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Israeli False-Flaggers Flown in for Boston Shoot-Out?

^^^ Who on Earth would write such a ridiculous article? Are those the authors?
Does it matter who actually wrote it? These are the guys who approved it. As one can read upon examination, other than a few useful ads and links, "Veterans Today" is a propaganda rag run by (ex?-) officials from "Soviet/Russian" and Pakistani Army intelligence/psychological operations; the American "Chairman" appears to be their paid stooge.

Albatross, it always pays to research the sources and writers a bit to examine their credibility. That way you won't be embarrassed like this and you'll enhance your own credibility.

^^^ Who on Earth would write such a ridiculous article?
The purpose of the "false-flag" insinuations is to get the guilty parties off the hook and tell people that it's O.K. to blame the ones powers-that-be tell you to hate for everything that's wrong in your life. That way the wealth and privileges of those on top aren't threatened, and the oppressed and tricked people below have an excuse to seize upon for their own cowardice and gullibility.
Silence from the Pakistani and Muslim crowd. I wonder how many of these might be in the employ of "Adamus Defense Group" and like-minded organizations? All devoted to messing up peoples' minds, diverting them from truths, and confusing evil with good? And if they aren't in the employ, why do readers not write denunciations of them, rather than sympathize by their embarrassed silence? Or is it simply fear?
Do you see Jews in your sleep too?

This is some ridiculous level of denial.

It wasnt about jews in general but more specifically about their elites where blood lines matters and are driven by self defined and designed religious motivation.Anyways as I am sure you wont bother to read the history and read between lines therefore just tell me one thing @Solomon2 why Israel attacked USS liberty in 67. Now you would give me ref from wikipedia thats nothing but a mouthpiece of few.But we all know that operation which was intended to be a false flag but israel couldnt conceal it as things didnt go as planned( Israel’s attack on the U.S.S Liberty; an attack which, if it had gone completely according to plan, would have seen the sinking of the ship with the loss, the murder, of all hands on boardWhy, really, was the USS Liberty attacked by Israel? - Alan Hart and came up with stuff like they thought that was an egyptian cattle carrier..Do you believe that?

Israels actual motive was to warn US of the consequences if US tried to obstruct in any way Israel's push into syrian lands

Now we dont live in an age of darkness and can see vividly what happened then and here is something for you to read.
USS Liberty - Israeli Pilot Speaks Up
USS Liberty - Israeli
Pilot Speaks Up

"We had been surveilled all morning and part of the afternoon by Israeli forces. They knew who we were. We heard them reporting over radio who we were and how we were sailing and where we were sailing. They saw the flag and everything else. We were in international waters."

Here is another excerpt just to tell you what I am talking about.

"If it was an accident, it was the best planned accident I've ever heard of" - USS Liberty survivor

A former Navy attorney who helped lead the military investigation of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty that killed 34 American servicemen says former President Lyndon Johnson and his defense secretary, Robert McNamara, ordered that the inquiry conclude the incident was an accident.

In a signed affidavit released at a Capitol Hill news conference, retired Capt. Ward Boston said Johnson and McNamara told those heading the Navy's inquiry to "conclude that the attack was a case of 'mistaken identity' despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary."

It was “one of the classic all-American cover-ups,” said retired Admiral Thomas Moorer, a former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman who spent a year investigating the attack as part of an independent panel he formed with other former military officials. The panel also included a former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, James Akins.

Torpedo hole in USS Liberty
“Why would our government put Israel’s interests ahead of our own?” Moorer asked from his wheelchair at the news conference. He was chief of naval operations at the time of the attack.

Moorer, who has long held that the attack was a deliberate act, wants Congress to investigate.

The USS Liberty Cover-Up
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Albatross, you're hiding your own embarrassment. Again.

I suggest you research the declassified files that can be found in the series Foreign Relations of the United States. They are more illuminating that conspiracy theories, unjustified innuendos, and subjective perspectives of individual sailors.

You might want to start here: link

And in the future, there are politer, more respectful ways to address people you would like to learn something from. Please use them.
As far as indians are concerned its evident from this thread as well like dozen others they talk without logic or substance and get heard just because they are many in number and repeats the same thing like a recorder.This thread dint even mention india or hinduism in any way but still we can see how they are here to enlighten us with their dumb brains and stupid logics.For them jews are respectable because indians think jews are against muslims and vica versa which isnt true as a common jew is just like anyone else who likes to feed and educate his kids to the best of his abilities .But anyways its fun too see how much good indians are at licking .............
EoZ dissects this new blood libel here.

Albatross, I think it's time for you to give an unqualified apology for propagating this, both to all the PDFers here as well as to me specifically.
As far as indians are concerned its evident from this thread as well like dozen others they talk without logic or substance and get heard just because they are many in number and repeats the same thing like a recorder.This thread dint even mention india or hinduism in any way but still we can see how they are here to enlighten us with their dumb brains and stupid logics.For them jews are respectable because indians think jews are against muslims and vica versa which isnt true as a common jew is just like anyone else who likes to feed and educate his kids to the best of his abilities .But anyways its fun too see how much good indians are at licking .............

There is something called space , comma , new paragraph , apostrophes etc . Learn about it . Then this soup of Codswallop might be digestible .
Albatross, you're hiding your own embarrassment. Again.

I suggest you research the declassified files that can be found in the series Foreign Relations of the United States. They are more illuminating that conspiracy theories, unjustified innuendos, and subjective perspectives of individual sailors.

You might want to start here: link

And in the future, there are politer, more respectful ways to address people you would like to learn something from. Please use them.

Well mate I know how you are being brainwashed into believing that only you and your likes possess knowledge the "true knowledge" but if you want me to believe that israelis took a US warship as cattle carrier then I am sorry as I take life seriously and am not here to promote something I dont believe in .

The irony is american werent even allowed to mourn their dead soldiers but unfortunately solomon its people like you who have actually sold their land and dignity to a group of elites and I wonder what have they paid you to live so happily and confidently in this bubble world of yours where only US can decide whats right and wrong which can kill thousands on the name of terrorism while at the same time instigating terrorism itself but then its justified.US to give $123 million military aid package to Syrian rebels ? RT News
Now US is helping alqaida and militants against an established regime why???? For world peace or strategic motives.

As far as learning something from you well I forgive you on that this time but just tell me does walking in the corridors of capitol hill ensures one has wisdom and authenticity?
All that is only to bring US on table to settle middle East active problem.
There is something called space , comma , new paragraph , apostrophes etc . Learn about it . Then this soup of Codswallop might be digestible .

I guess you are constipated and the foggy brain isnt letting you understand whats going around... you better eat some meat like men as eating grass only ensures a ranting donkey nothing of substance.
am not here to promote something I dont believe in .
Which is why you respond to the downing of one blood libel by raising another, which has ALSO been downed many times before.

Why should anybody believe as you do, then, when it's all founded upon lies? Indeed, why should YOU continue to do so?

just tell me does -
I'm not going to answer ANY more of your requests until I get that apology and more polite treatment. There lots of other things I can do in life than spend my time raising you out of your stink.
I guess you are constipated and the foggy brain isnt letting you understand whats going around... you better eat some meat like men as eating grass only ensures a ranting donkey nothing of substance.


'nuff said .
An Israeli doctor worked on the victims and many were taken to the Beth Israel Hospital for treatment.

It's a pity that when Israelis are doing good like this, some lunatics still insist they're behind every bomb, every natural disaster and every conflict.

I remember a Syrian minister blaming Israel for bird flu once.
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