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Israel strikes Syrian army targets after border blast; one dead


Aug 5, 2012
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Israel strikes Syrian army targets after border blast; one dead
Israel hits several Syrian military and security targets that 'enabled and aided' Tuesday's attack on IDF troops which left four Israeli soldiers wounded, IDF Spokesman says.
By Haaretz and Reuters | Mar. 19, 2014 | 1:15 PM |

Illustration: An IAF drill, December 26, 2013 Photo by Reuters

By Reuters | Mar. 19, 2014 | 5:10 PM

IDF forces struck a number of Syrian military and security targets connected to the blast that injured four Israeli soldiers on Tuesday, the IDF Spokesman said early on Wednesday.

The attack killed one person and wounded seven others, Syria's armed forces said, warning that the attacks endangered stability in the region.

The targets, which included military headquarters, artillery batteries and a training base belonging to the Syrian military, "enabled and aided in the carrying out of [Tuesday's] terror attacks," the statement read. "The IDF retains the right to act in any way and at any time it sees fit to protect the citizens of Israel."

The strikes were carried out in the Syrian part of the Golan Heights, the spokesman said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his cabinet in public remarks that Israel's "policy is clear. We hurt those who hurt us."

Netanyahu also alluded to Israeli air strikes against weapons shipments, saying that Israel had taken action during the Syrian conflict to "thwart, as much as we can, the transfer of arms by sea, air and land."

Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said in a statement that the Syrian army had aided and abetted Tuesday's attack.

"We hold the Assad regime responsible for what happens in its territory and if it continues to collaborate with terrorists striving to hurt Israel then we will keep on exacting a heavy price from it and make it regret its actions," Yaalon said.

Four Israeli soldiers were wounded by a bomb that hit their jeep in the Golan Heights near the Syrian border on Tuesday afternoon.

Three of the wounded soldiers were in light and moderate condition and a fourth sustained serious injuries. They were evacuated to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa for treatment.

The blast that hit the Israeli army jeep was apparently caused by a roadside bomb planted near the border fence in Majdal Shams.

An initial investigation revealed that the soldiers had approached the border after suspicious figures were seen from the lookout tower. An explosive device was detonated when the soldiers exited the jeep.

Amos Yadlin, a former chief of Israeli military intelligence, played down concerns of further clashes, saying there was "no desire for escalation" on Israel's part and noting the air force was capable of carrying out attacks far more dramatic than Wednesday's pre-dawn strikes.

"There is no spillover here," Yadlin told Army Radio, referring to the roadside bombing. "When the other side changes the rules of the game, Israel has to make clear it carries a very high price. I think [Syrian President Bashar] Assad understands the price," said Yadlin, who heads Tel Aviv University's Institute for National Security Studies.
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