b/w Bharat and Pakistan would be the last war of this region...

Why you want to end Indian civilization?

Sir you do realise that :

1. Missiles are not kept in a ready to fire with nuclear warhead on them? They have to be assembled before being launched. If Pakistan decides to Nuke India, it will start making these preparations setting off alarm bells within India and rest of the world. And I am sure, if the world does not succeed in making Pakistan stop something will have to be done to stop them. This meantime will give India enough time to prepare itself.

2. Chennai and Kolkata are currently beyond the reach of deployed Pakistani Missiles, as of now.

3. Can you please give me a reason as to why Pakistan will launch an unprovoked Nuclear attack on Indian Cities?
Bhartis having wet dreams :lol:

India and Pakistan are too close for any "defence cover" ..If Pakistani military decided to launch a nuclear holocaust on India then,my friends,it is almost certain that we WILL succeed in destroying cities like Mumbai,Agra,Delhi,Kolkata,Chennai,Ahmedabad etc etc ... The next war b/w Bharat and Pakistan would be the last war of this region...

Why you want to end Indian civilization?

How much time do you think does a Katyusha rocket fired by Hezbolah from Lebanon border takes to reach an Israeli city.
If these minuscule rockets traveling at supersonic speeds with next to none radar signature can be intercepted in matter of seconds..why do you think your big as.s missiles with huge radar and infrared signature can not be intercepted?
O is it! wasn't Pakistan lost Kargil war few years ago??? :cheesy: Instead of having your Nuke you were not able to hold the position in Kargil...

Indian Civilization is one of the oldest and strongest civilization, It won't finished by small wars... since 10,000 years Invaders unsuccessfully tried and failed... your existence is lesser than 70 years...

You are having wet dreams my friend.... Don't overestimate yourself. We have better delivery system along with many friends who won't mind seeing pakistan get destroyed. After all you are a small country only 4-5 nukes would be more than enough for pakistan to bite the dust.
1. Who told you that you have better delivery systems? DRDO claims?
2. If 4 - 5 nukes are enough for Pakistan then 15 nukes are enough for India to bite the dust and we have over 100 in our inventory.

You are making some progress. However, do not assume that your MDS is fool-proof at this stage. You guys have lot to accomplish in this field yet.

O is it! wasn't Pakistan lost Kargil war few years ago??? :cheesy: Instead of having your Nuke you were not able to hold the position in Kargil...
Bollywood propaganda indeed works.

Pakistan did not lost the war in Kargil. Pakistan decided to retreat due to tremendous international pressure. Indians witnessed Pakistani troops leaving their positions and assumed that they have won. And later on, Bollywood projected the bogus tales of valor and success in movies.
propaganda everywhere, really make me feel sick.

why the hell the title need to include the term "tech city"? to show your fancy achievement?

sorry to say: I never heard about that city, it is clearly not a tech city. how many interntional patents get filed there every year? how many investion there are changing the lives around the world? how many "tech" company there can get annual profit of more than 5 billion USD?

oh, btw, infosys is not "tech"
Its the silicon valley of india..
Its surprising u didnt know...
Barrack obama mentioned this city along a lot of times during campaigning and even during presidenncy...
Its not a university to get u tech patents....
Its a tech IT city with Defence and Space research centres....
And ofcourse the company is called INFOSYS TECHNOLOGIES Ltd.....
Bollywood propaganda indeed works.

Pakistan did not lost the war in Kargil. Pakistan decided to retreat due to tremendous international pressure. Indians witnessed Pakistani troops leaving their positions and assumed that they have won. And later on, Bollywood projected the bogus tales of valor and success in movies.

propaganda everywhere, really make me feel sick.

why the hell the title need to include the term "tech city"? to show your fancy achievement?

sorry to say: I never heard about that city, it is clearly not a tech city. how many interntional patents get filed there every year? how many investion there are changing the lives around the world? how many "tech" company there can get annual profit of more than 5 billion USD?

oh, btw, infosys is not "tech"

LOL at your ignorance.

OT-awesome me from blore. haha me safe!! :D
Bhartis having wet dreams :lol:

India and Pakistan are too close for any "defence cover" ..If Pakistani military decided to launch a nuclear holocaust on India then,my friends,it is almost certain that we WILL succeed in destroying cities like Mumbai,Agra,Delhi,Kolkata,Chennai,Ahmedabad etc etc ... The next war b/w Bharat and Pakistan would be the last war of this region...

