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Israeli businessesman : "Europe is preparing a holocaust against Muslims!"

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Last time I checked, Afghanistan and Pakistan are also essentially puppet States of the Western World (USA). Its just a few keyboard warriors here in PDF who will be waging WW3 :lol:

The public of Afg, and Pak aren't though. I guarantee if Pakistan doesn't attack Europe, then the government will be overthrown, and a nuclear state with a overthrown govt = a no no.

Now shoo, veggie.
The public of Afg, and Pak aren't though. I guarantee if Pakistan doesn't attack Europe, then the government will be overthrown, and a nuclear state with a overthrown govt = a no no.

Now shoo, veggie.
Why would we attack Europe? :what:
Do Hindus think we are like them, or something? Do the Hindus think we will invite foreigners to our lands like they did? Do the Hindus think we won't fight, like they did? Do Hindus think we're weak like they are, and have no sense of common unity?

Nope. :disagree:
Last time I checked, Afghanistan and Pakistan are also essentially puppet States of the Western World (USA). Its just a few keyboard warriors here in PDF who will be waging WW3 :lol:
You people need to make your mind up, you blame us for playing double games with USA in Afghanistan and a second later call us pupets of the USA.
You idiot, it will not be the government that attacks Europe, it will be the public. Besides, if there is a full on war, EVERY Muslim country will follow in.... Whichever Muslim country that doesnt fight Europe will have its government overthrown by rebels and the public I guarantee you.

You mean to say public of the countries in Europe going to attack them or the public of other countries. Question - How can the ones, who are going to suffer what this thread is about , is going to attack their masters? If it is public of other countries then how are they going to cross the borders in masses? I don't think the thing you are talking about is even possible.
The public of Afg, and Pak aren't though. I guarantee if Pakistan doesn't attack Europe, then the government will be overthrown, and a nuclear state with a overthrown govt = a no no.
Now shoo, veggie.

You either over-estimate your abilities, or underestimate Europe, or (probably) both...

I aint going nowhere... You shoo...

You people need to make your mind up, you blame us for playing double games with USA in Afghanistan and a second later call us pupets of the USA.

Your Govt, not the people or the military. In the end, its the Govt that decides who to declare war on...
We allowed you to remain Hindu.


That's the key word. Allowed.

We allowed you to remain Hindu.


That's the key word. Allowed.

Not really,as long as u didn't interfere with the common people's closest customs and traditions and religion was one of them,in the middle age feudal society they didn't give a damn who ruled the country,they would have to pay tax to the zamindar as well as the iqtadar.So the muslim rulers mostly fought the political elite and their forces,But when intereference by force in the masses , this was attacked like under aurangzeb he unleashed a people's war beginning in maharashtra,then spredaing over punjab and in jat areas too.After killing sambhaji by treachery aurangzeb in 1689 must have thought he had won,indeed the maratha political leadership was finished the infant rajaram had fled to jinjee castle now under siege.But actually this is where the downfall began as now the people's war was unleashed on the mughal army which was raided to death by the various maratha commanders acting independently.Aurangzeb had to retreat from the deccan in 1707 a broken,failed man.
So force was not used because the rulers well knew by dealing with the princes and feudal lords they could indirectly control the land,but if they tried to interfere in the life of the common people and try mass conversions over the huge breath of the country,mass rebellions and guerilla struggle would be the end of it.

This is exemplified by the quote of the wazir of sultan illtutmish who told a group of muslim theologians who asked the sultan to give the hindus choice of islam or death,that it was a ludicrous idea which was unfeasible as the muslims 'were as few as salt in a plate of rice'.
Do Hindus think we are like them, or something? Do the Hindus think we will invite foreigners to our lands like they did? Do the Hindus think we won't fight, like they did? Do Hindus think we're weak like they are, and have no sense of common unity?
Nope. :disagree:

Funny coming from the only country in the world that gets droned by a foreign country regularly. You know what they say, slavery is genetic, whether it was slavery to the Mughals to convert and please them, or now dancing for the pleasure of Americans, or in the future the Chinese ;)
Do Hindus think we are like them, or something? Do the Hindus think we invite foreigners to their lands like they did? Do Hindus think we're weak like they are, and have no sense of common unity?

Nope. :disagree:

Who is droning your territories and who invited them? Wait let me think !!

Hindus never invited anyone nor even to the AfPak borders!!
Funny coming from the only country in the world that gets droned by a foreign country regularly. You know what they say, slavery is egentic, whether it was slavery to the Mughals, or now Americans, or in the future the Chinese ;)

And your slavery to the British, French, Arab, Mughal, Portugeuse, Spanish, American? Haha... Want me to bring back painful memories? :rofl::lol:
Not really,as long as u didn't interfere with the common people's closest customs and traditions and religion was one of them,in the middle age feudal society they didn't give a damn who ruled the country,they would have to pay tax to the zamindar as well as the iqtadar.So the muslim rulers mostly fought the political elite and their forces,But when intereference by force in the masses , this was attacked like under aurangzeb he unleashed a people's war beginning in maharashtra,then spredaing over punjab and in jat areas too.After killing sambhaji by treachery aurangzeb in 1689 must have thought he had won,indeed the maratha political leadership was finished the infant rajaram had fled to jinjee castle now under siege.But actually this is where the downfall began as now the people's war was unleashed on the mughal army which was raided to death by the various maratha commanders acting independently.Aurangzeb had to retreat from the deccan in 1707 a broken,failed man.
So force was not used because the rulers well knew by dealing with the princes and feudal lords they could indirectly control the land,but if they tried to interfere in the life of the common people and try mass conversions over the huge breath of the country,mass rebellions and guerilla struggle would be the end of it.

This is exemplified by the quote of the wazir of sultan illtutmish who told a group of muslim theologians who asked the sultan to give the hindus choice of islam or death,that it was a ludicrous idea which was unfeasible as the muslims 'were as few as salt in a plate of rice'.

Dude, this has been told to them at least a third time in this thread but it seems the version of history taught to them is completely opposite to ours. I just learnt in this thread that they are taught that Sher Shah Suri defeated Shivaji Maharaj which led to the demise of Maratha empire :lol:
And your slavery to the British, French, Arab, Mughal, Portugeuse, Spanish, American? Haha... Want me to bring back painful memories? :rofl::lol:

The only one I must pay my respects to are the British, they completely dominated India fro 300 odd years. Everyone else was just an opportunist that came to loot and hardly had supreme control, read Austerlitz's post number 112 for a better explanation.
The only one I must pay my respects to are the British, they completely dominated India fro 300 odd years. Everyone else was just an opportunist that came to loot and hardly had supreme control, read Austerlitz's post number 112 for a better explanation.

British did plunder & loot India as well.

And Mughal had supreme control, longer than British...
British did plunder & loot India as well.

And Mughal had supreme control, longer than British...

180 (From Babur to Aurangzeb) years is not longer than British. And the British had supreme control. The Mughals just had a bunch of local Native Hindu Kings and Zamindaars under them, who all paid there respects to Delhi. The Mughal control wasnt supreme by any means, especially compared to the British.
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