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Israeli Jets Strike Targets at Damascus Military Airport, Arab Media Report

Shouldn't you care? Are you Egyptian or not?

No is there a reason why? I am an Egyptian, I have no clue how that correlates with my identity. Should I care about how much taxes the U.S government gets out of oil revenue in the 1970s- to 2016? If I don't does that make me an American?

That's how you sound.

Surprise! Under Article 80 of the Charter the U.N. doesn't have the legal authority to do so. It's just anti-Israel politics.

Article 80
  1. Except as may be agreed upon in individual trusteeship agreements, made under Articles 77, 79, and 81, placing each territory under the trusteeship system, and until such agreements have been concluded, nothing in this Chapter shall be construed in or of itself to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments to which Members of the United Nations may respectively be parties.

What does this have to do with the U.N recognizing that Palestinians are abused and are considered second hand citizens?

"Palestinians". A phrase that was only applied to Arabs rather than Jews starting in the 1960s. Palestinian Arabs who did not flee to the enemy camp or engage in armed conflict with the Jewish State in '49 are Israeli citizens and they have parliamentary representation and greater civil and property rights than any Arabs of surrounding states. The Arabs in the Judea-Samaria and Gaza are largely self-ruled.

By contrast, the descendants of Arab refugees in other states are kept in miserable camps and denied even a semblance of dignity. So what does Israel have to be disgraced about, especially in comparison with other countries? Zero.

What do you mean Jews? Are you kidding me? Which states are these? What state disgraces Palestinians or refuses them rights?
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Fact remains that you perpetrated a falsehood. If you believed it, you should be cautious in reposting similar stories. If you know you are posting lies, that's shameful right there.

Either way, your credibility is shot, and I see no reason or justification to answer further wild charges: from here on, it's Zionists like me who deserve the benefit of doubt, not hate-propagating Zionist-haters

I knew you were going to come to this statement She was sent home crippled she cannot walk any more but what about her unarmed aunt she never came home do you want me to give you link on how and when she was killed. Aunt killed and she cannot walk for the rest of her life come on please live and let live your struggle to achieve your lost glory will ruin you.

Please don't look for a way out through rabbit holes but be a support to humanity and Palestine are the right full people to this land don't kill them just to achieve your glory. Jews pray every day to the western wall to God for their past glory and yet they kill Gods creations do you think God will let you get that glory back. You are not fighting Palestine you are trying to fight Gods will and that was the very reason Jews lost their glory in the first place, remember the war between Yohuda and Israel so learn and do the right thing. Only god can give you glory and not empty temples build on graves of Gods creations.
Guys please this went way out of topic if anyone want to keep posting lies about Israel there are many places in this forum that would welcome your opinion,but this is an alleged Israeli attack at a syrian weapon depot not a supposedly history class.
Guys please this went way out of topic if anyone want to keep posting lies about Israel there are many places in this forum that would welcome your opinion,but this is an alleged Israeli attack at a syrian weapon depot not a supposedly history class.

I hope assad when winning this war crushes Israel with the help of Russia. There you go, now you can go in-depth in how that will never happen.

Israel's aggressive moves will only bite them in the ***. Not only will Assad have a reason to attack you now but after the civil war it will give him loads of supporters and backers in the Arab world. Arguably if Assad gets rid of Israel with the help of Russia then even the Saudis wouldn't be able to complain.
Threat? God forbid, I was simply pointing a fact.
P.S. I love it when you think that calling us zionists is insulting .

I did not insult you by calling you a Zionist. I love the fact that you think all Pakistanis would be ignorant of the hasidic or ashkanazi people and hurl insults. Thank you for pointing the "fact."

the armed people that invade unprovoked a neighbouring country and attack regular soldiers and civilian installations and help terrorists with covert surprise bombings "stabilize peace in the Middle East"

and the armed people that come invited and fight exclusively armed terrorists in regular combat and protect the civilian population are "human shield using civilian targeting terrorists"?

Rethoric really made it hard to follow whats even going on in the world.
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the armed people that invade unprovoked a neighbouring country and attack regular soldiers and civilian installations and help terrorists with covert surprise bombings "stabilize peace in the Middle East"

and the armed people that come invited and fight exclusively armed terrorists in regular combat and protect the civilian population are "human shield using civilian targeting terrorists"?

