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Israeli forces spokesman and the Shi’a threat

As an Ahmadi who is agnostic, I know that our religion, unfortunately, believes that "Israel" is a fulfillment of Quranic prophesy, something that both Sunni and Shia do not believe in. However, maybe now the Shias in general and Iran government in particular will realize that their support of Palestinians (mostly Sunni Arabs who hate Shia) is a losing proposition.
Well he is originally Syrian I believe, he has good and extensive vocabulary but I wouldn't call him that fluent. Some pronunciations are off, but he can carry on a conversation just fine. I don't think he can pass off as a preacher and that wouldn't make a difference tbh.

As for as Shia and Sunni uniting against Israel, before that is even considered we would need to look within and improve human rights, tackle corruption in our society and most importantly tackle issue of injustice/oppression in our societies. Once we are sincere about what we want to achieve as far as implementing justice/human rights/etc.... Then we can have the credibility of upholding justice, because certainly no one is taking us seriously right now considering history of the region and the current events. Of course most significant being our Lord who sees through our insincere/disingenuine intentions and he won't bless us or extend his arm until we return and observe our faith and be obedient towards him. Everything good comes through God.

Afterwards we can confront the issue in Palestine with a humane/logical/non-oppressive approach. That could not even involve any form of war. I want to be clear that people shouldn't get carried away by my posts, my intentions here to counter Israeli narrative which is abundant on the net. That being said I don't seek anything other than wanting to see justice established in the world, especially pertaining to issue in Palestine. And I don't care about 'destroying' anybody or committing any sort of oppression against a group of people. In Islam we have a Shariah and we have values that we have to abide by and that is one form of worship. Such example being establishing justice without committing more injustices to add to the horrible tally of injustices in the world.
Of course some of his words will be off because he speaks Hebrew and people who communicate in languages related to one another often merge the accent.

All he needs is a document to mislead people and since we know the person behind this voice, it won't work here, but that doesn't mean there aren't others like him working to weaken the religious attachments of Muslims. So in a way, it does matter when you think of the potential consequences.

Sunni and Shia don't have to unite for the sake of Israel, but in the longer run, Muslims have to work together if we want to uproot the problems facing us as a nation. Israel isn't the biggest threat out there. Works are in process in terms of eradicating oppression and erasing the misunderstandings among Muslims but it'll take its time to change the society at large. The work has already started in some Arab countries and again, the biggest issue is to bring and keep Muslims on the same page.

As an Ahmadi who is agnostic, I know that our religion, unfortunately, believes that "Israel" is a fulfillment of Quranic prophesy, something that both Sunni and Shia do not believe in. However, maybe now the Shias in general and Iran government in particular will realize that their support of Palestinians (mostly Sunni Arabs who hate Shia) is a losing proposition.
Who told you that Muslims don't believe in Israel returning to power..? I guess you haven't come across the Prophetic narrations which deal with Antichrist and the events that'll unfold around Jerusalem. So more or less, we are headed there, whether people see it or ignore it.
Well he is originally Syrian I believe, he has good and extensive vocabulary but I wouldn't call him that fluent. Some pronunciations are off, but he can carry on a conversation just fine. I don't think he can pass off as a preacher and that wouldn't make a difference tbh.

As for as Shia and Sunni uniting against Israel, before that is even considered we would need to look within and improve human rights, tackle corruption in our society and most importantly tackle issue of injustice/oppression in our societies. Once we are sincere about what we want to achieve as far as implementing justice/human rights/etc.... Then we can have the credibility of upholding justice, because certainly no one is taking us seriously right now considering history of the region and the current events. Of course most significant being our Lord who sees through our insincere/disingenuine intentions and he won't bless us or extend his arm until we return and observe our faith and be obedient towards him. Everything good comes through God.

