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Israeli Jets Strike Damascus Targets, Syrian Media Says-Russian "no fly zone" humiliated

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Looks like the Jews just pissed on the sooper dooper Russkie SAM systems and jetfighters who were setting up a so called "no fly zone".LOL,Soviet garbage tech can be easily bested by far superior Western tech,:bounce:

Israeli Jets Strike Damascus Targets, Syrian Media Says | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

There has been no evidence that any attack has happened, neither by gov nor by armed groups.

It doesn't change the fact that Israel is a rogue terrorist state though, whether the attack actually happened or not.
Looks like the Jews just pissed on the sooper dooper Russkie SAM systems and jetfighters who were setting up a so called "no fly zone".LOL,Soviet garbage tech can be easily bested by far superior Western tech,:bounce:

stupid conclusion ,,, Russia is not in war with Israel as of now,,, At this point everyone is striking at militants with a coordinated effort,,, Russian SAMs would have been junk if it was attack on russian or syrian assets ...

By the way Russia is far inferrior to west in attack capabilities such as fighter aircrafts, AC carriers etc but Russia's area denial capabilities and missile systems are much better... Its the similar way Pakistan nuclear arsenal and delivery system with defending capabilities are better as they are facing a much bigger enemy and best way to go about is area denial, shoot and scoot and better defensive systems ...
Lol Israel is the hegemon of the middle East. Everybodu knows that.:enjoy:
There is no confirmation in Syrian media(SANA) nor Russian media.

smells like propaganda.
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said that Israel does not interfere in the affairs of neighboring countries, but it does act when its red lines are crossed. Some interpreted these remarks as a hint that Israel may have been involved in a strike in Syria.

"We’ve established red lines regarding our interests and we maintain them. Whenever there is an explosion or attack over there, the Middle East blames us anyway,” Yaalon said vaguely.
The British feeder was closed shut...Badly in need of another trash bin to forage...

There is no confirmation on this. Whether Syrian media or Russian media.

I smell hoax.

the news is fake.it was picked up from opposition(jihadi) media outlets.

“Opposition media outlets [in Syria] reported that explosions were heard at the airport, followed by a power outage and the temporary grounding of aircraft,” the Israeli paper Ynet reported, noting a Facebook page associated with the Assad regime also claimed an attack has taken place. Notably, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Washington, D.C., where he was having a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.
Report: Israeli Air Force Strikes Damascus Airport in Syria - The Atlantic

@Horus @WebMaster close the threAd

Cool, hopefully the gypsy country of romania is next.

the news is fake and came from jihadi opposition media and was picked up by israeli media.
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