Rethoric really made it hard to follow whats even going on in the world.
I see you find it nice twisting reallity so it would fits your standards and make belifs, I'm not even mad because that is the brainwashing education you recived so I'll just give you a silent treatment.
Do you recall that the Arabs, with the help of the Jews, conquered Spain? If Arab Muslims trusted Jews then, why shouldn't they trust Jews now? Obviously this part of the Koran was interpreted by Muslims as only applying to the situation it described, rather than meant as an eternal rule. It's like reading the sentence, "See Jane run" and concluding that all Janes run at all times, rather than taking the sentence as a current observation.

Cousin, how were Jews involved in the conquest of Al-Andalus (Spain and Portugal)?

You do know that there was a Jewish community in Spain before the conquest of Al-Andalus albeit a small one, right? That community actually supported the Arab/Berber conquest of Al-Andalus due to the oppression that they had suffered from under Visigoth rule.

I know that Jewish civilians started migrating to Al-Andalus from what is today the Arab world and Southern Europe but I have never heard about Jews taken part in the actual military conquest.

There are many works in Spanish about this period in history and Arab Muslim and Jewish interaction.


Please elaborate and educate me if I am wrong here.

What I have written is just what I remember having read/been taught.

However you are right. Even Prophet Muhammad (saws) had dealings with Jews. We should not mix current-day politics and political ideologies with history and a long common history that was largely cordial for most/much of the time.

Israel/Zionism and Jews/Jewish history and interaction with Arabs and Muslims are different topics. Just like Arab history and modern-day Arab regimes/countries/state policies are.

Anyway the year 1492 is also a year that both Arabs and Jews remember - at least those with ties to Al-Andalus which many Arabs (from Maghreb in particular but not only - we even have descendants of families expelled from Al-Andalus in Hijaz/KSA) and Jews (Sephardic in particular) have.

Anyway there is TONS of literature about this topic in Arabic, Spanish and English out there. Very interesting.

Much Spanish and by extension Latin American literature deals with this key period of Spanish history that came to shape modern-day Spain on all fronts be it language, culture, architecture, cuisine, science, music, literature etc. No Al-Andalus no Spanish/Portuguese culture as we know it today and by extension Latin American culture.
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Come on Israel has no right over Palestine. They are committing genocide they are committing war crimes. They are land garbing and I am not against Jews I am against Zionists. Zionists should be stopped.

Remember when Adolf Hitler started killing Jews, Now Israel is repeating his actions is Palestine.

I'm waiting for someone to say that this is an "Indian False Flagger", as his opinion does not seem to be very acceptable by other Pakistani posters.
Jews are the Hindus of Mid-East. They think of themselves as the true owners of the Land spanning till the Euphrates and want to establish a Jew Caliphate aka Greater Israel like the Hindus want Akhand bharat
The girls name was Baraa Ramadan Issawi she was 13 and was unarmed please google you will find the news easily and still Israeli are good. Come on man you kill and don't even admit killing and still you are good people.
She was not killed but shot in leg and it happened 2.5 months ago not "few days". You lied twice in one sentence, mister.
You people are so ignorant that you are focused on correcting the news rather than admitting that what happened to that girl was wrong and what Israeli military is doing is wrong. She live or dies losing her legs at 13 her life is destroyed. You people don't resolve to actual fact of human misery rather fabricate ideas to help your vision. Seriously this is a pathetic approach and no doubt your thinking is visible.
Bharwana! no need to tell a mutmain bheghairat that he is. just prepare to laugh on them on day of judgment
You people are so ignorant that you are focused on correcting the news rather than admitting that what happened to that girl was wrong and what Israeli military is doing is wrong. She live or dies losing her legs at 13 her life is destroyed. You people don't resolve to actual fact of human misery rather fabricate ideas to help your vision. Seriously this is a pathetic approach and no doubt your thinking is visible.

Such incidents are the natural outcome of not separating combatants from civilians.


"The girl was reportedly shot in her legs, leaving her lightly to moderately injured, and was subsequently detained by Israeli forces. She is reportedly being hospitalized at Meir Hospital in Kfar Sava in central Israel.
No Israeli injuries were reported.
The Defense Ministry statement said that after the girl approached the military checkpoint, Israeli authorities ordered her to stop, firing warning shots into the air. When she reached toward her shirt, a border guard shot her in the leg.
During her initial detention and questioning, she reportedly told interrogators: “I came here to die,” according to the Israeli Defense Ministry. Israeli media identified the girl as Baraa Ramadan Issawi."

While Palestinians have legal right to resist, all methods of resistance are not legal, nor advisable.
So shooting a 13 year old has been just justified by some media reports and what the shooter has said. No one will consider the statement of the victim. Well currently do what you want to do but please don't push cruelty too much or you will regret it. One day there will be a unity against you well it has already started in form of BDS.

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