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Israeli firms demand gov’t ease limits on arms exports to China


Dec 11, 2013
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Defense and technology firms in Israel have recently requested that the government ease restrictions on exports of military equipment to China, Ora Coren reported in an article written for Haaretz, a left-leaning newspaper based in Tel Aviv on Dec. 31.

A source from the Israeli defense industry told Coren that weapon manufacturers in Israel had already gained support from the prime minister’s office as well as the economic and foreign ministries since it is the policy of the nation to expand its economic and political ties with China. For this reason, various government officials within Israel have welcomed the discussion regarding the change of the regulations as Coren stated in the report.

Export to China of certain dual-use technologies that can be used by both civilians and the military are being discussed, as well as the latest generation of unmanned aerial vehicles. Another source from the defense industry said that the increasing difficulty in selling weapons to Israel’s defense ministry is eroding the profitability of the industry, which makes China crucial to the nation’s economy.

Coren said in the article that Israel had earned US$7.5 billion in 2012 with the Asia-Pacific region as its biggest market, despite the limits imposed on Israel by Washington in selling defense and dual-use technology to China and other countries in the region. To deal with China, defense firms in Israel must get approval from the defense ministry’s Defense Export Controls Agency, which includes foreign and economic ministry officials.

Under pressure from the United States, Israel has also regulated arms sales to India, Russia and many other East European nations. In 2010, the United States blocked state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries from bidding on a contract to upgrade India’s jet fighters despite the fact that US companies were bidding as well. Meir Shalit resigned from his position as head of defense exports at the nation’s defense ministry for selling military equipment to China after US protests.

The US government worries that the hardware Israel provides China may be useful for Iran in developing its own ballistic missiles. Coren stated that gaining permission from Washington to sell weapon systems to sensitive countries is not currently on the top of the agenda for Jerusalem because it is now holding strategic talks with the US on developing and financing new weapons systems, however, Israel is still trying to win tacit consent from the United States regarding the issue

Nothing to be specific,i just found it and shared it here.

Israel wants ties with China and it's not a surprise China is open to relations with them. Nobody is reasonable these days, they should wait until after Israel ends it's occupation of Palestinian Territories.
Israel wants ties with China and it's not a surprise China is open to relations with them. Nobody is reasonable these days, they should wait until after Israel ends it's occupation of Palestinian Territories.
Ha Ha. Yahan bhi Palestine issue ghused hi diya? So desperate. Do u think China even cares bout Palestinian issue to keep it as a condition? Or u think Israelis want China so desperately that it wud take any condition seriously?

Wake up kid, Nobody in this world makes decisions out of religious mind state. Its the world of nation states and not religious states.
Ha Ha. Yahan bhi Palestine issue ghused hi diya? So desperate. Do u think China even cares bout Palestinian issue to keep it as a condition? Or u think Israelis want China so desperately that it wud take any condition seriously?

Wake up kid, Nobody in this world makes decisions out of religious mind state. Its the world of nation states and not religious states.

What does religion have anything to do with this?
What does religion have anything to do with this?
Although religion has nothing to do with Palestine issue but he has a poin that China does not care about Palestine issue.
Although religion has nothing to do with Palestine issue but he has a poin that China does not care about Palestine issue.

Nobody does, because nobody caress about humanity in this world. If Israel doesn't end it's occupation after the UN bid for a Palestinian it should be sanctioned and prevented from doing arms sales. The UN was going to pass many resolutions and the US kept vetoing them. This time the UN needs to sanction the hell out of that pariah state until it ends it's oppression and occupation of the Palestinian people.
He He. Your bringing of Palestinian issue is coz Pakistani with Palestine has nothing to do with Religion. Right?

Even India supports Palestine but not bring it in every dealing. Thats typical of Pakistan and its only coz of Religion.

I'm not understanding you, I'm not Pakistani nor was I bringing Pakistan up.
I'm not understanding you, I'm not Pakistani nor was I bringing Pakistan up.
Arre I was in general talking bout the Pakistani attitude bout PAlestine. My bad to say that outside the context. But I was only focussing bout the fact that national relations are not based on someone else's issues. China cant care more bout Palestinians if they are getting Israeli tech.
Although religion has nothing to do with Palestine issue but he has a poin that China does not care about Palestine issue.

The US pressures the for not allowing them to sell Israelis arms tech to China:

Israel Set to End China Arms Deal Under U.S. Pressure
Israel faces pressure from US and China re arms deal | Conflict Resolutions and World Security Solutions | worldsecuritynetwork.com

The US threatened Israel once to disqualify it from the F-35 program if it goes ahead to sell tech to China.
The US pressures the for not allowing them to sell Israelis arms tech to China:

Israel Set to End China Arms Deal Under U.S. Pressure
Israel faces pressure from US and China re arms deal | Conflict Resolutions and World Security Solutions | worldsecuritynetwork.com

The US threatened Israel once to disqualify it from the F-35 program if it goes ahead to sell tech to China.
Yeah only because America's pressure Israel is not selling it to China.Israel used to sell a lot before that.
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