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Israeli minister calls for full Saudi ties and official Riyadh visit

simple Brain

Oct 12, 2014
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Israeli minister calls for full Saudi ties and official Riyadh visit
Intelligence minister Yisrael Katz has also invited King Salman to send new crown prince to Israel to establish mutual ties


Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right, and intelligence minister Yisrael Katz attend cabinet meeting in Jerusalem last year (AFP/file photo)

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Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yisrael Katz, Avigdor Lieberman, Benjamin Netanyahu, King Salman, MBS, Mohammed bin Salman
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Senior Israeli ministers have called on Saudi Arabia’s King Salman to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel.

Speaking at the Herzliya conference on Thursday, Israel’s intelligence and transportation minister Yisrael Katz asked King Salman to invite Prime Minister Netanyahu to Riyadh and to send newly appointed Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to Tel Aviv in return.

"I call upon Salman, the King of Saudi, to invite the prime minister of Israel Netanyahu to visit Saudi Arabia," Katz said, at the annual gathering of Israeli political leaders and strategists.

"We saw what a wonderful host you can be... when President Trump was there. You can also send your heir, the new one, Prince Mohammed bin Salman. He's a dynamic person. He is an initiator. And he wants to break through.

"Exactly this way... they know who Iran is. They know we have to create an access vis-a-vis Iran. You can send him for a meeting in Israel and I promise you, he's going to be a very welcome guest."

Avigdor Lieberman, Israel's defence minister, also called for "full diplomatic and economic relations" at the conference.

A peace deal must be reached with "moderate Arab Sunni countries" before a peace agreement could be made with the Palestinians, Lieberman said.

He said: "The only light at the end of the tunnel is a complete regional agreement." The hard-right defence minister added: "Full diplomatic and economic relations. Not under the table, but on the table.”

"I saw research on what the result of a regional agreement and full economic relations would mean between Israel, the Gulf countries and Saudi Arabia. This would mean an additional revenue of $45bn for Israel. That's the potential. We have to clearly say what our priorities are."

Prince Salman's appointment as crown prince and heir to the Saudi throne has brought renewed hope of a rapprochement between the two countries, according to communications minister Ayoub Kara.

“Salman’s appointment means more economic cooperation in the Middle East, and not just regarding oil,” Kara said in a statement. “The strengthening of relations with the Trump administration is the beginning of a new and optimistic time between Saudi Arabia and regional states, including Israel and the Jewish people.”

Saudi Arabia has refused to recognise Israel since its inception in 1948 and has supported Palestinian rights to sovereignty over territory occupied by Israel since 1967. However, the Gulf kingdom did not participate in any of the Arab-Israeli Wars.

Both countries see Iran as a strategic threat and are close allies of the United States, while recent years have seen growing ties between the bastion of Sunni Islam and the self-proclaimed "Jewish state".

Israel has also been supportive of a blockade of Qatar led by Saudi Arabia. Tel Aviv has repeatedly called on Qatar not to give asylum to key Palestinian figures, including Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal and Azmi Bishara.

During a tour of the Middle East last month, US President Donald Trump flew directly from Saudi Arabia to Israel in a flight dubbed a “historic moment” in relations between the two countries by deputy White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Talks aimed at establishing economic ties between the countries began last week, according to The Times. Arab and American sources said the links would start small and allow Israeli businesses to operate in the Gulf, and possibly allow El Al, the national airline to fly over Saudi airspace.

Since the new and young King Muhammad Bin Salman is a die-hearted fan of Emirates Prime Minister Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum I have no doubt that he will shake his hand with Israelis, he has done it long time ago but that was unofficial and the Saudi Government kept it secret until this day.
Now one can imagine that how stupid these Saudi Royal Family is. They are playing with fire, I am afraid that millions of more Muslims will die in a process, but eventually the time of Saudi Arabian Royal Family will come to an end very soon Inshallah.
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The SA regime and its tentacles in the region have no more incentive left for them to keep their Zionist connections secret as it is now clear to everyone.

If they are making connection or they have connection with israel then they are violating the prophet MUHAMMAD صلی الله علیه وسلم
Who clearly advices to out jewish and christian from arab territory.

