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Israeli minister calls for invasion of Gaza, lies about armed strength of the Palestinian Resistance

You said its not about the rocket threat.

Go read what I said slowly, it's over a number of reasons and it sure isn't about an imminent threat.

They dont fire rockets at Israel unlike Gaza.

So you're saying Gaza is the number one security threat to Israel? That still doesn't justify an unprovoked invasion. :lol:

You meant Israel regularly attacks Gaza.

Who says that?

Whenever people here who speak against Hamas, of course money talks, some are open still due to that. Majority are destroyed and mostly used for civilian purposes.

No, he said it just reminds Hezbollah ways.


You lied claiming that he calls long range rockets 200-mm. Also no such rockets produced in Gaza. Rockets used in 2012 were 330-mm iranian made Fajr-5. But Fajr-5 is junk compare to WS-1B.

Only rockets available in Gaza which can reach central Israel are locally produced M75 rockets which are 200mm, it's impossible to smuggle fajr-5 right now. There's also no such thing as the WS-1 you speak of. The M75 is real, there are photos and Israel confirms it.

There are 330-mm and 302-mm rockets with range up to 180 km. Thats heavy and long range.

That's medium range and not all have heavy warheads, yet they're Syrian rockets which aren't available in Gaza.

Its a lie. In 2012 1500 rockets were fired, virtually all of them were not home made. Kassam rockets are replaced with 107-mm rockets in past 2 years. Currently the situation is follow:

I know that, 107mm is locally produced now, the military industry is bigger than ever in Gaza. The Palestinian resistance was able to fire that many rockets and bring Israel to the cease fire table.

107-mm type-63 (China) - 8 km range, couple thousands.
122-mm Grad (USSR) - 20 km range, many hundreds.
122-mm WS-1E (China) - 42 km range, many hundreds.
220-mm Raad (Syria) - 65-70 km range, dozens. I guess thats what u call M75.
330-mm Fajr-5 (Iran) - 75 km range, dozens.
302-mm M302 (Syria) - 100-180 km range, dozens.

There are no WS-1E, those are Iranian upgraded grads,107mm are locally produced. Raad and Fajr is a waste of time, money, and effort to smuggle. M75 is locally produced, not sure why you deny this. There aren't any M302 either. There's are more types of rockets you don't know about too. :lol:

Gaza has more than this, don't think you can easily get away with aggression.
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Go read what I said slowly, it's over a number of reasons and it sure isn't about an imminent threat.
You said this: "He isn't saying this to 'deter' a rocket threat."

Minister said: "Sooner or later we will have to take Gaza for limited time, because we cant accept the situation that there is a rocket threat on central Israel".

So you're saying Gaza is the number one security threat to Israel?
No, Gaza is number one attacker of Israel. All others already learned not to mess with us.
That still doesn't justify an unprovoked invasion. :lol:
Rocket attacks are not provocation?
You meant Israel regularly attacks Gaza.
No, Israel only retaliates.
Whenever people here who speak against Hamas, of course money talks, some are open still due to that. Majority are destroyed and mostly used for civilian purposes.
Bla bla. I never heard any Israeli official saying that all the tunnels are destroyed.

He did not say they are equal, he said they follow similar ways. Both armed themselves with heavy long range rockets.

Only rockets available in Gaza which can reach central Israel are locally produced M75 rockets which are 200mm, it's impossible to smuggle fajr-5 right now. There's also no such thing as the WS-1 you speak of. The M75 is real, there are photos and Israel confirms it.
There is no any M75. Its juts a junk name to cover up Iranian/Syrian rockets.

Here PIJ openly admits that rockets are 100% Iranian made:

Only little kids like u can believe that you can make 4 mach rocket in your backyard.

That's medium range and not all have heavy warheads, yet they're Syrian rockets which aren't available in Gaza.
They have 150 kg warheads. Pretty heavy.

I know that, 107mm is locally produced now, the military industry is bigger than ever in Gaza. The Palestinian resistance was able to fire that many rockets and bring Israel to the cease fire table.
There is no any 107-mm rocall production. Spare me of ur nonsense.

There are no WS-1E, those are Iranian upgraded grads,107mm are locally produced.
Grad is 122-mm. There is no any local production of Grad.
You said this: "He isn't saying this to 'deter' a rocket threat."

I already have numerous explanations and reasons as to why he wants Gaza invaded, there isn't an imminent threat to the illegal Jewish colony unless it commits aggression and starts skirmishes.

No, Gaza is number one attacker of Israel. All others already learned not to mess with us.

Gaza defends Palestine when Israel commits aggression.

Rocket attacks are not provocation?

Actions come wit reactions, Israel kills or murders Palestinians, then the Palestinians will retaliate. This guy is stating just go and attack without provocation.

No, Israel only retaliates.

Only naive people would say that.

Bla bla. I never heard any Israeli official saying that all the tunnels are destroyed.

Not Israeli officials doofus.

He did not say they are equal, he said they follow similar ways. Both armed themselves with heavy long range rockets.

Neither am I, his nonsense that they're arming at same rate is foolish, there's no such thing as heavy long range rockets in Gaza.

There is no any M75. Its juts a junk name to cover up Iranian/Syrian rockets.

You're a lunatic liar.
Hamas Manufactures Longer-Range M75 Missiles - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Here PIJ openly admits that rockets are 100% Iranian made:

M75 belongs to Hamas, not PIJ, PIJ also does manufacture it's own.

Only little kids like u can believe that you can make 4 mach rocket in your backyard.

Hamas Manufactures Longer-Range M75 Missiles - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

They have 150 kg warheads. Pretty heavy.

They vary and none exist in Gaza anyways, not sure why we're talking about Syrian rockets.

There is no any 107-mm rocall production. Spare me of ur nonsense.

