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Israel strikes Damascus Airport

Bombed how? How many of us died in the last operation? Palestinian rockets failed and killed a bunch of Palestinian kids and civilians, that's it.

Remember when Hezbollah tried to infiltrate Israel like 3 years ago? Israel killed all of the infiltrators and kept quiet about it and Nasrallah did nothing in response. Deterrence my ***.

Oh they can? Why do they not do so after we bomb them every week?

Just months back Israel fired and got back missiles from Islamic Jihad and the same happened with Hezbollah few months later..

Or what happened 2 years ago in the 11 days war.. Airports were targetted and everything even tel-aviv..

Why not start unilaterally war on them to see the reaction? Open the north and south front
Just months back Israel fired and got back missiles from Islamic Jihad and the same happened with Hezbollah few months later..

Or what happened 2 years ago in the 11 days war.. Airports were targetted and everything even tel-aviv..

Why not start unilaterally war on them to see the reaction? Open the north and south front
Israel killed all of Palestinian Islamic Jihad's leadership and in response they launched rockets, 1/3rd of which fell inside Gaza and killed a bunch of kids and Palestinian civilians. 97% of rockets intended for populated areas got intercepted, 0 Israeli casualties, just one tank crew got lightly injured by some shrapnel in the hand from an intercepted mortar shell. Major deterrence lmao.

Hezbollah? They launched 3 drones that got shot down after 30 seconds.

Airport was targeted, not hit. Again, 95% rocket interception rate, minimal Israeli casualties, hundreds of terrorists dead, almost entire Hamas tunnel network collapsed. This also gives a great psychological defeat against them, they know hiding in the tunnels will not help them, it will only ensure they will die like some pathetic mole rat or a worm.

The war never stopped, we bomb the North every week and we bombed Gaza just one month ago, 0 response. Shows you who's deterred.
Israel killed all of Palestinian Islamic Jihad's leadership and in response they launched rockets, 1/3rd of which fell inside Gaza and killed a bunch of kids and Palestinian civilians. 97% of rockets intended for populated areas got intercepted, 0 Israeli casualties, just one tank crew got lightly injured by some shrapnel in the hand from an intercepted mortar shell. Major deterrence lmao.

Hezbollah? They launched 3 drones that got shot down after 30 seconds.

Airport was targeted, not hit. Again, 95% rocket interception rate, minimal Israeli casualties, hundreds of terrorists dead, almost entire Hamas tunnel network collapsed. This also gives a great psychological defeat against them, they know hiding in the tunnels will not help them, it will only ensure they will die like some pathetic mole rat or a worm.

The war never stopped, we bomb the North every week and we bombed Gaza just one month ago, 0 response. Shows you who's deterred.

Coming with another angle in order to prove that there is no deterence with casualities or what not and bogus leaders by taking out two commanders.. Lmao. You are trying to disapprove what can't be disapproven and a ground reality..

You don't open South or North unless you are ready for battle which always ends with a ceasefire.. Stop the mental gymnastics..

War means it is a conflict it goes both ways one side may have more tools then the other as the other is non-state actor but nonetheless a conflict. Iron Dome was breached at will in the 11 days war multiple videos to prove..
Lol we bomb Hamas/PIJ and bomb Hezbollah all the time wherever we need to bomb them
that's a lie- last time you bombed Hamas you got exhausted within a month and couldnt stop the rockets- liar!
small PIJ ran so many rockets on ISrael last year- ISrael's military is actualyl very weak now- beacuse small weak militias are beating it - if Hamas can beat Israel, then Hezbollah can surely beat Israel...Israel would get exhausted fighting distant houthis who are ARab Talibanistani type of fighters.

IDF this IDF that- when real war comes IDF doesnt win anymore- simple fact- but keep selling weapons ok? ISrael making lots of $$ of India, etc. cool tech.
that's a lie- last time you bombed Hamas you got exhausted within a month and couldnt stop the rockets- liar!
small PIJ ran so many rockets on ISrael last year- ISrael's military is actualyl very weak now- beacuse small weak militias are beating it - if Hamas can beat Israel, then Hezbollah can surely beat Israel...Israel would get exhausted fighting distant houthis who are ARab Talibanistani type of fighters.