If they are doing so they are digging their grave for their selves.
If they are making connection or they have connection with israel then they are violating the prophet MUHAMMAD صلی الله علیه وسلم
Who clearly advices to out jewish and christian from arab territory.

If they are doing so they are digging their grave for their selves.

its a shame letting the holy cities in the hand of the jewish saud family.. so let it be their grave I really hope so..
If they are making connection or they have connection with israel then they are violating the prophet MUHAMMAD صلی الله علیه وسلم
Who clearly advices to out jewish and christian from arab territory.

If they are doing so they are digging their grave for their selves.
When Muslims [Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) including] migrated to Medina, they signed a treaty with Christians and Jews residing there. Unfortunately those Christians and Jews saw Muslims as a threat to there culture and decided to backstab. However, these experiences did not discourage Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to establish/maintain diplomatic relations with Christians and Jews residing in other regions.

Example 1:

The Abyssinian King (Negus) and The First Immigrants

When the Messenger of God began to declare his message openly, the Makkan pagans started to severely oppose him and the new Muslims, making many problems for them. Several Muslims died, with even more being humiliated and alienated. The Prophet realized that Makka was becoming a difficult place for Muslims to live in. He had his uncle as his protector; but there were many Muslims who had no protection from the aggressions of the Makkan pagans. He decided to send some of them to Abyssinia, especially those who had no effective protection; Abyssinia at the time was ruled by a Christian ruler. The Prophet told the group that King (Negus) of Abyssinia was a Christian, so they would be safe there. It is likely that Prophet Muhammad had some knowledge that the King was a peaceful and lenient ruler.

At the outset, eleven Muslims immigrated to Abyssinia. Later, they were joined by about 83 adult Muslims, women and men. Abyssinia was the Prophet’s choice; he felt that Christians were closer to Muslims than the Makkan pagans. When the first Muslim guests arrived there, they met with the King. Ja’far, as leader of the immigrants, gave the Prophet’s letter to the King, which read: “I have sent my cousin Ja’far to you, accompanied by a small number of Muslims; if he comes to you, receive them in hospitality . . .” The King welcomed them and promised to protect them from their enemies. In the royal presence a question was put to them: “What do you say concerning Jesus?” The spokesman for the group replied, “concerning Jesus we can only say what our Prophet has taught us: Jesus is the servant and messenger of God, the spirit and word of God, whom God entrusted to the Virgin Mary.” When the King Negus heard this testimony, he picked up a twig from the ground and said, “I swear, the difference between what we believe about Jesus, the Son of Mary, and what you have said is not greater than the width of this twig.”

When the Makkans heard that the Muslims had begun to live within the Christian community peacefully, they sent a delegation of learn-ed people to the King to persuade him to deport the Muslims from Abyssinia. There was a debate in front of the King between the Muslims and the Makkan delegation about what and how the Muslims believed. After the end of the debate, the King rejected the requests of the Makkans along with their gifts. This was the first helping hand for the young but frail Muslim community from a Christian ruler.

Source: http://www.fountainmagazine.com/Issue/detail/Interactions-between-Prophet-Muhammad-and-Christians

Example 2

The Delegation of Najran Christians

No doubt the most important interaction between the Christians and the Prophet was the visit of the Najran delegation to Madina. Makka and Madina had a very small Christian population (Waraqa ibn Nawfal was one of them). The majority of Christian residents lived in Najran. The Prophet’s first important encounter with Christian clergies was in the 9th year of Hijra (AD 631), one or two years before his death.

Prophet Muhammad had been sending official letters to different countries and their rulers, inviting them to Islam. Among these were two different invitations that had been sent to Najran with Khaled ibn al-Walid and Ali ibn Abi Talib. At that time the Najran Christians had a highly organized religious life. Before Islam, foreign teachers had even visited the town, such as the Italian priest Gregentius, which had deepen-ed their religious knowledge. Few of the Najran Christians converted to Islam; the majority of them did not change their religion after these invitations. Prophet Muhammad sent a representative to them, Mughira ibn Shu’ba, who was sent to explain the invitations and the religion of Islam. After discussions with Mughira, the Christians of Najran decided to send a group of people to visit the Prophet. The delegation was made up of about 60 well-educated Christians: A bishop, his 45 scholars, and 15 men. Their intention was to learn the nature of the revelations Prophet Muhammad was receiving.

