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israeli holocaust of gaza (Discretion Advised)

And you give me your definition of 'war', please? (referencing your previous post, where you said it's a war).

Because the war is usually between two "soverign" nations, not a tyrant nation, that is openly zionist, which is occupying a 46x9 mile area from past few decades under brutal oppression.

And If you haven't noticed already, it's the Tanks, F16s, Apache Helicopters, world's 2nd most advance and 4th largest Army in the world against Flesh and Bones and Stones.

The Israel did not get into stop rocket attacks. Israel got into to destroy Palestinian infrastructure, their leadership, their schools, universities, ministries, grids, pumps, so it can be reduced to a miserable ghetto, and giving a chance to palestinians to move out of it for better life, hence leaving the lands for Israel.

So How exactly does it seem to you as a war? Specially when there's such impeccable imbalance between the two parties. It's like an Ant and an Elephant, while Elephant sitting on top of Ant's house, for as long Ant remember.

This is pure massacre of weak and defenseless people, occupied by an openly zionist state. Whatever palestinians are doing, are not "offensive actions" they are "defensive reactions" to israeli aparthied actions. Do not confuse defensive reactions with offensive actions.

Reminds me of Ariel Sharon's plan about Palestinians - "Jordan is palestine".

Do you know why he said that?

agree with the fact Israeli army is equipped with the modren weapons but they lack numbers 128,000AMP....thats like we have army in NWFP they are infact using thier reserves.Pakistan n other Muslims nations should act now or it will be too late to claim our "HOLYLAND" "JERSULEM" either we've forgotten Jersulems importance we are just so lost in the world.....
What is the minimum force required to remove a threat?

Is force employed with distinction to targets?

As only 500 of 15,000 fighters have been killed, one wonders if Israel has employed too few forces

Actually, Israel's stated aim for this onslaught is not to destroy Hamas, or kill every Hamas militant or even to wrestle the government from Hamas. It is to rob Hamas of the capability to launch these crude rockets. Because Israel knows that a more ambitious aim (stated or otherwise) would be far too unreasonable and therefore futile, further eroding the credibility or ‘justification’ behind this massacre (and massacre it is). So YES it is disproportionate, even if you manage to ignore the relative amounts of ordinance Hamas manages to throw over civilian populated areas as compared to Israel.
It is obvious that the Hamas cares less about the lives of Palestinians than about continuing to stick to its ineffective rocket firings that are bringing nothing but ruin to the people of Gaza.
It is obvious that the Hamas cares less about the lives of Palestinians than about continuing to stick to its ineffective rocket firings that are bringing nothing but ruin to the people of Gaza.

Israel didn't invade to stop rocket attacks. Israel's Operation Cast Lead goals are to annihilate gazans, by reducing them into a ghetto, where the lif eis so miserable, that either they cave in to total slavery, or leave - as Ariel Sharon said "Jordan is Palestine".

The only thing standing between Israel and Palestinians is Hamas. Effective or not, it is putting up resistance, which will deffinately grow as time passes. You cannot call any resistance a failure just because it did not bring any result.

We kicked out british in 100 years, while it took us 10 years to defeat Russia. So every case of freedom struggle differ from eachother. Hamas is no unique to it.
"Ahh, the use of Israeli sources, justifying their massacre of defenseless people.

And I am the king of england."

No you're not. Tough to understand in Pakistan but the IDF answers to a curious public and Knesset. Maybe you've heard of the Winograd report from the Israel-POG war of 2006. They do odd things there like holding their leadership accountable and actively seeking self-improvement when meeting failure.

There's more transparency and accountability in the finger of a Israeli child than in the entire HAMAS infrastructure. Should I have to choose one based upon their proven testimony before elected officials who possess AND exercise oversight responsibility, yeah, I'd easily choose the IDF spokesman.

Not for nothing but things like that make all the difference in the world towards nations that are well-governed. Pashtun, of course you know that. After all, look at the rigorous cross-examinations senior Pakistani officers endure before those members of the Pakistani parliament who fight and scrap for every rupee at budget time.

