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Israeli leader says his goal is to 'torpedo' any agreement with the Palestinians


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Bennett says his goal is to 'torpedo' any agreement with the Palestinians | JPost | Israel News

In closed conversations, Bayit Yehudi leader says alliance with the Right in Netanyahu's Likud party would form front that would make it impossible for the PM in Knesset to make concessions to the Palestinians.

Economy Minister Naftali Bennett Photo: REUTERS

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will not have enough support to pass concessions to the Palestinians in the Knesset, according to a plan hatched by Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett.

Bennett intends to draft the support of enough MKs to block Netanyahu from adopting any of the proposals that are expected to be presented later this month by US Secretary of State John Kerry. He is obtaining the support of MKs in Likud Beytenu to prevent Netanyahu from replacing Bayit Yehudi in the coalition with Labor and Kadima.

“An alliance with the Right in Likud is an important mutual interest,” Bennett revealed in closed conversations.

“The goal is to torpedo any agreement and prevent deterioration to pre-1967 lines.”

While no MKs have signed any written commitment, Bennett is confident he will receive enough support from Likud Beytenu MKs to reject any possible agreement with the Palestinians by making it clear to Netanyahu that he would be left without a government.

“Bibi will realize he has no choice,” a source close to Bennett said.

Bennett’s No. 2 in Bayit Yehudi, Construction and Housing Minister Uri Ariel, ruled out any concessions Sunday, saying that from his point of view, there are three settlement blocs: Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley.

More than 200 right-wing activists met with Deputy Transportation Minister Tzipi Hotovely and other MKs in Ofra Sunday to strategize how to prevent concessions to the Palestinians. The activists vowed to pressure MKs not to support any steps that would lead to the creation of a Palestinian state.

“All indications are that the Americans intend to force an agreement on Israel that would endanger its security and its values,” Hotovely warned at the event. “Talk of keeping only settlement blocs is adopting the path of [former Meretz leader] Yossi Beilin and is a sin against the Right.


@Arabian Legend , @al-Hasani , @ResurgentIran @AUz @Mahmoud_EGY @haman10 .....
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This Naftali dude is such disgusting pig, I want to throw up.
His plan is to annex area C, which I think would grant Israel more than 50 % of West Bank. And will leave Palestinians in small confined ethnic enclaves (prisons), that have no water and no significant agricultural land.
Although that is alread a de facto reality. :/

I hate this f.ucker
This Naftali dude is such disgusting pig, I want to throw up.
His plan is to annex area C, which I think would grant Israel more than 50 % of West Bank. And will leave Palestinians in small confined ethnic enclaves (prisons), that have no water and no significant agricultural land.
Although that is alread a de facto reality. :/

I hate this f.ucker

Meanwhile they are threatening Iran and Gaza....

Dep. Defense Min. Hints at Israeli Strike on Iran - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
Ya'alon to Terrorists: No More 'Free Shots' - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Ignore these hilarious titles btw...:lol:
What a sick Zionist.

Anyway is he for real? Does he have any political influence inside Israel?

@Hazzy997 why are all the millions of Palestinians across the world from Latin America, Northern America, the Arab world to Europe not working closer together? I mean would a major TV channel that daily describes the crimes of the Zionist not help the cause tremendously and make ignorants realize the crimes of the Zionists?

The Arab world has plenty of money, resources and manpower to make such an channel.

You know how the Western media is. Most of it is controlled by the Zionists. That is why we never hear about this on major news channels in the West.

What do you think about this?
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They are desperate. But no chance of them striking Iran, because they dont have the capability to destroy the nuclear infrastructure (this has been established ny many military experts, even Israeli expert themselves). Only US can do the dirty work, and thats not happening right now.
Not to mention the HEAVY political price would be too much for Israel (as all world powers have hammered out this deal). The important thing though is that they dont have the capacity. :)
This is all bluster. .:lol:

Anyway, after these "peace talks" fail, it will be seen as Israel being spoiled brat and intransigent. Their international legitimacy will erode very quickly. Israel is politically doomed.
What a sick Zionist.

Anyway is he for real? Does he have any political influence inside Israel?