Why you want to end Indian civilization?

mate u really are a dreamer . we can take hits anywhere from north to south and from east to west. but just think how many hits pakistan will take. ohhhhh i forgot , only one hit will put your existence at stake . so don't dream be realistic if u want pakistan to exist in the world map.
1. Who told you that you have better delivery systems? DRDO claims?

better delivery Aircraft, submarines to deliver nuke (with SLBM) ,Wide variety of Missiles to choose from, more Range, MIRV What more do you want?

2. If 4 - 5 nukes are enough for Pakistan then 15 nukes are enough for India to bite the dust and we have over 100 in our inventory.

No 4 -5 nukes are enough because your country is un protected, and all those missiles will flatten your cities, just after your 1st strike, you will be showered with 10+ nukes on your prime cities and strategic bases. On other hand India in deploying missile shield in prime cities, S-300 , israeli ABM system are being deployed. and plans are to make a ballistic missile defence system which will intercept your missiles before it Enter Indian air space. So you will have to use 40 50 toys to get 2 3 hits. NATO also proposed to share tech. SO future is hard for u.

I doubt your country will survive that long. cos after 1st launch Pakistan will be history:enjoy:

You are making some progress. However, do not assume that your MDS is fool-proof at this stage. You guys have lot to accomplish in this field yet.

Very true, No missile defence system is foul proof today. but we have achieved success upto some level, and we are moving on right path to make it next to foul proof. On other hand you are standing naked. anything that we will launch will land successfully on your Land of pure

Bollywood propaganda indeed works.

Pakistan did not lost the war in Kargil. Pakistan decided to retreat due to tremendous international pressure. Indians witnessed Pakistani troops leaving their positions and assumed that they have won. And later on, Bollywood projected the bogus tales of valor and success in movies.

Isn't that success? India fought back as soon as it came to know your dirty plans to take kargil and other peaks. We launched our attack as well as we made International pressure. Perfect combination of Soft power and hard power. Mission was accomplished. Target was to get back positions, Which was successfully achieved.

On other hand Pakistan cannot do the same. When we took Siachen(1984) or we attacked East pakistan (1971) International pressure, Military might, Soft power etc etc nothing worked. You are still crying for kashmir and loosing parts of your country.

Why pakistan fail to make any international pressure ? Nobody likes you or believes your fairy tales? :lol:
This "We will launch nukes" attitude comes from the country from which they got there missile tech :D (oh yes...north korea)

and Pakistan is so dark in the night like north korea that our missiles cant see where they are going to hit and thats why our Pak friends say that our missiles wil fail...another North korea connection:D...:lol:
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---------- Post added at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 PM ----------

Bhartis having wet dreams :lol:

India and Pakistan are too close for any "defence cover" ..If Pakistani military decided to launch a nuclear holocaust on India then,my friends,it is almost certain that we WILL succeed in destroying cities like Mumbai,Agra,Delhi,Kolkata,Chennai,Ahmedabad etc etc ... The next war b/w Bharat and Pakistan would be the last war of this region...

Why you want to end Indian civilization?

You are just a Fart in the air.. Thats all u are.. Remember one thing if u cant talk properly join one ur terrorist brothers ..& come to India to die....
1. Who told you that you have better delivery systems? DRDO claims?
2. If 4 - 5 nukes are enough for Pakistan then 15 nukes are enough for India to bite the dust and we have over 100 in our inventory.

You are making some progress. However, do not assume that your MDS is fool-proof at this stage. You guys have lot to accomplish in this field yet.

Bollywood propaganda indeed works.

Pakistan did not lost the war in Kargil. Pakistan decided to retreat due to tremendous international pressure. Indians witnessed Pakistani troops leaving their positions and assumed that they have won. And later on, Bollywood projected the bogus tales of valor and success in movies.

in reality the outcome of the war was status quo but in terms of tactical objectives India won due to the fact that our mission was to get Pakistani intruders out of our territory (which we did) and your tactical objective was to capture and hold onto abandoned Indian posts (which did not happen) on a tactical and strategic level Kargil was another loss for Pakistan because you lost more money and had more casualties and in the aftermath your economy literally nose dived while ours went up and the view on Kashmir internationally was shifted towards our side since in the eyes of the international media and people Pakistan belligerently started a war that it poorly planned out and had to retreat due to a failing military operation and international pressure from 3rd countries who Pakistan had asked for help in.

now i hope that clears things up for you

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