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Israeli imaginary nuclear weapons

Do you believe Israel has nuclear weapons?

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Jan 5, 2015
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I'm tired of see Hasbaras talking about Israeli nuclear weapons and threating with them everytime Israel state does something that deserve a bombing.

It has no any sense all Israeli story about their fictional nuclear program.

My two main arguments to refuse that story are the next:
1. Earthquakes in Israel due to nuclear tests: ZERO.
North Korea has a real nuclear program and they showed how it's necessary a lot of underground tests (and earthquakes) to develop real nuclear weapons.

2. Nuclear weapons are for SOVEREIGN states, and Israel is a American vassal corrupt state.
Israel constantly sell Israeli people blood in exchange for USA money, everytime they threat or make nonsenses acts of war to tests American weapons or obbey American orders.
Nuclear weapons make a country uncontrollable, so USA will never allow Israeli slaves to develop nukes, in the best of cases they would do Nuclear Sharing (like they did with Germany), but never let develop their own weapons, and as far as we know, USA didnt do nuclear sharing with Israel neither.

You remind me of Indians who used to claim Pakistan doesn't have nukes. They kept saying that for a long till they decided to test nukes again in 1998 and within 2/3 weeks Pakistan tested nukes too. That thing shut most of them up for good. A minority still for a long time believed that Pakistan just tested few borrowed Chinese nukes(lol) to scare India. Later on, it went to next level in which some Indians used to believe(delude themself) that Pakistani nukes are of no good quality, are smaller or are crappy China quality(haha) while theirs one are better quality. Anyways, as time passed, they just made peace with it that Pak indeed is a nuclear power.

The thing here is that, Pakistan has an enemy who was declared nuclear power and for survival, Pak started nuclear weapons program , completed it but didn't test as it would bring entire world's wrath on us, till the time dumb Indians tested again.

As for Israel, they do have nukes but since no other country in middle is declared nuclear power, they never bothered to officially declare themself as nuclear power.
pretty sure i heard Israel tested their nukes in a western country btw

You remind me of Indians who used to claim Pakistan doesn't have nukes. They kept saying that for a long till they decided to test nukes again in 1998 and within 2/3 weeks Pakistan tested nukes too. That thing shut most of them up for good. A minority still for a long time believed that Pakistan just tested few borrowed Chinese nukes(lol) to scare India. Later on, it went to next level in which some Indians used to believe(delude themself) that Pakistani nukes are of no good quality, are smaller or are crappy China quality(haha) while theirs one are better quality. Anyways, as time passed, they just made peace with it that Pak indeed is a nuclear power.

The thing here is that, Pakistan has an enemy who was declared nuclear power and for survival, Pak started nuclear weapons program , completed it but didn't test as it would bring entire world's wrath on us, till the time dumb Indians tested again.

As for Israel, they do have nukes but since no other country in middle is declared nuclear power, they never bothered to officially declare themself as nuclear power.

It has nothing to do.

Pakistan is a sovereign country.

The level of submission of Israel state to USA reaches Central-America banana regimes limits.

We are talking about a country that sell their own people blood in wars to obbey American orders.

By the other side all Vanunu story is a lot of nonsenses.

It was a operation to talk in the media about "Israeli nukes".

If Vanunu really had revealed something real, he would be killed.

It's the modern version of another old fantasies of the same people https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem
Always lying and inventing nonsenses to scare foes.

BTW Vanunu is sephardic, i.e. he's not ashkenazi. If Israel racist state had to choose someone to deceive and make that campaign of lies, they would choose a sephardic.
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This is a valid question actually.
We know that Dimona can produce about 40 kg of plutonium per year. That's enough for at least 8 nuclear bombs (including reprocessing losses).
The real question is how many nuclear bombs Israel is allowed to have and how many kilotonnes they are. Obviously, they have had enough fissile material to produce hundreds of fission bombs in the order of ~10-30 kilotonnes since 1970s. But I agree that Israel is a US colony.

I'm tired of see Hasbaras talking about Israeli nuclear weapons and threating with them everytime Israel state does something that deserve a bombing.

It has no any sense all Israeli story about their fictional nuclear program.

My two main arguments to refuse that story are the next:
1. Earthquakes in Israel due to nuclear tests: ZERO.
North Korea has a real nuclear program and they showed how it's necessary a lot of underground tests (and earthquakes) to develop real nuclear weapons.

2. Nuclear weapons are for SOVEREIGN states, and Israel is a American vassal corrupt state.
Israel constantly sell Israeli people blood in exchange for USA money, everytime they threat or make nonsenses acts of war to tests American weapons or obbey American orders.
Nuclear weapons make a country uncontrollable, so USA will never allow Israeli slaves to develop nukes, in the best of cases they would do Nuclear Sharing (like they did with Germany), but never let develop their own weapons, and as far as we know, USA didnt do nuclear sharing with Israel neither.
I never believed that Israel had Thaad. But hey, it reached Israel in one night.
More like US is an Israeli colony
The Europeans and the Americans support Israel because of their hate for Islam and the Middle East.
Jews are here to keep us in check. If it weren't for the colonialism of the British, there would've been no state of Israel in the first place.
And if they stop supporting Israel today, Israel won't last even a decade after that.
The Europeans and the Americans support Israel because of their hate for Islam and the Middle East.
Jews are here to keep us in check. If it weren't for the colonialism of the British, there would've been no state of Israel in the first place.
And if they stop supporting Israel today, Israel won't last even a decade after that.

Support Israel because of their hate for Islam? Really? Thats BS. More like Iran's point of view of keeping them in check from spreading to the rest of ME right? I bet it hurts to see Israel on your map where the Persian Empire is suppose to spread.
pretty sure i heard Israel tested their nukes in a western country btw

You talking about Russia? Man that was a big bomb.
Support Israel because of their hate for Islam? Really? Thats BS. More like Iran's point of view of keeping them in check from spreading to the rest of ME right? I bet it hurts to see Israel on your map where the Persian Empire is suppose to spread.
What empire are you talking about? lol
And that little shit-stain on the map doesn't really change much for Iran or Turkey. It's a dot on the map with little to no valuable resources.

Israel is the Middle Eastern version of the Apartheid in South Africa.
South Africa also had nuclear weapons and talked about supremacy very often.
Guess what happened when the Europeans and the Americans stopped supporting it? It handed over those nukes to them and ceased to exist.

Plans to create Israel date back to the 19th century in the British empire.
It was executed under the excuse of a dubious event called the Holocaust after the World War II.
Your whole joke of this "Persian Empire" that you keep talking about doesn't make much sense when you look at the chain of events from the 19th century onward.
Its hard to believe or think that they don't, so its 99.9% chances that they have them in decent numbers.

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