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Israel warns northern Gaza residents to evacuate

I'm surprised the Nasty white europeans don't come in here talking about how he and his family are living in fear of the Hamas rockets that are landing close to there house on theresettlement. You know those Palestinian rockets sure are dangerous to those Israeli citizens who have a mansion on a settlement. Especially since those Israelies have to go hide in their underground bunker that was created when their house was built on the settlement. LOl.

What point are you trying to make? you're so incoherent.
Filthy Filistini Hamas terrorist

stfu dirty troll

What point are you trying to make? you're so incoherent.

Who give those Kkkrackers the right to migrate a people into a land where people are already living in? The migration of European Jews into Palestine was an illegal act done by Europeans who falsely believe that they run the world and everything within it. They totally disregarded the sovereignty of the peoples already living on the land (Palestinians) and migrated some pink faced baboons into Palestine.
stfu dirty troll

Who give those Kkkrackers the right to migrate a people into a land where people are already living in?

Umm, migrating to land where people are already there happens all the time and has happened throughout history. New Zealand, Australia, Canada, USA, South Africa, Zimbabwe - in fact it's easier to name the few countries without this migration.

And do you think the so-called 'palestinians' sprang up from nowhere?

Arabs migrated too. .How did they get into North Africa and displace the Berbers?

Why are so many 'palestinians' called "Al-Masri"? (the Egyptian)?

The migration of European Jews into Palestine was an illegal act done by Europeans .

Jews are indigenous to the land of Israel which is geographically outside of Arabia. No amount of burying your head in the sand will change that historical fact.

They were there before your religion came about. They were there before the Arabic language. They were there before anyone had heard of 'Arabs' or 'palestinians'

History cannot be changed. Sorry.
LOL ^^^^^^^^^^^
amount of bullshit you posted lol its not even worth a reply HaHaHa
@Hazzy997 , why are you shying away from presenting your facts that Israel is belligerent as it started fresh round of escalations ?? Perhaps it's much easier for you than me traversing whole thread looking for that elusive evidence.
Hazzy was full of bravado just last week and for the past months.

He was sure the "resistance" was going to deal a big blow.

This is the mentality that leads them to disaster over and over again.
@Hazzy997 , didn't you know that all this started after three Israeli teens were killed by Hamas ??
Everyone knows that but 'some people'. Maybe the terrorists should not have killed the 3 Israeli children.
Then they blame Israel for being stronger and hitting back harder.
Everyone knows that but 'some people'. Maybe the terrorists should not have killed the 3 Israeli children.
Then they blame Israel for being stronger and hitting back harder.
Israel didn't even retaliate for days and days of rockets. They kept giving warnings over and over that if rockets did not stop, retaliation will come.

But they did not heed the warnings. They wanted confrontation, now they've got it.

Of course for Hamas it's always a win. If hundreds of palestinians die, it's a media victory because Israel looks bad.

Hamas only has to survive to declare victory.

You will see them when this flare-up is over. They will go into the streets and celebrate "victory" against the Zionists.

In amongst all of their rubble.
Of course for Hamas it's always a win. If hundreds of palestinians die, it's a media victory because Israel looks bad.

Hamas only has to survive to declare victory.

You will see them when this flare-up is over. They will go into the streets and celebrate "victory" against the Zionists.

In amongst all of their rubble.
That is very true. Hamas wins both ways. Ordinary Palestinians lose both ways.
Palestinians die equals major PR for them
A single Israeli dies or a single Hamas member survives equals 'victory' for them.

They are the biggest curse to the people of Palestine. There is however substantial talk in Palestinians this time, they are - for a change - blaming Hamas for starting this hostility by killing the Israeli children.

Hopefully the Palestinians will force the terrorists to stop next time. One can always hope.
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They are the biggest curse to the people of Palestine. There is however substantial talk in Palestinians this time, they are - for a change - blaming Hamas for starting this hostility by killing the Israeli children.

Hopefully the Palestinians will force the terrorists to stop next time. One can always hope.
Who knows. It's a very popular thing to attack Israel. They live in a conspiracy bubble (as you can see with Hazzy) where everything is Israel's fault or Jews or some shadowy figure. They never seem to accept blame.

I have no doubt Hamas will spin this using state TV to pump out propaganda and say that they were attacked first or something.

Maybe because their popularity was low, they started this conflict to gain some 'respect'.

It's amazing to me that not all palestinians are screaming at Hamas to stop.

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