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Wahhabism to ISIS: how Saudi Arabia exported the main source of global terrorism

The 'bad' Salafis are the ones who actually have the balls and are stupid enough take action on Salafi teachings.
agree 100%

they're a cult of literalists, always just a hair's breadth away from murdering other people.

not sure about the shia part but 110% of all terror and suicide attacks lately have been perpetrated by muslims who identify as salafi. isis/qaeda/boko h/abu sayyaf and dozens of others, all salafist terror groups.
very narrow minded article and utterly uselessly written article - a bit of this and a bit of that. Our chicken licken has been verbiage about various chickens then this rubbish.

Firstly, there is nothing Islamic about IS..... They are murderous criminals, thugs and psycopaths - Let us all agree to one thing, this is Dog State (DS) - all rabid criminals and lunatics who have clamoured to be on the board this bandwagon.

The biggest issue is neither Iran nor Saudi have a clean conscience to be of any value in terms of leadership.

200% - this is Las Vegas grandeur at its best.

Thank you..... well put.

We have been very very fortunate not have this yet to show up here. Our fear now is the amount of somali illegals who are making this country a permanent home.

Anyone not opening their eyes to the Saudi funded narrow mindset will see the seeds of destruction bloom as you are seeing in your country. From my deep ties within our local communities - we are a small city yet we are interact in communal festivities - my friend was telling me how these travelling mullahs from Pakistan came to our local mosque and started to lambast how this way is wrong that way is wrong etc etc. He is a senior member and stood up and told them that this community has co-existed irrespective of various beliefs or ways which are considered personal; if they want to spread message of hate etc, then they better no even come to this mosque ever again.

The biggest issue which I see and in discussion of friday evenings with my moslem friends is the word 'islam'. Noone stands up to say those parties are wrong because these lunatics deliberately put the name of islamic or synonyms - every one is afraid of being labelled a blasphemer.

Until the 1/2 bakes mullahs and segregation of religion and politics is not done; this nightmare will continue - these parties are thriving because of the very lack of segregation. These idiots are using ordinary people to firstly use the government's lack of ability to provide good level of education across grassroots level and widespread poverty to hand over kids to these madressas who are funded by the Saudi's via the goverment and who know which kind of agency with ulterior motives.

I really admire Oman where they have completed regulated the formal training of imams via educational institutions. In travelling in Oman, i really felt this is a model every one should have followed, forget Turkey, Iran, Pakistan or worst of all Saudis...
Brother i wish people of my country think the same as you and see these Zealots as they are and have the courage of calling a spade a spade. :(
Brother i wish people of my country think the same as you and see these Zealots as they are and have the courage of calling a spade a spade. :(
Alas my dear friend, everyone is wrapping up themselves with long beards, in bed with 'disco' mullahs who scenerade on tvs to musical beats or latest fashion; politicians who dont want to rock the boat of 'islam' when they very well know it is not so. Every one wants to fight for no reason; but morally completely corrupt. We see massive number of these people on missions here but what do they contribute - nothing!.

A late dear friend of mine who was an trained imam from our city. This man went to study in your country in the 80s and finished his education but also was disgusted by the vile nature of the religious politics. When he came home he said he will show people the true nature of islam. Firstly, aids was ravaging our areas - he took upon himself and setup an ophanage on the land which his father had left behind - right now over 200 kids are looked after; the group of these transformative individuals collectively opened up small clinics which would be staffed with a trained nurse so that Aids testing can be done and aids prevention be told. This is just one of the things he did; when the tragedy in Rwanda happened, he canvassed our neighbouring towns asking for donations - food/blankets/funds. He drove trucks with this relief into Rwanda.. I remember him saying.... for the first time in his life, 'Satan was walking around us'. If that was not all, he took a series of volunteers with relief supplies and medical supplies into Bosnia. I always remember Jamal fondly and his words - God will not ask you for your beliefs and how many prayers you did but instead how well did you serve mankind. May he rest in peace.

This is truly what I would say is the true nature of what each religion is about. But instead, these Saudis's and others have hijacked it for their political good. It is tragic very tragic to see the state of affairs. Every one wants to say their version is correct... Sorry... noone but noone including the prophets knew what would happen to them after their passing away.