IDF this IDF that- when real war comes IDF doesnt win anymore- simple fact- but keep selling weapons ok? ISrael making lots of $$ of India, etc. cool tech.
Exhausted? lol.
Within a month? The operation took 11 days.
Small militias beating Israel? lol.
They have everything but Assad is useless it was better he got dethroned atleast the Interim gov't of Syria wouldn't allow a bullet fired their direction. They can't do it to anybody else without tit for tat anywhere else not in Gaza or Lebanon but in Syria it goes because of Assad.. Even these who aided him must wish that he somehow got killed in Damascus during the revolution

He is babysitted in Damascus and he is worthless as they come. Hamas and Hezbollah have deterence in the region but not him because he allows it and here is the funny thing they could probably rough Israel up worse then these two non-state actors

It is obvious that a Taliban lover like you will hate Bashar who adminstrates a Socialist society where the females are free, without burqa and all. You hate him as much as NATO does. Your "interim government" is just the NATO bunch of crooks called SNC ( Syrian National Council ) consisting mostly of Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood.

Your "dashing and suave" Talibs were taken on US air force planes to the battlefields of Syria to fight the Syrian forces for years. Once you find time from supplying opium in those regular all-male Talib orgies please think over what I said.
It is obvious that a Taliban lover like you will hate Bashar who adminstrates a Socialist society where the females are free, without burqa and all. You hate him as much as NATO does. Your "dashing and suave" Talibs were taken on US air force planes to the battlefields of Syria to fight the Syrian forces for years. Once you find time from supplying opium in those regular all-male Talib orgies please think over what I said.

The doctor lacks advisors and a bit of leadership....:lol: Hasan Nasrallah would have been suitable in his position
Exhausted? lol.
why you ask US AGAIN for ammunition then?
Within a month? The operation took 11 days.
and Israel got exhausted- the fact stands that Despite all the air bombings, ISrael wasnt able to shut down more than 20% of Hamas's rocket stocks- whyyy??????? that's so bad- your air force doesnt work anymore? hezbollah will make your airforce "work" again soon-your IAF only works against poorly equipped Syrian military.
Small militias beating Israel? lol.
yup- PIJ and Hamas did last year, HEzbollah did in 2006, houthis are even too large for cowardly Israeli military that was hiding from the border for fear of mortar attacks and snipers- your iron dome factually didint protect enough valuables- ISrael took losses of lives in air bases that were hit- why dont you tell us how many actually died there?

Just pray that Russia doesnt turn on Israel fully, if not, regional Shiite militias will come for your country much quicker. lol
He is babysitted in Damascus and he is worthless as they come. Hamas and Hezbollah have deterence in the region but not him because he allows it and here is the funny thing they could probably rough Israel up worse then these two non-state actors
Why are you replying to me?
The doctor is trash.. I would gather gift it to Hasan Nasrallah his domain..:lol:

Right, so that Syria turns from :


To :


However, right in Lebanon the females rebel against his mullahness. This is a NATO source but in this article speaks reality :

Lebanese female candidates undeterred by Hizbullah's Nasrallah​

Female Shia candidates in Lebanon's parliamentary elections tell Al-Mashareq they plan to go ahead with their campaigns despite Nasrallah's statements that women are not welcome in politics.​

By Nohad Topalian in Beirut

Female Shia candidates for the upcoming Lebanese parliamentary elections are denouncing Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah's pronouncement earlier this year that his party "does not have women for this job".

Iran-backed Hizbullah has not put forward any female candidates, with Nasrallah making it clear in a televised speech on January 4th that women are not welcome in the political arena.

Female Shia candidates told Al-Mashareq that Nasrallah’s statements go against the right of women to participate in public life, and that they plan to continue with their political campaigning regardless.

Of an initial 111 women who declared their candidacy for the May 6th elections, 86 remain in the electoral race, out of a total of 597 candidates.

Nine Shia women are among those running for office.
In Beirut's second electoral district, Salwa al-Khalil al-Amin is running on the Beirut al-Watan list, Neamat Hicham Badreddine on the Voice of the People list, and Lina Mohammad Ali Hamdan on the Beiruti Opposition list.

Olfat Hamza al-Sabeh is running on the Sawa for Baabda list, and Ghada Assaad Assaf is a candidate for Baalbek-Hermel on the Independents list.

In the south, in Tyre and Sidon villages, is Lina Hassan al-Husseini on the Together for Change list, and Inaya Ezziddine on Amal's Loyalty and Resistance list.

Abeer Ghaleb Ramadan is a candidate in Marjayoun-Hasbaya district on the We Can Bring About Change list, and Rima Ali Hameed is running in Bint Jbeil on the civil society list, We Are All My Homeland.