When the Najran delegation reached Madina, they debated with the Prophet in an investigatory dialogue for two or three days in the mosque (Masjid) of Madina. Prophet Muhammad allow-ed them to pray in the mosque (Masjid al-Nabawi) where the Muslims prayed. The whole incident was the first occurrence of peaceful dialogue between Christians and Muslims; it was the first time that Christians prayed in a mosque.

Prophet Muhammad warmly welcomed the Najran delegation and provided them with a place to stay in Madina, in a secure place close to his mosque. He even ordered that their tent be pitched for them by the Muslims. However, the Najran delegation and Prophet Muhammad were not able to reach a solution in theological terms. At the end of these exchanges, the Najran Christians told the Prophet: “O, Abu al-Qasim, we decided to leave you as you are and you leave us as we are. But send with us a man who can adjudicate things on our properties, because we accept you.” The delegation was granted their request and a written assurance was provided by the Prophet that their lives, property, and religion would be protected. He made witnesses sign this undertaking. The Najran Christians were the first Christian community with whom the Prophet had a jizyah 18 agreement. At the beginning of the meeting, they had disagreements with the Prophet about the concept of the Trinity, but later on they were able to make a social pact. This contract was an initial step that would lead to further developments.

Source: http://www.fountainmagazine.com/Issue/detail/Interactions-between-Prophet-Muhammad-and-Christians


My point is that whatever conflicts original Muslims had with Christians and Jews of Medina - they were to ensure survival of Muslims in self-defense. However, this doesn't implies that Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) harbored a grudge against Christians and Jews on the whole and/or sought to destroy there states. Never.

Learn more from here: http://www.fountainmagazine.com/Issue/detail/Islamic-Relations-with-Jews-and-Christians


Modern day (Israel - Palestine) dispute is a political issue between [residents of the same territory]; an issue that spilled out of control due to Arab interventions in 1960s and 1970s. More importantly, Israel doesn't threatens existence of Islam in any way or form.

Therefore, if a modern Islamic state wants to establish political ties with Israel, then it has every right to do so. There is [no] UMMAH today and neither Jews have the power to threaten Islam. Thank you.

its a shame letting the holy cities in the hand of the jewish saud family.. so let it be their grave I really hope so..
Last time I checked - Turkey have diplomatic ties with Israel.


Its a shame that some pass judgement on others but do the same themselves.
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Sorry but you're dumb. Those Zionists have occupied the first Qibla of Muslims they have killed thousands Muslims, Ejected tens thousands. Jihad against them is necessary.

When Muslims [Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) including] migrated to Medina, they signed a treaty with Christians and Jews residing there. Unfortunately those Christians and Jews saw Muslims as a threat to there culture and decided to backstab. However, these experiences did not discourage Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to establish/maintain diplomatic relations with Christians and Jews residing in other regions.

Example 1:

The Abyssinian King (Negus) and The First Immigrants

When the Messenger of God began to declare his message openly, the Makkan pagans started to severely oppose him and the new Muslims, making many problems for them. Several Muslims died, with even more being humiliated and alienated. The Prophet realized that Makka was becoming a difficult place for Muslims to live in. He had his uncle as his protector; but there were many Muslims who had no protection from the aggressions of the Makkan pagans. He decided to send some of them to Abyssinia, especially those who had no effective protection; Abyssinia at the time was ruled by a Christian ruler. The Prophet told the group that King (Negus) of Abyssinia was a Christian, so they would be safe there. It is likely that Prophet Muhammad had some knowledge that the King was a peaceful and lenient ruler.