Afterwards we can confront the issue in Palestine with a humane/logical/non-oppressive approach. That could not even involve any form of war. I want to be clear that people shouldn't get carried away by my posts, my intentions here to counter Israeli narrative which is abundant on the net. That being said I don't seek anything other than wanting to see justice established in the world, especially pertaining to issue in Palestine. And I don't care about 'destroying' anybody or committing any sort of oppression against a group of people. In Islam we have a Shariah and we have values that we have to abide by and that is one form of worship. Such example being establishing justice without committing more injustices to add to the horrible tally of injustices in the world.

Nice sentiments. What do you feel about Kashmir?
Of course some of his words will be off because he speaks Hebrew and people who communicate in languages related to one another often merge the accent.

All he needs is a document to mislead people and since we know the person behind this voice, it won't work here, but that doesn't mean there aren't others like him working to weaken the religious attachments of Muslims. So in a way, it does matter when you think of the potential consequences.

Sunni and Shia don't have to unite for the sake of Israel, but in the longer run, Muslims have to work together if we want to uproot the problems facing us as a nation. Israel isn't the biggest threat out there. Works are in process in terms of eradicating oppression and erasing the misunderstandings among Muslims but it'll take its time to change the society at large. The work has already started in some Arab countries and again, the biggest issue is to bring and keep Muslims on the same page.

Realistically, the two groups don't need each other. Shia currently are enjoying being an independent sect which is trying to assume leadership of Muslims in the region even though they're the minority. Sunni's also wouldn't need Shia for anything if they become more active about observing the right path of Islam while also valuing education and developing their nations. Right now, however, they have a way to go. But, realistically, these two denominations also need to learn to revolve some differences for greater good of region. So you're right it's not for sake of Israel but for sake of themselves.

To me as I've said number one priority should be observing Islam and worshipping our Lord. And worship has many forms, most of which people don't emphasize anymore. Many acts in ones life that doesn't consist of actual prayer can be considered as worship by God depending on ones intentions. And even if they don't intend it, God will still accept it as that. Regarding Israel, lifting injustice of Israeli's off Palestinians is considered a form of worship to God. And God will write that off in a later time for people who's intentions were pure and people whom he wants to accept that act of worship from them. It should be just considered a side task for those whom it will concern. Main priority and objective Islam (besides our natural aims such as development/education/etc...) is worship of God. And we have to look inwards as there is tons of work/effort to remove corruption, hypocrisy, oppression, and other obstacles plaguing Muslim world that we have to fix in order for God to accept our worship.

God is merciful so I assume he is accepting prayers of all Muslim individuals. But, as a collective group I have doubts he is accepting some of our prayers and wishes. Simply because our societies are not reflective of what an Islamic society should be like. And I don't mean enforcing stricter measures or making everyone wear hijab or what not. We already have some countries with strict measures just for show or just for the government to achieve legitimacy. But, reality is there is much oppression and corruption in our nation's that much of the populations are enabling. There is little to no sincere people in positions of influence, whether in government or scholarly boards, Universities, media, etc.... And that is anti thesis to worshipping God. There have to be good people in these positions who will uphold justice, tackle corruption, tackle hypocrisy which is a big problem in which Muslim factions, political parties, etc... are exploiting Islam in a way to suit them, strictly for power/wealth and so on. If that happens it's a crucial form of worship towards God, and God will indeed accept our initiative we take towards him and bless us and our prayers will bear fruit.

From there we can tackle injustices on different levels. Which will be side tasks or other forms of worship after we look inward and fix ourselves and make it important to worship the Lord. This is all without the need to form any Caliphate. We will still have our different nations/cultures which is fine. The problem is in the distance we've created between us and God which has made us just like any other corrupt nation but IMO even more pathetic than what I've seen in the past.

Nice sentiments. What do you feel about Kashmir?

The way I see is Kashmir is that ongoing events on a weekly basis suggest the Kashmiri's don't want to be under Indian rule and want to be independent. And this is something they should get, if people valued justice in this world. Including the Muslim people who likewise have lots of work to create a just society.