Alas, our country has fallen into disregard for human life - our corrupt politicians who are fattened like pigs by transplanted indian guptas and siphoning off wealth which needed to go to education, health to name a few priorities. Our struggle is now to get our country back from the indian guptas and throw them out once and for all.
Bring democracy with secular govt like turkey in Saudi Arab...dethrone the so called American puppet kings.
Alas my dear friend, everyone is wrapping up themselves with long beards, in bed with 'disco' mullahs who scenerade on tvs to musical beats or latest fashion; politicians who dont want to rock the boat of 'islam' when they very well know it is not so. Every one wants to fight for no reason; but morally completely corrupt. We see massive number of these people on missions here but what do they contribute - nothing!.

A late dear friend of mine who was an trained imam from our city. This man went to study in your country in the 80s and finished his education but also was disgusted by the vile nature of the religious politics. When he came home he said he will show people the true nature of islam. Firstly, aids was ravaging our areas - he took upon himself and setup an ophanage on the land which his father had left behind - right now over 200 kids are looked after; the group of these transformative individuals collectively opened up small clinics which would be staffed with a trained nurse so that Aids testing can be done and aids prevention be told. This is just one of the things he did; when the tragedy in Rwanda happened, he canvassed our neighbouring towns asking for donations - food/blankets/funds. He drove trucks with this relief into Rwanda.. I remember him saying.... for the first time in his life, 'Satan was walking around us'. If that was not all, he took a series of volunteers with relief supplies and medical supplies into Bosnia. I always remember Jamal fondly and his words - God will not ask you for your beliefs and how many prayers you did but instead how well did you serve mankind. May he rest in peace.

This is truly what I would say is the true nature of what each religion is about. But instead, these Saudis's and others have hijacked it for their political good. It is tragic very tragic to see the state of affairs. Every one wants to say their version is correct... Sorry... noone but noone including the prophets knew what would happen to them after their passing away.

Alas, our country has fallen into disregard for human life - our corrupt politicians who are fattened like pigs by transplanted indian guptas and siphoning off wealth which needed to go to education, health to name a few priorities. Our struggle is now to get our country back from the indian guptas and throw them out once and for all.
Actually it all started in the 80s when Islam was used as a political tool. Against the Communism they used the atheist idealogies of communism to spread propaganda amoung illeterate and emotional Muslim mases that these are enemies of God. Madrissa and Militant Training organsiations were setup throughout the country to train and mujahidin and fight in Afghansiatn. After the war was over. This Deamon of Religious fundamentalism was not contained. The power this network have gained was unparalled. there money there militants there loud speakers in every nook and corner of country. And anyone speaking against them was instantly branded secular kafir and rediculed or even assasinated. Literally the country was highjacked by Salafist and Neo Salafists(Deobandis). Pre 80s Pakistan was moderate society where Islam was in hands of common people who loved there religion. Post 80s it was taken over by a structured network of Government supported Nationwide network of Jamaats with Magnanimous fundings from Saudia.
Things are changing but at rather slow pace.
And May Allah grant him highest honour and blessings to your Kind late friend. Such people are inspiration for all Muslims and Humanity
I am afraid things will never change to better in Pakistan (or all the Islamic Countries).
When ever I see a debate between the Jihadi Muslims and the so called Moderate Muslims, then it is 100% that Extremist Jihadi Muslims are going to win the debate.

Reason is simple that Quran and Sunnah are on the side of Jihadi.

Due to this reason moderate Muslims lost all the time from 80s uptill now and there is mass conversion of sunnies into salafies/jihadies.

And this trend is not going to change ever till the time religion is there.

Religion does tell to do Jihad. Religion does tell to not marry the non Muslims. Religion does limits the movement of women. Religion does ask to not take non-muslims as freinds, not to marry with them, impose Sharia rules with power, and not to change the religious laws as they have been made by Allah himself and cannot be changed by men.
Mohammad Javad Zarif: Let Us Rid the World of Wahhabism


Tehran — Public relations firms with no qualms about taking tainted petrodollars are experiencing a bonanza. Their latest project has been to persuade us that the Nusra Front, Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, is no more. As a Nusra spokesman told CNN, the rebranded rebel group, supposedly separated from its parent terrorist organization, has become “moderate.”

Thus is fanaticism from the Dark Ages sold as a bright vision for the 21st century. The problem for the P.R. firms’ wealthy, often Saudi, clients, who have lavishly funded Nusra, is that the evidence of their ruinous policies can’t be photoshopped out of existence. If anyone had any doubt, the recent video images of other “moderates” beheading a 12-year-old boy were a horrifying reality check.

Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, militant Wahhabism has undergone a series of face-lifts, but underneath, the ideology remains the same — whether it’s the Taliban, the various incarnations of Al Qaeda or the so-called Islamic State, which is neither Islamic nor a state. But the millions of people faced with the Nusra Front’s tyranny are not buying the fiction of this disaffiliation. Past experience of such attempts at whitewashing points to the real aim: to enable the covert flow of petrodollars to extremist groups in Syria to become overt, and even to lure Western governments into supporting these “moderates.” The fact that Nusra still dominates the rebel alliance in Aleppo flouts the public relations message.

Saudi Arabia’s effort to persuade its Western patrons to back its shortsighted tactics is based on the false premise that plunging the Arab world into further chaos will somehow damage Iran. The fanciful notions that regional instability will help to “contain” Iran, and that supposed rivalries between Sunni and Shiite Muslims are fueling conflicts, are contradicted by the reality that the worst bloodshed in the region is caused by Wahhabists fighting fellow Arabs and murdering fellow Sunnis.

Continue reading the main story
has spent tens of billions of dollars exporting Wahhabism through thousands of mosques and madrasas across the world. From Asia to Africa, from Europe to the Americas, this theological perversion has wrought havoc. As one former extremist in Kosovo told The Times, “The Saudis completely changed Islam here with their money.”

Though it has attracted only a minute proportion of Muslims, Wahhabism has been devastating in its impact. Virtually every terrorist group abusing the name of Islam — from Al Qaeda and its offshoots in Syria to Boko Haram in Nigeria — has been inspired by this death cult.

So far, the Saudis have succeeded in inducing their allies to go along with their folly, whether in Syria or Yemen, by playing the “Iran card.” That will surely change, as the realization grows that Riyadh’s persistent sponsorship of extremism repudiates its claim to be a force for stability.

The world cannot afford to sit by and witness Wahhabists targeting not only Christians, Jews and Shiites but also Sunnis. With a large section of the Middle East in turmoil, there is a grave danger that the few remaining pockets of stability will be undermined by this clash of Wahhabism and mainstream Sunni Islam.

There needs to be coordinated action at the United Nations to cut off the funding for ideologies of hate and extremism, and a willingness from the international community to investigate the channels that supply the cash and the arms. In 2013, Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, proposed an initiative called World Against Violent Extremism, or WAVE. The United Nations should build on that framework to foster greater dialogue between religions and sects to counter this dangerous medieval fanaticism.

The attacks in Nice, Paris and Brussels should convince the West that the toxic threat of Wahhabism cannot be ignored. After a year of almost weekly tragic news, the international community needs to do more than express outrage, sorrow and condolences; concrete action against extremism is needed.

Though much of the violence committed in the name of Islam can be traced to Wahhabism, I by no means suggest that Saudi Arabia cannot be part of the solution. Quite the reverse: We invite Saudi rulers to put aside the rhetoric of blame and fear, and join hands with the rest of the community of nations to eliminate the scourge of terrorism and violence that threatens us all.


You can't blame it on a country you should blame the international comunity who supports them and most of the people who join isis !!! I am pretty sure that saudi arabia don't support terrorism against their brothers syria is a Sunni muslim country and you almost forgot that isis members in iraq are ex ba'athist soldier of the former leader of iraq saddam hussein so what does saudi arabia has to do with this shit ???? And most of the people who join isis are outsiders most of them from the caucasus north Africa and the Balkan
You can't blame it on a country you should blame the international comunity who supports them and most of the people who join isis !!! I am pretty sure that saudi arabia don't support terrorism against their brothers syria is a Sunni muslim country and you almost forgot that isis members in iraq are ex ba'athist soldier of the former leader of iraq saddam hussein so what does saudi arabia has to do with this shit ???? And most of the people who join isis are outsiders most of them from the caucasus north Africa and the Balkan

Saudia is funding the Salafi Mosques, which ultimately producing the Salafi Jihadist who even turn themselves against Saudi Government while it is kingdom and not Caliphate. And also while Saudi Government is a US slave.

So indirectly, indeed blame comes upon the Saudi Government.

In West, people are saying the earlier generations of Muslims, which were not effected by the Saudi Salafi teachings, were normal. But as the Saudi influence is increasing and Salafi teachings are spread, so the Jihadi culture is also spreading. That is why Western population is turning against Saudia. They want a stop upon Saudi Salafi teachings which ultimately converts into Zombie Jihadists.

Issue is with the religion itself which supports the hatread against other religions and supports the Jihadi culture. Therefore Saudia/Jihadists will always have upper hand upon the Sunnies/moderate Muslims in the debates.
Saudis turning Mecca into Las Vegas


@Sharif al-Hijaz

@The SC

@Full Moon


But you say absolutely anything !!!

