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Israeli minister says Israel 'wants to erase Gaza off the map'


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Several wounded in mortar attack; rockets slam into Beersheba | The Times of Israel

Communications Minister Gilad Erdan, upon exiting the security cabinet, tells Channel 2 the Israeli government is ready for any military option.

Erdan is mum on decisions made in the closed-door meeting, but stresses that the various options raised are “not simple” and that “there is no magic solution.”

We probably won’t be able to erase Gaza off the map, he allows, though we want to.


These are Jewish barbaric terrorists plain and simple. And the Palestinians are struggling for their survival.
That nobody FaujHistorian was praising israelis...what a sick screwed up person and his supporters.

They are barbaric Jewish terrorists. I don't know how anyone could sympathize with them. Their intentions are very clear, come to the homeland of the Palestinians who have been living there for thousands of years of unlike the Jewish people who had a kingdom for less than a thousand years after conquering Canaan. This is a brutal regime and it would make sense that it would be toppled and not Palestine being destroyed.
They are barbaric Jewish terrorists. I don't know how anyone could sympathize with them. Their intentions are very clear, come to the homeland of the Palestinians who have been living there for thousands of years of unlike the Jewish people who had a kingdom for less than a thousand years after conquering Canaan. This is a brutal regime and it would make sense that it would be toppled and not Palestine being destroyed.

Since he supports the creation of israel how about hamas and fateh go into israel and create another state with-in israel and declare it another country would that be legal. Very disappointed by certain members who post anything without making any sense or to backup their claim.

Ok Palestine the land was conquered by many but the original people lived there may it be jews over the time Islam spread and they jewish people became Muslims of that land fair enough these modern jews could have lived together in peace. Again my question is why did UK/UN created israel from the lands of Palestine why not in UK or Germany or US or why not in some Latin Aemrican or african land.
Several wounded in mortar attack; rockets slam into Beersheba | The Times of Israel

Communications Minister Gilad Erdan, upon exiting the security cabinet, tells Channel 2 the Israeli government is ready for any military option.

Erdan is mum on decisions made in the closed-door meeting, but stresses that the various options raised are “not simple” and that “there is no magic solution.”

We probably won’t be able to erase Gaza off the map, he allows, though we want to.


These are Jewish barbaric terrorists plain and simple. And the Palestinians are struggling for their survival.
So? Arabs want erase us, it is mutual.
So? Arabs want erase us, it is mutual.

Palestinians want freedom, to dismantle the brutal Israeli regime. The thing is you guys are two-faced to the international world. Telling them you 'reign' and 'hope' for peace when in reality you Jewish terrorists want to kill and expel all Palestinians and take away their land. This has been the goal of your Zionist leaders since the early 20th century. Palestinians are struggling for their survival.
Palestinians want freedom, to dismantle the brutal Israeli regime. The thing is you guys are two-faced to the international world. Telling them you 'reign' and 'hope' for peace when in reality you Jewish terrorists want to kill and expel all Palestinians and take away their land. This has been the goal of your Zionist leaders since the early 20th century. Palestinians are struggling for their survival.

Blah blah blah, ZIONISM is here to stay, Arabs want Israel be gone, to do peace with who? with those that dont recognize us?
Blah blah blah, ZIONISM is here to stay, Arabs want Israel be gone, to do peace with who? with those that dont recognize us?

Look this Chain is all Muslim countries, where the heck this red germ came from ?
1,300,000 Muslims against ~14,000,000 Jews?
you're so fooking illiterate that u donno the population of muslims is greater than 1 mil .

i assume u know what u wrote since u separated the zeros with comma .

dummy , its not muslim Vs jew . if it was like that , we would have turned a blind eye to innocents and would evaporate u off the map in seconds .

its islam Vs zioinism . we CANNOT kill innocent women and children because of our religion . cause we believe in the lord almighty .

you're so fvking lucky thats the case , or else there was no (U) . some vaporized water would be the only remains from u .

bai bai :lol:
Israeli minister says Israel 'wants to erase Gaza off the map'

So Arabs with their superpower American / European weapons gonna cherish for that .
Blah blah blah, ZIONISM is here to stay, Arabs want Israel be gone, to do peace with who? with those that dont recognize us?

'Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless. What will you do on the day of reckoning, when disaster comes from afar? To whom will you run for help? Where will you leave your riches? 4 Nothing will remain but to cringe among the captives or fall among the slain. Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away, his hand is still upraised.'

First, why does Israel say its a Jewish state when it doesn't even follow the laws of God as written in his scriptures. The above quote is from book of Isaiah, yet look closely and you will see that you are not following God's commandments. You are being unjust, and cruel. You should be careful, remember why your people was punished in the first place, don't make the same mistakes again.
So? Arabs want erase us, it is mutual.

Yes but its there land look at the colour of there skin its where they belong but you belong somewhere cold and grey where nature will not burn you and turn you red

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