I am glad that Pakistan can in some ways support the population of Kashmir with humanitarian means and it also gives them mental support that someone is behind them. They should work together on the diplomatic front to bring up this issue as well. Which I'm positive is already happening and has been tried throughout time. The Kashmiri's need to continue to persevere for now.
See this
Realistically, the two groups don't need each other. Shia currently are enjoying being an independent sect which is trying to assume leadership of Muslims in the region even though they're the minority. Sunni's also wouldn't need Shia for anything if they become more active about observing the right path of Islam while also valuing education and developing their nations. Right now, however, they have a way to go. But, realistically, these two denominations also need to learn to revolve some differences for greater good of region. So you're right it's not for sake of Israel but for sake of themselves.

To me as I've said number one priority should be observing Islam and worshipping our Lord. And worship has many forms, most of which people don't emphasize anymore. Many acts in ones life that doesn't consist of actual prayer can be considered as worship by God depending on ones intentions. And even if they don't intend it, God will still accept it as that. Regarding Israel, lifting injustice of Israeli's off Palestinians is considered a form of worship to God. And God will write that off in a later time for people who's intentions were pure and people whom he wants to accept that act of worship from them. It should be just considered a side task for those whom it will concern. Main priority and objective Islam (besides our natural aims such as development/education/etc...) is worship of God. And we have to look inwards as there is tons of work/effort to remove corruption, hypocrisy, oppression, and other obstacles plaguing Muslim world that we have to fix in order for God to accept our worship.

God is merciful so I assume he is accepting prayers of all Muslim individuals. But, as a collective group I have doubts he is accepting some of our prayers and wishes. Simply because our societies are not reflective of what an Islamic society should be like. And I don't mean enforcing stricter measures or making everyone wear hijab or what not. We already have some countries with strict measures just for show or just for the government to achieve legitimacy. But, reality is there is much oppression and corruption in our nation's that much of the populations are enabling. There is little to no sincere people in positions of influence, whether in government or scholarly boards, Universities, media, etc.... And that is anti thesis to worshipping God. There have to be good people in these positions who will uphold justice, tackle corruption, tackle hypocrisy which is a big problem in which Muslim factions, political parties, etc... are exploiting Islam in a way to suit them, strictly for power/wealth and so on. If that happens it's a crucial form of worship towards God, and God will indeed accept our initiative we take towards him and bless us and our prayers will bear fruit.

From there we can tackle injustices on different levels. Which will be side tasks or other forms of worship after we look inward and fix ourselves and make it important to worship the Lord. This is all without the need to form any Caliphate. We will still have our different nations/cultures which is fine. The problem is in the distance we've created between us and God which has made us just like any other corrupt nation but IMO even more pathetic than what I've seen in the past.

The way I see is Kashmir is that ongoing events on a weekly basis suggest the Kashmiri's don't want to be under Indian rule and want to be independent. And this is something they should get, if people valued justice in this world. Including the Muslim people who likewise have lots of work to create a just society.

I am glad that Pakistan can in some ways support the population of Kashmir with humanitarian means and it also gives them mental support that someone is behind them. They should work together on the diplomatic front to bring up this issue as well. Which I'm positive is already happening and has been tried throughout time. The Kashmiri's need to continue to persevere for now.

Great post. I agree that at some point Sunnis and Shias will reach an empasse, but at least we can form political unity and leave our differences in purely a theological realm. KSA warming up to Israel has discredited to a large degree their Islamic credentials, along with their failed blockade of Qatar which has shown they have lost a lot of support in the Muslim world. All this coming at a time of Turkish ascendancy in the Muslim world galvanizing traditional Sunni Islam, as opposed to Wahhabi/Salafi ideology.

I differ with you on one issue. Khilafat is a necessity, otherwise we will keep taking hits from Non-Muslim occupiers. Unity and fulfilling Allah swt command is a must. How we establish Khilafat again, I don’t know. As strong as we can be alone, it hasn’t protected us from internal/external divisions.
Great post. I agree that at some point Sunnis and Shias will reach an empasse, but at least we can form political unity and leave our differences in purely a theological realm. KSA warming up to Israel has discredited to a large degree their Islamic credentials, along with their failed blockade of Qatar which has shown they have lost a lot of support in the Muslim world. All this coming at a time of Turkish ascendancy in the Muslim world galvanizing traditional Sunni Islam, as opposed to Wahhabi/Salafi ideology.

