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Israeli Jets Strike Damascus Targets, Syrian Media Says-Russian "no fly zone" humiliated

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Why don't you post me a first link ??? since you're so confident that its a hoax

and lke i said there have been thousands of Airstrikes inside Syria by IDF.. don't ask a video to be uploaded every time. Again they're downplaing since Israel allegedly broke Russian's No fly Zone.

Check my post in the initial part of the thread. And thousands ? There have been a few strikes not certainly in 1000's.

Either evidence or hoax. No video till now like the last time Israel attacked Damascus in 2012-2013. And no syrian media stating like how Israeli media claims. some opposition media is linked..

And sounds like war propaganda to me.
Check my post in the initial part of the thread. And thousands ? There have been a few strikes not certainly in 1000's.

Either evidence or hoax. No video till now like the last time Israel attacked Damascus in 2012-2013. And no syrian media stating like how Israeli media claims. some opposition media is linked..

And sounds like war propaganda to me.

What war propaganda... IDF is Strike targets almost Evry month.. Again don't ask for Video everytime. Israeli Medias are not claiming anything they're only quoting Arab Media Outlets which is now stating planes attacked a military post near the Airport.. most probably while they're transporting Scuds to the Hezbollah terrorists
Report: Air force struck near Damascus airport - Israel News, Ynetnews

a Facebook page linked to the regime did say that a military post near the airport had been attacked before dawn and that it was believed to be the work of Israel's air force"
What war propaganda... IDF is Strike targets almost Evry month.. Again don't ask for Video everytime. Israeli Medias are not claiming anything they're only quoting Arab Media Outlets which is now stating planes attacked a military post near the Airport.. most probably while they're transporting Scuds to the Hezbollah terrorists

Arab sources . And not even one hyperlink. And there is no arab or syrian source claiming an attack on Damascus ,though there were attacks in Latakia and Damascus on civilians by Al nusra and ISIS on Wednesday-tuesday.
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