It's an outrage!:lol:
"Ahh, the use of Israeli sources, justifying their massacre of defenseless people.

And I am the king of england."

No you're not. Tough to understand in Pakistan but the IDF answers to a curious public and Knesset. Maybe you've heard of the Winograd report from the Israel-POG war of 2006. They do odd things there like holding their leadership accountable and actively seeking self-improvement when meeting failure.

There's more transparency and accountability in the finger of a Israeli child than in the entire HAMAS infrastructure. Should I have to choose one based upon their proven testimony before elected officials who possess AND exercise oversight responsibility, yeah, I'd easily choose the IDF spokesman.

Not for nothing but things like that make all the difference in the world towards nations that are well-governed. Pashtun, of course you know that. After all, look at the rigorous cross-examinations senior Pakistani officers endure before those members of the Pakistani parliament who fight and scrap for every rupee at budget time.

It's an outrage!:lol:

Certainly, its an outrage to pick israeli sources to guage the situation of this massacre unless you are an Israeli tyrant regime loving goyim.

Noam Chomsky have excellently answered your gustapo crap and denial. It's a must watch interview, he gave on this genocide of gazans:

MIT CIS: News & Events: CIS Starr Forum
No you're not. Tough to understand in Pakistan

S-7 I agree with you it is tough to understand in Pakistan, to get dictation & lecture of morality on human rights from people who support genocide in gaza, or owners of Abu gharib & Guintanamobay prisons, or the same nations whose nationals are firing randomly at civilians in Iraq (yeah not even military but security guards) ..

I agree we are above education !
Well here's that "minimal" rocket fire-

You really are an insensitive , callous swine aren't you?

You firstly have the keyboard audacity to come into a thread on the Palestinian genocide in Gaza in your usual lacklustre style, but then you have the audacity to lie and point the finger at the Palestinian side.

For your information, the rocket fire you go on about is the red herring here.

During the ceasefire that lasted from June till November, 2008, Hamas never fired one single Goddam rocket into Israel.

Israel invaded Gaza in November and they broke the ceasefire, and THEN Hamas responded with rocketfire.

What the fvuk do you want them to do? Just let Israel roll their tanks in slaughter some Palestinians and then withdraw?

Get this through your Goddam skull. Hamas never fired a single rocket into Israel prior to the ceasefire, which Israel broke in November, 2008. This report confirms it all.

YouTube - Israel admits: "No Hamas rockets were fired during ceasefire"

Red herring but I'll indulge- Durable with whom, again? HAMAS which won't consider recognizing Israel's right to exist. Let matters continue. Far better for Israel if that's what you've to offer.

I guess you've not heard of the Prisoner's Document concerning the right of Israel to exist, signed and agreed upon by Hamas?

Personally, I don't know why you're tolerated here. You post ignorant bogus crap most of the time.
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Hamas Finally Admits Most Gaza Fatalities Were Combatants, Not Civilians

Evelyn Gordon - 11.01.2010 - 8:52 AM

Here’s a news item certain to be ignored by every human rights organization, every UN agency, and every country that backed the Goldstone Report: almost two years after the war in Gaza ended, no less a person than Hamas’s interior minister has finally admitted that Israel was right all along about the casualties — the vast majority were combatants, not civilians.

The first crucial admission in Fathi Hammad’s interview with the London-based Al-Hayat is that the 250 policemen Israel killed on the war’s first day by bombing their station were indeed combatants, just as Israel claimed. Human rights organizations have repeatedly labeled this raid a deliberate slaughter of civilian police tasked solely with preserving law and order, dismissing Israel’s contention that these policemen functioned as an auxiliary Hamas army unit. But here’s what Hamas’s own interior minister says:
On the first day of the war, Israel targeted police stations and 250 martyrs who were part of Hamas and the various factions fell.
In short, just as Israel claimed, many of these policemen belonged to Hamas, while the remainder belonged to other “factions” — the standard Palestinian euphemism for their various armed militias...

Al Hayat story: Arabic, English translation
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