I differ with you on one issue. Khilafat is a necessity, otherwise we will keep taking hits from Non-Muslim occupiers. Unity and fulfilling Allah swt command is a must. How we establish Khilafat again, I don’t know. As strong as we can be alone, it hasn’t protected us from internal/external divisions.

Let's slow down and break this down first. I don't know what 'Wahabi' is and never heard of it. If you're referring to Salafi establishment in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Arab nations, they are known as 'Altyaar AlSalafi' and not 'Wahabi's'. Salafi's are not different to other Sunni Muslims with exception of prioritizing certain aspects of Islam/Muslim society over others. Regarding the specific Salafi establishment in Saudi Arabia that reinforces all the positions of the government, I don't like them for that reason. They are too distant from certain social/political matters facing Muslims that they need to be active on.

However, that pro-government establishment does not make up all those belonging to the 'Tyaar AlSalafi' in Saudi Arabia or other nations. And there are plenty of good of people among them that I like, and their scholars are very well educated on Islam. They emphasize preserving Islamic knowledge and protecting it from corruption from those unknowledgeable such as other sects which make their adjustments illegitimately or normal individuals that parrot their thoughts on Islam that may have been thoughts with deviations from original beliefs unknowingly. So I admire them for that, we definitely need them in that regard.

However, they are not the best when determining what makes a Muslim rightly guided, some of them are a bit lost in that regard, they assume petty based on some qualities that have don't contribute to piety in anyway. They also are not the best suited for political affairs of Muslims and are too withdrawn in some cases. As for Muslim Brotherhood, they are too invested. So you see these movements have their flaws in a collective sense. Within these movements there are rightly guided and pious Muslims. The problems arising today are due to those that allow their alignment with these movements to completely influence their positions and it becomes dogmatic. So such movements with influence become paranoid and want to secure their ideologies, so they make the mistake of having an exclusive approach to matters. And they become greedy and disregard others. So it's okay to be influenced by a movement or have your own scholars or consider yourself as part of one movement, but it's not okay when that allegiance goes too far and prevents you from failing to meet certain Islamic standards which you should be meeting as a Muslim. There are many examples of this.

As for those who are too traditional/extreme, they're not worth having a discussion over. Any educated Muslim should know they're misguided. As for a Caliphate, no one is going to demand that, so if it happens it will be at the time of the Mahdi. And even then, I believe there will still be nation state like structure but it also will be different and unique. Until then, we should focus on encouraging Muslims to become more sincere towards God, avoid haram habits while still being moderate and enjoying yourselves, bring back importance of prayer, treating people well, doing zakat, call out injustice wherever it is, and so on. While continuing on with our normal lives(development, education/business/innovation/emphasis on science/etc....).
Realistically, the two groups don't need each other. Shia currently are enjoying being an independent sect which is trying to assume leadership of Muslims in the region even though they're the minority. Sunni's also wouldn't need Shia for anything if they become more active about observing the right path of Islam while also valuing education and developing their nations. Right now, however, they have a way to go. But, realistically, these two denominations also need to learn to revolve some differences for greater good of region. So you're right it's not for sake of Israel but for sake of themselves.

To me as I've said number one priority should be observing Islam and worshipping our Lord. And worship has many forms, most of which people don't emphasize anymore. Many acts in ones life that doesn't consist of actual prayer can be considered as worship by God depending on ones intentions. And even if they don't intend it, God will still accept it as that. Regarding Israel, lifting injustice of Israeli's off Palestinians is considered a form of worship to God. And God will write that off in a later time for people who's intentions were pure and people whom he wants to accept that act of worship from them. It should be just considered a side task for those whom it will concern. Main priority and objective Islam (besides our natural aims such as development/education/etc...) is worship of God. And we have to look inwards as there is tons of work/effort to remove corruption, hypocrisy, oppression, and other obstacles plaguing Muslim world that we have to fix in order for God to accept our worship.