At the outset, eleven Muslims immigrated to Abyssinia. Later, they were joined by about 83 adult Muslims, women and men. Abyssinia was the Prophet’s choice; he felt that Christians were closer to Muslims than the Makkan pagans. When the first Muslim guests arrived there, they met with the King. Ja’far, as leader of the immigrants, gave the Prophet’s letter to the King, which read: “I have sent my cousin Ja’far to you, accompanied by a small number of Muslims; if he comes to you, receive them in hospitality . . .” The King welcomed them and promised to protect them from their enemies. In the royal presence a question was put to them: “What do you say concerning Jesus?” The spokesman for the group replied, “concerning Jesus we can only say what our Prophet has taught us: Jesus is the servant and messenger of God, the spirit and word of God, whom God entrusted to the Virgin Mary.” When the King Negus heard this testimony, he picked up a twig from the ground and said, “I swear, the difference between what we believe about Jesus, the Son of Mary, and what you have said is not greater than the width of this twig.”

When the Makkans heard that the Muslims had begun to live within the Christian community peacefully, they sent a delegation of learn-ed people to the King to persuade him to deport the Muslims from Abyssinia. There was a debate in front of the King between the Muslims and the Makkan delegation about what and how the Muslims believed. After the end of the debate, the King rejected the requests of the Makkans along with their gifts. This was the first helping hand for the young but frail Muslim community from a Christian ruler.

Source: http://www.fountainmagazine.com/Issue/detail/Interactions-between-Prophet-Muhammad-and-Christians

Example 2

The Delegation of Najran Christians

No doubt the most important interaction between the Christians and the Prophet was the visit of the Najran delegation to Madina. Makka and Madina had a very small Christian population (Waraqa ibn Nawfal was one of them). The majority of Christian residents lived in Najran. The Prophet’s first important encounter with Christian clergies was in the 9th year of Hijra (AD 631), one or two years before his death.

Prophet Muhammad had been sending official letters to different countries and their rulers, inviting them to Islam. Among these were two different invitations that had been sent to Najran with Khaled ibn al-Walid and Ali ibn Abi Talib. At that time the Najran Christians had a highly organized religious life. Before Islam, foreign teachers had even visited the town, such as the Italian priest Gregentius, which had deepen-ed their religious knowledge. Few of the Najran Christians converted to Islam; the majority of them did not change their religion after these invitations. Prophet Muhammad sent a representative to them, Mughira ibn Shu’ba, who was sent to explain the invitations and the religion of Islam. After discussions with Mughira, the Christians of Najran decided to send a group of people to visit the Prophet. The delegation was made up of about 60 well-educated Christians: A bishop, his 45 scholars, and 15 men. Their intention was to learn the nature of the revelations Prophet Muhammad was receiving.

When the Najran delegation reached Madina, they debated with the Prophet in an investigatory dialogue for two or three days in the mosque (Masjid) of Madina. Prophet Muhammad allow-ed them to pray in the mosque (Masjid al-Nabawi) where the Muslims prayed. The whole incident was the first occurrence of peaceful dialogue between Christians and Muslims; it was the first time that Christians prayed in a mosque.

Prophet Muhammad warmly welcomed the Najran delegation and provided them with a place to stay in Madina, in a secure place close to his mosque. He even ordered that their tent be pitched for them by the Muslims. However, the Najran delegation and Prophet Muhammad were not able to reach a solution in theological terms. At the end of these exchanges, the Najran Christians told the Prophet: “O, Abu al-Qasim, we decided to leave you as you are and you leave us as we are. But send with us a man who can adjudicate things on our properties, because we accept you.” The delegation was granted their request and a written assurance was provided by the Prophet that their lives, property, and religion would be protected. He made witnesses sign this undertaking. The Najran Christians were the first Christian community with whom the Prophet had a jizyah 18 agreement. At the beginning of the meeting, they had disagreements with the Prophet about the concept of the Trinity, but later on they were able to make a social pact. This contract was an initial step that would lead to further developments.

Source: http://www.fountainmagazine.com/Issue/detail/Interactions-between-Prophet-Muhammad-and-Christians


My point is that whatever conflicts original Muslims had with Christians and Jews of Medina - they were to ensure survival of Muslims in self-defense. However, this doesn't implies that Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) harbored a grudge against Christians and Jews on the whole and/or sought to destroy there states. Never.

Learn more from here: http://www.fountainmagazine.com/Issue/detail/Islamic-Relations-with-Jews-and-Christians


Modern day (Israel - Palestine) dispute is a political issue between [residents of the same territory]; an issue that spilled out of control due to Arab interventions in 1960s and 1970s. More importantly, Israel doesn't threatens existence of Islam in any way or form.