These hotels are built to accommodate people on pilgrimage. Or else you would prefer to be ‘in tents’ with temperatures of more than 45 degree Celsius (°C). All Mecca is a permanent project to restore order to the old chaos (A real garbage).

Old Link :


Here is the new Saudi generation (More than 80 percent - us - to less than 30 years). It is the same like the future king of the country :


The Changing Face of Saudi Women (National Geographic Magazine, February 2016)

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Why are threatening? Is the thread not about wahabism export of SA? Why are you attacking his person?
I also want the thread to shut down, and it seems the mods disagree with that. Fine, I'll respect their decision.

sectarianism makes me sick, it is a disgusting thing to tolerate, and I will not tolerate it.
I read a great deal about who is ' exporting' terror across the world , the list is endless.

Little is read about who is ' importing' terror & why ?
The best way to frame someone is to commit a crime and tell the world he is your partner..
Most people say that the US is Behind ISIS, then some say Usrael is involved too, some others say Iran is behind DAESH, some say the US again..Turkey just sentenced a Guy for 20 years in prison because he provided video proof to the media of some Turkish troops handing weapons and munitions to some fractions in Syria.. Now it is Saudi Arabia!.. apart from the Turkish and US troops who were proven to distribute weapons and munitions to ISIS or other Known terrorist groups, Usrael was shown to provide medical treatments to wounded opposition groups in Syria or were they ISIS?.. And all of it is pure speculation when it comes to KSA.. anyone with any proof should come forward with it, and then it will become believable..and one thing is for sure, it is a game of interests and framing others to push one's own interests in the region..
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The best way to frame someone is to commit a crime and tell the world he is your partner..
Most people say that the US is Behind ISIS, then some say Usrael is involved too, some others say Iran is behind DAESH, some say the US again..Turkey just sentenced a Guy for 20 years in prison because he provided video proof to the media of some Turkish troops handing weapons and munitions to some fractions in Syria.. Now it is Saudi Arabia!.. apart from the Turkish and US troops who were proven to distribute weapons and munitions to ISIS or other Known terrorist groups, Usrael was shown to provide medical treatments to wounded opposition groups in Syria or were they ISIS?.. And all of it is pure speculation when it comes to KSA.. anyone with any proof should come forward with it, and then it will become believable..and one thing is for sure, it is a game of interests and framing others to push one's own interests in the region..

You talked only about material help.
But Salafism is an ideology and not related to material help.

It is Saudi sponsored Mosques and Madaris which created the Jihadi culture. This is the point where Western people are hating Saudia and blaming it for the spread of terrorist teachings.

Bin Baz gives fatwa that verse of No Compulsion in religion has been abrogated and religion should be imposed by force if possible.

Sheikh Fawzan says that slavery has been made Halal by Allah and no man has the right to abrogate it, and as soon as Islamic state gains enough power, it will initiate Jihad and reinstall the institution of slavery.

Saudi Mufties giving constantly fatwas that making friendship with Kuffar (Non Muslims) is Haram and Muslim minority community in the West should not intermingle with them and adopt their culture, but instead of this try to impose their culture upon them.

All these fatwas come under the hate speech.

All the ISIS and alQaeda have their roots in the Saudi Salafism, which is creating Usama bin Laden type people.

Western people still asking the question why 9/11 educated suicide bombers belonged to Saudia? They are realizing the end effects of Saudi Salafi teachings.
You talked only about material help.
But Salafism is an ideology and not related to material help.

It is Saudi sponsored Mosques and Madaris which created the Jihadi culture. This is the point where Western people are hating Saudia and blaming it for the spread of terrorist teachings.

Bin Baz gives fatwa that verse of No Compulsion in religion has been abrogated and religion should be imposed by force if possible.

Sheikh Fawzan says that slavery has been made Halal by Allah and no man has the right to abrogate it, and as soon as Islamic state gains enough power, it will initiate Jihad and reinstall the institution of slavery.

Saudi Mufties giving constantly fatwas that making friendship with Kuffar (Non Muslims) is Haram and Muslim minority community in the West should not intermingle with them and adopt their culture, but instead of this try to impose their culture upon them.

All these fatwas come under the hate speech.

All the ISIS and alQaeda have their roots in the Saudi Salafism, which is creating Usama bin Laden type people.

Western people still asking the question why 9/11 educated suicide bombers belonged to Saudia? They are realizing the end effects of Saudi Salafi teachings.
Do you hear the same things in KSA? No, so why blame KSA.. enemies of Islam will use any Tomdik saying and blame it on any Muslim state he fears or hates..
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