God is merciful so I assume he is accepting prayers of all Muslim individuals. But, as a collective group I have doubts he is accepting some of our prayers and wishes. Simply because our societies are not reflective of what an Islamic society should be like. And I don't mean enforcing stricter measures or making everyone wear hijab or what not. We already have some countries with strict measures just for show or just for the government to achieve legitimacy. But, reality is there is much oppression and corruption in our nation's that much of the populations are enabling. There is little to no sincere people in positions of influence, whether in government or scholarly boards, Universities, media, etc.... And that is anti thesis to worshipping God. There have to be good people in these positions who will uphold justice, tackle corruption, tackle hypocrisy which is a big problem in which Muslim factions, political parties, etc... are exploiting Islam in a way to suit them, strictly for power/wealth and so on. If that happens it's a crucial form of worship towards God, and God will indeed accept our initiative we take towards him and bless us and our prayers will bear fruit.

From there we can tackle injustices on different levels. Which will be side tasks or other forms of worship after we look inward and fix ourselves and make it important to worship the Lord. This is all without the need to form any Caliphate. We will still have our different nations/cultures which is fine. The problem is in the distance we've created between us and God which has made us just like any other corrupt nation but IMO even more pathetic than what I've seen in the past.

The way I see is Kashmir is that ongoing events on a weekly basis suggest the Kashmiri's don't want to be under Indian rule and want to be independent. And this is something they should get, if people valued justice in this world. Including the Muslim people who likewise have lots of work to create a just society.

I am glad that Pakistan can in some ways support the population of Kashmir with humanitarian means and it also gives them mental support that someone is behind them. They should work together on the diplomatic front to bring up this issue as well. Which I'm positive is already happening and has been tried throughout time. The Kashmiri's need to continue to persevere for now.

The greater good is what I am talking aboutn although both Shia and Sunna have survived well without one another, the internal debates and arguments have caused damaged to our fortification internally. Atheism is on the rise and Muslims can no longer go on without resolving their internal issues.

And because little things weren't addressed in the past, with negligence in practicing religion, this is just another battle we are waging in order to protect the puritanical teachings of Islam from being corrupted.

There will always be a group of individuals in every era that will work on restoration of religion and not just those with power but those who are working behind the scenes to ensure our ranks are aligned. Muslims were supposed to lead other nations by example and serve their people with justice and root out corruption. We are at a stage where there are secular, liberals, atheists and religious people who have created their own communities and are discussing or disposing religion as they deem fit.

Some work is there to expel the confusion and doubts, the other side must also realign itself with its purpose of crearion or we will run out of time, but never the hope. Things will turn out just fine eventually for us as a nation despite what we are going through, our job was never to coerce faith in people.

The corruption in our time seems more pathetic in a way, as you said, because we have a lot more tools at our disposal that can help in turning things around in a shorter period of time but this nation is either busy looking at its screens, or discarding religious moral values for integration and approval.
Israeli forces spokesman derides what he calls “the Shi’a threat”, quotes (and praises) Ibn Taymiah & Ibn Abdul Wahhab; notorious demagogues praised by ISIS, AQ, & Taliban!!!

In case you still had any doubts about the perfect convergence of Wahhabism and fascist Zionism (no excuse in 2018), here is IDF spokesperson yesterday appealing to Sunnis of the Arab world to approve of casting takfir on Shias.

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In complete sync with each other, one consider itself chosen one by God other says all sects except me are heretics ..

Imam of Saudi mosque praying for ISIS to defeat Shia Muslims, Christians and jews By atheist reject:

Saudi child during Eid celebration on national TV says Karbala Shia are Kafir & we'll drink their blood:
wonder why they support ISIS.
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