@Hazzy997 why are all the millions of Palestinians across the world from Latin America, Northern America, the Arab world to Europe not working closer together? I mean would a major TV channel that daily describes the crimes of the Zionist not help the cause tremendously and make ignorants realize the crimes of the Zionists?

The Arab world has plenty of money, resources and manpower to make such an channel.

You know how the Western media is. Most of it is controlled by the Zionists. That is why we never hear about this on major news channels in the West.

What do you think about this? Why have the Palestinians not thought about this before? Support for such an idea would be no problem. A few donations across the Arab world would be enough to kickstart it and keep it alive.

Yes, he is for real and who goes nuts if Israel is building settlements every hour of the day.

If you're speaking of social media there are sites, as for televised media...Al Jazeera English we need to first see how they get integrated into western television.

As for organizations there are several organizations become more and more active and they are also made up of many westerners. Arabs shouldn't act alone as we haven't reached that point of professionality or unity or organization.

However, Zionist organizations have existed for decades and they have more influence to play with. It's going to take some time.
If you're speaking of social media there are sites, as for televised media...Al Jazeera English we need to first see how they get integrated into western television.

As for organizations there are several organizations become more and more active and they are also made up of many westerners. Arabs shouldn't act alone as we haven't reached that point of professionality or unity or organization.

However, Zionist organizations have existed for decades and they have more influence to play with. It's going to take some time.

Al-Jazeera is not enough. The English version cannot cross a certain limit if you know what I mean. The Arabic versions of Al-Arabiya and Al-Jazeera are the only media outlets (international ones) that are telling about the realities as they are.

I am talking about a major channel SOLELY dedicated to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. As a counter to the Zionist media.

Why have the Palestinians not thought about this before? Support for such an idea would be no problem. A few donations across the Arab world would be enough to kickstart it and keep it alive. The Palestinians and other people sympathetic for the Palestinian cause could do the rest.

Make it a serious channel and not a propaganda channel. Invite the Norman Finkelsteins and other learned people from across the world to tell the world what is going on in rational and factual way.

The West is only talking about the "bad and evil Palestinians" and are giving the "radicals" among them free room but we never hear about the many Zionist radicals. This creates a wrong picture of the conflict and is damaging for the Palestinian cause.

In this world we live in conflicts are also won in the media be it TV, social medias etc. I don't see enough mobilization among the Palestinians, Muslims or Arabs to reach an international public without having traces of propaganda or "radicals".

This cannot go on anymore. I am sick and tired of the conflict. We must stop it and help make Palestine a reality as soon as possible. We must do EVERYTHING to achieve this goal in our life time.
Problem is you're speaking of mainstream media which is busy demonizing Muslims and giving us a bad image. It has no balance, while at it they also are more Zionist than the Israelis themselves.

Social media is the path because the new generation if a generation of technology and you will see how this is changing.
Problem is you're speaking of mainstream media which is busy demonizing Muslims and giving us a bad image. It has no balance, while at it they also are more Zionist than the Israelis themselves.

Social media is the path because the new generation if a generation of technology and you will see how this is changing.

Well that is even a bigger reason for countering all those lies. We have no excuses. We have the resources and millions of clever and dedicated people but due to views of "that is never going to happen" they and such projects are forgotten or never even implemented.

What is there to loss?

Anyway I have still hopes about Al-Jazeera and their recent global reach. I hope that they will tell it as it is and not look to not upset some allies of Israel.

This channel should not be about demonizing Jews or Judaism or anything like that. Solely about the injustices that are being committed by the Israeli side which rarely makes the news headlines across the world. Surely we have a right to do that?
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Well that is even a bigger reason for countering all those lies. We have no excuses. We have the resources and millions of clever and dedicated people but due to views of "that is never going to happen" they and such projects are forgotten or never even implemented.

What is there to loss?

Anyway I have hopes about Al-Jazeera still and their recent global reach. I hope that they will tell it as it is and not look to not upset some allies of Israel.

This channel should not be about demonizing Jews or Judaism or anything like that. Solely about the injustices that are being committed by the Israeli side which rarely makes . Surely we have a right to do that?

