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Israel warns northern Gaza residents to evacuate

You moron Indian, other nations don't occupy people for over 70 years and put them in an open air prison then attack those in the open air prisons to elicit a small response from the Palestinians.

Unlike the photo presented by the propaganda colonialist racist army, there are no sky skrapers being blown out nor has one person yet be killed by the small rockets fired in retailaiton from Gaza.

Filthy Filistini Hamas terrorist do you know the cost of single missile fired by Iron dome ?? If they are safe that doesn't mean you don't fire rockets on Tel Aviv, Dimona or Jerusalem. Intent is very much there but you lack in capability. How many rockets have you fired till now ??

If you know the response of Israel then why do you provoke them eveytime ??I guess just to grab world attention by showing pics of dead bodies.

Tonight also Hamas has said that it will fire more rockets, why don't you ask them to stop first ??
You see, even if we pull out all out troops, remove settlements, open the international border. Palestinians and their supporters will still claim they are occupied. No matter that the international law clearly says the opposite:

Art. 42.
Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.
Filthy Filistini Hamas terrorist do you know the cost of single missile fired by Iron dome ?? If they are safe that doesn't mean you don't fire rockets on Tel Aviv, Dimona or Jerusalem. Intent is very much there but you lack in capability. How many rockets have you fired till now ??

If you know the response of Israel then why do you provoke them eveytime ??I guess just to grab world attention by showing pics of dead bodies.

Tonight also Hamas has said that it will fire more rockets, why don't you ask them to stop first ??

Once again Hindu genius, no rockets were fired except when Israeli missiles bombarded Gaza. Hamas isn't the problem. It is Israel. If it is Hamas as you say which began attacking Israel unprovoked and then Israel responded as you say show us sources and facts. Instead of empty slogans and unsupported assertions.

You see, even if we pull out all out troops, remove settlements, open the international border. Palestinians and their supporters will still claim they are occupied. No matter that the international law clearly says the opposite:

Art. 42.
Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.

UN: We still consider Gaza “occupied” by Israel « View from Geneva

Is Gaza Still Occupied and Why Does It Matter?

“Occupation” is a legal designation of an international nature. Israel’s occupation of Gaza continues to the present day because (a) Israel continues to exercise “effective control” over this area, (b) the conflict that produced the occupation has not ended, and (c) an occupying state cannot unilaterally (and without international/diplomatic agreement) transform the international status of occupied territory except, perhaps, if that unilateral action terminates all manner of effective control.

Sui Generis Nonsense

The irony of Israel’s assertion that Gaza is no longer occupied can be best appreciated when one considers Israel’s earlier position that Gaza and the West Bank were not occupied in 1967. Israeli officials claimed that the status of these areas was sui generis because, at the time of conquest, they were controlled by but not sovereign to Egypt and Jordan, respectively. “Occupation,” according to Israel, only pertains to areas that were recognized sovereign territory of the displaced states. Hence the premise, never accepted by the international community, was: no sovereignty, therefore no occupation. Rather, Israel insisted that Gaza and the West Bank were “administered” territory. The other premise of the original “not occupied” position was that Israel could lay claim to all or parts of these lands because they compose the remainder of Eretz Israel to which the Jewish people have historic and/or biblical rights.

Territory that was militarily conquered remains occupied until sovereignty supplants foreign control. As long as the Gaza Strip is non-sovereign, it is occupied, and as long as it is occupied its relationship to Israel continues to be governed by international humanitarian law (IHL), which forms part of the laws of war. In addition to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, these laws include the Hague Regulations of 1907 and the Geneva Conventions Additional Protocols I and II of 1977. Under the Fourth Geneva Convention, which governs territories militarily conquered by a foreign government, the civilian population who resides there is legally designated “protected persons.”

@Hazzy997 , didn't you know that all this started after three Israeli teens were killed by Hamas ??

And for current escalation why don't you give evidence to support your version of story ,that it was Israel which started precision bombing before Hamas fired rockets on them.

Guess what would have happened if it was not precision bombing, just two crude Israeli rockets for each Hamas rocket.
Perhaps it's time the palestinians stopped firing rockets?

How can they cry to the world that they are victims, and then go and fire more rockets?

People here blaming Israel should think long and hard about what they are saying. Look past your religion and consider what you would do if your country was being bombarded day and night by rockets and you had to live in bomb shelters.