'I have the same rights'​

Second district candidate al-Amin, a former political adviser to the Tourism Ministry, told Al-Mashareq that Nasrallah's statements "do not concern me".

"We, as Muslim women, and Shia women specifically, occupy positions in public administration" and in the academic, cultural and political arena, she said.

"Why are partisan women prohibited from running in parliamentary elections when they occupy decision-making positions?" she asked. "How are they allowed to carry party [membership] cards but are not allowed to run [for office]?"

"This is the question that is always on my mind as a Shia citizen," she said. "I have the same rights as others, and no one may dictate what I am allowed or not allowed to do."

"I say that it is not right to deny Shia women the right to exercise their patriotic and political rights, or their social rights, because the Lebanese constitution made them equal [to men] in terms of rights and duties," she added.
"By law, we are all equal in rights, and therefore no one may restrict the right of Shia women to run for office," she said.

'A victory for Shia women'​

"Nasrallah's statement provoked and irked me a lot," said electoral candidate al-Sabeh, a law professor at Université la Sagesse and the Lebanese American University.

"We as Shia women are excelling and have the competence to run [for office] and exercise our democratic right," she told Al-Mashareq.

"It is not easy for me, as a Burj al-Barajneh native [in Beirut's Dahieh], to be a candidate," she said. "It is a challenge for me as an independent woman in a traditional patriarchal society that did not give women a quota."

"Our candidacy is a very important step, and is in itself a victory for Shia women, and a response to those who disparage their rights," al-Sabeh said.

"Shia women are running in the parliamentary elections because they are highly competent and are certain of, and believe in, their constructive role in society," said Shia activist and university lecturer Mona Fayad.

Nasrallah’s statement "is, in my view, not only unfair to Shia women, but also runs counter to true and positive Islam, which grants women their full rights", Fayad added.

"In what capacity does Nasrallah prohibit women from running?" she asked.

"Unfortunately, there is a segment of Shia who are hostage to him and his party, because their interests require them to be, but they will liberate themselves from him one day," she added.
So you are running counter to sensibleness.
Lol, what makes you think Syria will survive the hour after that? All their missiles will be intercepted, even MANPADS easily intercept cruise missiles as shown in Ukraine, as opposed to rockets which are very hard to intercept, Israeli Iron Dome and Iron Beam can intercept even the largest cruise missile barrages.
They will survive they are already living in the middle ages so bombing them more will just bring them down to the Afghan level while on the other hand Israel have got plenty to lose. There are limitations for all the systems and circumventing them is always possible and Iron Dome and Iron Beam is no exception, regardless you can market it as much as you like. This false sense of security will evaporate as soon as some get through and Israel will get some sense.
They will survive they are already living in the middle ages so bombing them more will just bring them down to the Afghan level while on the other hand Israel have got plenty to lose. There are limitations for all the systems and circumventing them is always possible and Iron Dome and Iron Beam is no exception, regardless you can market it as much as you like. This false sense of security will evaporate as soon as some get through and Israel will get some sense.
Lol do you live in the deception that Afghanistan has any offensive capabilities?
Bringing them down to the Afghan level is just what we wanted, that's basically what Syria is now, a bunch of militias with no real capability to threaten anyone.

Some get through, we still feel very safe with Iron Dome. Once Iron Beam gets combined with Iron Dome rockets have become practically useless. Our enemy has statistical weapons, our weapons are dead accurate. We had accuracy even 30 years ago, but what's different is the capability to detect and engage targets within minutes.
Lol do you live in the deception that Afghanistan has any offensive capabilities?
Bringing them down to the Afghan level is just what we wanted, that's basically what Syria is now, a bunch of militias with no real capability to threaten anyone.

Some get through, we still feel very safe with Iron Dome. Once Iron Beam gets combined with Iron Dome rockets have become practically useless. Our enemy has statistical weapons, our weapons are dead accurate. We had accuracy even 30 years ago, but what's different is the capability to detect and engage targets within minutes.
First Soviets and then US have tried all their might at them and who ran out of the Afghanistan tail between their legs without any offensive capability? Lets leave it at that of Iron dome/beam accuracy and capabilities just remember that when you got chips in the system there always possibilities of blips and there are always some one who will know how to exploit it. Iron Dome rockets are not useless so far they are doing most of the job but it costs much more and laser costs are fraction of them.
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