We have resources for many things but we don't do it, like Saudi Arabia, you guys could fund your own ballistic missile program and do much more. Things that are important to secure a place in this world and to have influence.

But, problem is brother is look at mainstream media it's full CIA assholes such as CNN all day everyday talking about our region making us appear like a terrorist rathole region with the demonization approach. They don't even try to explain a conflict or explain strife properly. There's no analyzing when it comes middle eastern affairs all they want is to give people a horrible image of our culture, region and religion so this way they can de-sensitize people to any US or NATO military action overseas but also any politics. People keep mum as this is all that gets flushed out to them al day they don't know any better. It doesn't happen to any other people besides us Muslims.

It makes people such ignorant people, I had a guy tell me that Americans aren't allowed in the UAE only because he heard the word arab in it. You have many people who also think we oppress every single one of our people and are forced to practice religion and much more bizarre nonsense they actually believe because this is what is flushed out to them all day everyday. Imagine if we Arabs had mainstream media during WW2 and all day long were presenting to the viewers 'white Christian animals killing each other in millions" "white animals gassing each other" "white animals carpet bombing each other" "white animals commit aggression". So then we get to another situation an independent European country wants it's independence and people see them as white animals who terrorists and oppress their own peope. That's it. Done.

We have evil being attributed to us daily and not even a single representation of normal life in the Middle East. All they want people to comprehend is many things:

1. Muslims are evil terrorists
2. Muslims kill non Muslims
3. Muslims oppress their women
4. Evil Muslims 'attack' Israel
5. Evil Muslims planning attacks
6. Muslims killing each other
7. Muslim groups trying to suppress freedom
.........and more of this bullshit is all they want to present to their viewers while if you took a camera and put it in an middle eastern country you would see normal people living normal life.

This is why I believe the directors of mainstream media have a sever hatred of Islam and Muslims and they do it in a clever way. They have damaged people's thought process when it comes to Muslims.
We have resources for many things but we don't do it, like Saudi Arabia, you guys could fund your own ballistic missile program and do much more. Things that are important to secure a place in this world and to have influence.

But, problem is brother is look at mainstream media it's full CIA assholes such as CNN all day everyday talking about our region making us appear like a terrorist rathole region with the demonization approach. They don't even try to explain a conflict or explain strife properly. There's no analyzing when it comes middle eastern affairs all they want is to give people a horrible image of our culture, region and religion so this way they can de-sensitize people to any US or NATO military action overseas but also any politics. People keep mum as this is all that gets flushed out to them al day they don't know any better. It doesn't happen to any other people besides us Muslims.

It makes people such ignorant people, I had a guy tell me that Americans aren't allowed in the UAE only because he heard the word arab in it. You have many people who also think we oppress every single one of our people and are forced to practice religion and much more bizarre nonsense they actually believe because this is what is flushed out to them all day everyday. Imagine if we Arabs had mainstream media during WW2 and all day long were presenting to the viewers 'white Christian animals killing each other in millions" "white animals gassing each other" "white animals carpet bombing each other" "white animals commit aggression". So then we get to another situation an independent European country wants it's independence and people see them as white animals who terrorists and oppress their own peope. That's it. Done.

We have evil being attributed to us daily and not even a single representation of normal life in the Middle East. All they want people to comprehend is many things:

1. Muslims are evil terrorists
2. Muslims kill non Muslims
3. Muslims oppress their women
4. Evil Muslims 'attack' Israel
5. Evil Muslims planning attacks
6. Muslims killing each other
7. Muslim groups trying to suppress freedom
.........and more of this bullshit is all they want to present to their viewers while if you took a camera and put it in an middle eastern country you would see normal people living normal life.

This is why I believe the directors of mainstream media have a sever hatred of Islam and Muslims and they do it in a clever way. They have damaged people's thought process when it comes to Muslims.

Its sad but true. However we should not be overly concerned by what the Western World thinks. It is a promiscuous, arrogant and materialistic world and they are responsible for some of the worst war crimes in history. The West is declining anyway (influential power, economy, birth rates etc etc) and the economic center of gravity is shifting towards the East.

We should just develop our own economies, education and technology etc.

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