The answer is to stop firing rockets, but they just keep firing them no matter how many people are killed - they still keep firing rockets. It's insane and Hamas should be held responsible for this.
@Hazzy997 , didn't you know that all this started after three Israeli teens were killed by Hamas ??

Nonsense, first of all this is not a war. There is a colonizer and a victim. Israel has no evidence that Hamas or Gaza is linked to the incident in the West Bank. Let Israel present any evidence of their claim. So yet again, I ask you to support your assertions with evidence and sources. You need to open your eyes like most of the world by now. Before we move on we must address that Hamas denied any involvement in that incident. And that incident would not justify massive aerial bombardment of civilians either. Those suspects would be taken to court. And it occurred in the occupied West Bank.

Perhaps it's time the palestinians stopped firing rockets?


Once again, you're confused as to who initiated this latest round of violence. The first step is to prove to us that the Palestinians attacked Israel unprovoked and that Israel is now responding. Prove it with sources and facts. Go ahead, I'm waiting.

Israel should teach a lesson or two to Soviet propagandists. What a ridiculous example.
Once again, you're confused as to who initiated this latest round of violence. The first step is to prove to us that the Palestinians attacked Israel unprovoked and that Israel is now responding. Prove it with sources and facts. Go ahead, I'm waiting.

There's no point in arguing with you because you're blinded. All media were reporting attacking on Israel by rockets before a single Israeli strike in Gaza. ALL media.

But that isn't the issue anymore. The issue now is that Gaza is being pummelled and Israel has made it clear if the rockets stop, they will stop too.

So why are you still firing rockets and then crying about being hit back?

You are even ESCALATING the rockets.

You only have yourselves to blame.

Didn't I ask you to present facts in support of your story. If you are innocent then you shouldn't dodge that. Onus lies with you to give us timeline of events which led to current escalations.

About those teens Israel has categorically said that it was handiwork of Hamas to attract world attention which was focused on ISIS.
There's no point in arguing with you because you're blinded. All media were reporting attacking on Israel by rockets before a single Israeli strike in Gaza. ALL media.

Once again, you think ignorance is going to cut it, it won't. You need to support your assertions with facts and sources. Show us 'all media'. Show us the specific incident where the Palestinians launched a massive unprovoked attack on Israel which caused Israel to 'respond' by murdering over 130 civilians. It's simply as you say it, that the Palestinians had it coming. So you need to prove your empty slogans. Go ahead, don't respond until you do.


Didn't I ask you to present facts in support of your story. If you are innocent then you shouldn't dodge that. Onus lies with you to give us timeline of events which led to current escalations.

About those teens Israel has categorically said that it was handiwork of Hamas to attract world attention which was focused on ISIS.

I have my whole 'story' in the 'Gaza under attack' thread. Check that thread. The thing is here, you have came in and my specific unsupported assertions like the other member here. So look at post #27.

As for the incident in the West Bank, Israel lies. About many things. They need to provide evidence implicating Hamas in that incident, or that the Hamas leadership or military leadership ordered such a thing. They have no evidence. Even if they did(they don't) , that in no way justifies a massive aerial assault on an open air prison.
@Hazzy997 , why are you shying away from presenting your facts that Israel is belligerent as it started fresh round of escalations ?? Perhaps it's much easier for you than me traversing whole thread looking for that elusive evidence

.And for Israeli lies watch this

Israel should teach a lesson or two to Soviet propagandists. What a ridiculous example.

I didn't get you.
Territory that was militarily conquered remains occupied until sovereignty supplants foreign control. As long as the Gaza Strip is non-sovereign, it is occupied
Awesome argument.

1) Hamas governs Gaza, does there whatever it wants
2) But since Hamas is not considered a "sovereign", Gaza will be always considered as occupied by Israel
3) Therefore Hamas can launch rockets at Israel.

Where from that strange definition of occupation came from I dont know. Because the international law says that:

Art. 42.
Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.
I'm surprised the Nasty white europeans don't come in here talking about how he and his family are living in fear of the Hamas rockets that are landing close to there house on theresettlement. You know those Palestinian rockets sure are dangerous to those Israeli citizens who have a mansion on a settlement. Especially since those Israelies have to go hide in their underground bunker that was created when their house was built on the settlement. LOl.

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