Therefore, if a modern Islamic state wants to establish political ties with Israel, then it has every right to do so. There is [no] UMMAH today and neither Jews have the power to threaten Islam. Thank you.

Last time I checked - Turkey have diplomatic ties with Israel.


Its a shame that some pass judgement on others but do the same themselves.
Hopefully we'll realize how stupid it is to keep ignoring Israel and start thinking with a "KSA first" mentality. There's certainly huge economical, political and militarily benefits to gain from Israel.
same as trump say usa first you need to think only on what can benefit to my country
Hopefully we'll realize how stupid it is to keep ignoring Israel and start thinking with a "KSA first" mentality. There's certainly huge economical, political and militarily benefits to gain from Israel.
KSA will be the last Muslim country to normalize ties with Usrael..even after a two state solution there will be very slow and progressive normalization spreading on decades..
Israel and KSA already on the same page - diplomatic recognition would be just 'outing' what already exists - a KSA/Israel pact. I think we are not too far from KSA recognizing Israel. When it does it will be a victory for secularists and the ummah brigade's backsides are going to explode wide open. What with their master accepting - Israel. Perish the thought. On the other hand they will probably slam their heads in the sand and do a ostrich by refusing to see KSA/Israel hug each other.
Israel and KSA already on the same page - diplomatic recognition would be just 'outing' what already exists - a KSA/Israel pact. I think we are not too far from KSA recognizing Israel. When it does it will be a victory for secularists and the ummah brigade's backsides are going to explode wide open. What with their master accepting - Israel. Perish the thought. On the other hand they will probably slam their heads in the sand and do a ostrich by refusing to see KSA/Israel hug each other.
pakistan and israel ?
what realtion we had in the past few years with pakistan?

KSA will be the last Muslim country to normalize ties with Usrael..even after a two state solution there will be very slow and progressive normalization spreading on decades..
are you from ksa?
Sorry but you're dumb. Those Zionists have occupied the first Qibla of Muslims they have killed thousands Muslims, Ejected tens thousands. Jihad against them is necessary.
And do you know when they captured it?

During [war] with arabs in 1967, thanks in part to actions of Egypt:

Following a series of Egyptian moves, which Jerusalem interpreted as bellicose, the political and military leadership in Israel abandoned the notion that war was not on the horizon and prepared for war.[1] The combination of Egyptian rhetoric coupled with the expulsion of the UN observer force on the border between Egypt and Israel and the mass mobilization of Egyptian troops into the Sinai made Israel change its perception. When on May 23rd, 1967, Nasser declared the Straits of Tiran blocked to any ship sailing to or from Israel, Jerusalem decided that war was unavoidable, and two weeks later the plan to use the air-force in a pre-emptive strike was settled upon.[2]

The pre-emptive strike, in which Israeli fighter jets bombed Egyptian planes still on the ground, proved decisive in the war as Israel destroyed the bulk of the Egyptian air force and enjoyed air superiority in the ensuing battles. Within six days, the Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian, and Iraqi forces were decidedly defeated.

Collectively, the Arab nations’ fatalities numbered somewhere between 11.050 and 16.050, with Egypt suffering the bulk. In comparison, Israel lost an estimated 800 combatants, making the casualty rate stand at 25:1 in Israel’s favour.[3]

The main outcome of the war, however, was the Israeli seizure of previously Arab-controlled territories. From Egypt, Israel seized the Sinai desert, from Syria the Golan Heights, and in Jordan, King Hussein probably suffered most devastating loss by losing the West Bank and East Jerusalem. These conquests added 42.000 square miles to Israeli controlled territory and with it came significant strategic depth.[4]

Source: http://www.e-ir.info/2014/05/26/the-1967-and-1973-arab-israeli-wars-causes-of-triumphs-and-failures/


Please tell me what have [we] gained from attacking Israel insofar?

Conflicts have only worsened the situation for Palestinians and we lost Jerusalem in the process.

Israel is a reality now and an important player due to its scientific contributions and business acumen.
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