They only get some parts but do the rest of the work.

Grad is 122-mm. There is no any local production of Grad.

Nobody said that, you must be drowsy.
I already caught u on lies numerous times. You can see that in this article they are called "homemade" in brackets. That means its what they say, not a fact.

This is what Gaza makes by themselves:


All crude made junk, that can fly 10 km at most.

There is no any 200-mm rocket. There are 220-mm Syrian Raad's which are based on USSR Uragan. There is also 240-mm Fajr-3 rocket. 200-mm M-75 is pure invention.

In ur own thread about "Palestinian resistance fighters" u can immediately see when rockets are factory made and when they are local made. Seconds look like total junk.

Palestinain Resistance Fighters
This isn't about what Gaza has or doesn't have anyways, since they still don't pose an imminent or enormous threat to Israel. There is a bad situation in Egypt and Iran and Gaza don't have ties like before, Hamas doesn't have a growing rocket arsenal anymore. It's less than pre 2012 Israeli offensive levels and that even was not significant enough. Meanwhile, Israel has intelligence on the WW2 rockets and only short range can be fired which don't do much anyways. These medium range are few in quality and Israel most likely has intelligence on most of them. So I'm reality little of a threat is posed to Israel, so this minister is a liar and an aggressor who wants to commit aggression against Palestinians. The estimated number is between 30-35 rockets which Israel has intelligence on the majority of them. So Israeli purposely over exaggerates any threat to justify their massive offensive with thousands of modern guided missiles that are hundreds if not thousands of KG explosives to use against the defenseless in Gaza. Unless the Palestinians start firing hundreds of rockets in one day for no reason at all unprovoked, there is no moral justification to attack Gaza especially since Gaza is under a two way siege and one way blockade.

Nobody wants war here besides Israel, the people in Gaza want to live and Hamas has to provide security for them. Every entity in the world is entitled to the right of security and every occupied entity is entitled to the right to self determination.

I already caught u on lies numerous times. You can see that in this article they are called "homemade" in brackets. That means its what they say, not a fact.

More BS by Israeli reserves(cowards) like you and the IDF propaganda machine. Hamas doesn't get M75 rockets from Syria nor Iran, it's impossible to smuggle such weapons at this moment. This doesn't mean the technology was one hundred percent invented by a few people in Gaza, it means they have developed their rocket system and those rockets are produced in Gaza in little quantities. I'm not getting into it anymore than this though, so people here don't overhype a arsenal made of a couple dozen 200mm rockets which are normal rockets these days, not advanced ballistic missiles, the government in Gaza and the people of Gaza don't want confrontation. It's Israel which seeks to attack and devastate Gaza and the Palestinian people.

Here is a link by your IDF chief(Australian Jew, not a Semite) saying clearly it's a system developed and produced in Gaza:

IDF confirms Hamas is producing long-range rockets - IHS Jane's 360

The Palestinian militant group Hamas has developed the ability to construct rockets capable of reaching deep into Israel, according to Lieutenant General Benny Gantz, chief of the general staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

Btw, you idiot liar. You're claiming it's 220mm Syrian rocket when your IDF chief tells you it's 200mm. There is a 200mm rocket system known as the M75:

Gen Gantz told a conference for Ministry of Defence staff and the Manufacturers Association of Israel that the 200 mm M75 rocket was being produced in the Gaza Strip and has a range of 80 km, according to multiple Israeli media reports.

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The Israelis believe that Iran has been smuggling in Fajr-5 components (which can fit in the smuggling tunnels) which were then assembled, perhaps with some locally made components, into Fajr-5s (or, as Hamas likes to call them, M-75s).

Weapons: Hamas Has A Very Secret Big Rocket
The Israelis believe that Iran has been smuggling in Fajr-5 components (which can fit in the smuggling tunnels) which were then assembled, perhaps with some locally made components, into Fajr-5s (or, as Hamas likes to call them, M-75s).

Weapons: Hamas Has A Very Secret Big Rocket

I see you're back pedaling now, give me a positive rating for correcting you. :D

Sweetheart, before the M75 was developed they used to smuggle Fajr-5, in components. Now they don't anymore and develop and produce the M75 which is not the same thing nor does it use any components of the Iranian rocket. The available resources in Gaza are used, all that is smuggled is explosives for the 40-70Kg war heads.

I know this better than you do I'm sorry, and there are things you don't know about that occur every night which I don't need to mention since the order is to maintain stability and security for the Palestinian people of Gaza. :lol:

PS: 'A Very Secret Big Rocket' made me LOOOOOOOOL! :lol:

@500 give me positive rating for correcting you twice azzhole. :coffee:
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I see you're pedaling back now, give me a positive rating for correcting you. :D

Sweetheart, before the M75 was developed they used to smuggle Fajr-5, in components. Now they don't anymore and develop and produce the M75 which is not the same thing nor does it use any components of the Iranian rocket. The available resources in Gaza are used, all that is smuggled is explosives for the 40-70Kg war heads.

I know this better than you do I'm sorry, and there are things you don't know about that occur every night which I don't need to mention since the order is to maintain stability and security for the Palestinian people of Gaza. :lol:

PS: 'A Very Secret Big Rocket' made me LOOOOOOOOL! :lol:
I gave u a positive rating because u found a normal link for the first time. Unfortunately Google does not show that quote in Hebrew:


I wanted to check his actual words. There is no any pedaling back. Its long known that rockets like Fajr are too big they need to be dismantled to transport them through tunnels.
I gave u a positive rating because u found a normal link for the first time. Unfortunately Google does not show that quote in Hebrew:


I don't see my positive rating, I want the green check mark. :D

Should have done it long back. Nevertheless, better late than never.

Mind your business and region, you have nothing to do with the Middle East let alone Israeli/Palestinian policy. :lol:
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