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Israel said to be working with Saudi Arabia on Iran strike plan

Well your wrong about that.

He’s dead, that era is over.

Yes they are friends but meddling is something different, look this is the political party that suits Iran best which is who they support, it is meddling even though they aren’t that big. Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that’s just the political part.

Well when it is official let me know :bounce:

Ok, all I was saying is that it's bad for us if you get nuclear weapons.

Yes they are normal, they aren’t like al qaeda but their ideology is also on the extreme side, they are Hezbollah in terms of ideology, they won’t be laying down arms just like that but if everything goes right the state should be strong enough to force them in the future.

But currently many of them are in Syria.
Then who support Al iraqia front-line?. who support Alqaeda who disrespect the Iraqi officials man???. trust me sectarianism isn't good and it's not the way.
the era you are talking about didnt end long time ago , anyway i was talking about the root of iraq's problems
He’s not liked by many as he didn’t bring progress but rather war.

untrue - so if iran likes a pollitical fraction more than others in iraq , thats meddling ? if france for instance supported republicans , that was meddling in us election ?
1 little example that was, I can bring many trust me there is a lot of political meddling, it’s not just Iran.

thats your idea
Yes but backed up by facts.

Then who support Al iraqia front-line?. who support Alqaeda who disrespect the Iraqi officials man???. trust me sectarianism isn't good and it's not the way.

The other terrorists in our region.

But this was about the nuke..
The actual fools are the ones who become aggressive when their religion is 'insulted', especially when they are so easily insulted. And I heard you sweet-talk utterly counter-productive muslim violence plenty to call you a fool for that reason alone.
yes we have whole reason to be offended when our values are being associated with the crimes and agendas that never was stated in our religion or never being part of our religion. if you think getting offended on insult of your values is being a fool then you need to get a life or get over it.
yes we have whole reason to be offended when our values are being associated with the crimes and agendas that never was stated in our religion or never being part of our religion. if you think getting offended on insult of your values is being a fool then you need to get a life or get over it.

i wasn't insulting 'moderate muslim values', as you claim your values are.

i was insulting someone who refuses to acknowledge the truth of how clerics who call themselves devout muslims, call for violence, in real life, and on the internet. your solution is maybe to call 'm non-muslims or false muslims, but I consider you as a selfproclaimed "actually good muslim" in a better position than me to explain that to the extremists who oppress those in their jurisdiction and are a threat to all who do not follow their exact ways, including *you*.
i wasn't insulting 'moderate muslim values', as you claim your values are.

i was insulting someone who refuses to acknowledge the truth of how clerics who call themselves devout muslims, call for violence, in real life, and on the internet. your solution is maybe to call 'm non-muslims or false muslims, but I consider you as a selfproclaimed "actually good muslim" in a better position than me to explain that to the extremists who oppress those in their jurisdiction and are a threat to all who do not follow their exact ways, including *you*.
look it's simple I'm no one to judge their faith they may be victims of hate preach it wasn't your fault if you get hateful teachers, secondly I don't support any terrorists or fascists what so ever my point is these people are using religion as tool for public support that's it. but blaming Islam generally for this is just lack of mental ability to understand from your side and I'm not forcing my values on anyone as you claimed me a (terrorist) but that makes you not much different either forcing your judgement on anyone without any proof.
look it's simple I'm no one to judge their faith they may be victims of hate preach it wasn't your fault if you get hateful teachers, secondly I don't support any terrorists or fascists what so ever my point is these people are using religion as tool for public support that's it. but blaming Islam generally for this is just lack of mental ability to understand from your side and I'm not forcing my values on anyone as you claimed me a (terrorist) but that makes you not much different either forcing your judgement on anyone without any proof.

well sorry dude, i really thought you were sweet talking 'violent resistance efforts' by muslims. and i have a low tolerance for such foolishness.

but to say i'm like an extremist muslim (like the ones who kill people just for having slightly(!) different lifestyles), is the kind of exaggeration where you try to turn a grain of sand into a mountain..
well sorry dude, i really thought you were sweet talking 'violent resistance efforts' by muslims. and i have a low tolerance for such foolishness.

but to say i'm like an extremist muslim (like the ones who kill people just for having slightly(!) different lifestyles), is the kind of exaggeration where you try to turn a grain of sand into a mountain..

you don't know anything about me and yet labeling me with your nonsense judgement, I did the same so why it offends you and probably you ran out of argument so yeah suppose whatever you want yeah whatever anyways.
you don't know anything about me and yet labeling me with your nonsense judgement, I did the same so why it offends you and probably you ran out of argument so yeah suppose whatever you want yeah whatever anyways.

you labeled YOURSELF dude;

Islam have nothing to do with this so keep your retard BS locked inside your brain.

So when they scream 'Allahu Akbar' before they blow up , they're just goofing around ?
unfortunately you'r just what your media feeds you. when I said agenda which means they use it, as said above it's not religion fault if it is use to justify their agenda. Islam never told to blow up people or kill if you'r non believer it rather say preach them so they can understand according to their will. I will not waste much of my time with you it's long debate.

Try to know what religion say in real and what people do it's very different before generalizing with your stupid terms.

and yet;

islam preaches violence - Google Search

The Quran's Verses of Violence

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

IslamiCity.com - Does the Quran or Muhammad promote violence?
tries to nuance all of the calls for violence in the Quran with more verses that seem to indicate Allah wants some level of restraint by His followers, (but Allah does not specify at all where to draw the moral lines though), and the universal right to self-defence.

so eh, (a) my "judgement" of you is far from nonsense, because I've indicated how you want to shove very legitimate critcism of muslim extremism under the proverbial rug by denying it even has anything to do with Islam. and (b) i haven't run out of arguments to throw at you at all. You may want to refrain from forcing me to prove that by feeding you some very simple logic about how Allah can't possibly support the activities of muslims who want to force their own lifestyle rules onto other muslims and non-muslims by violence, OR violence against foes you can't possibly hope to defeat by violence. violence truly seems to be the only political tool in some muslims' toolkit, and I do think you're one of *those* muslims, despite all your bickering about how you're so peaceful. I don't see any peace coming from you..
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Shaddup, all that matters to you is Israel and you probably wish sectarian tensions keep fueling so to make a point for what you foresee.

I think it will change the balance of power in the region with Israel. They could arm Hezbollah more, be more flexible in their waters, exercise their rights more. Increase development of game changing weapons to catch up with world powers.

Israel is over-reacting on Iran's nuclear program , Iran already has mastered the technology of Nuclear enrichment so even if Israel strikes , it will only take Iran 1-2 year to bring back its enrichment capability and then they would have enough reason to go for a nuclear bomb.

Attacking Iran would only back blow on Israel and further Isolate it on International Arena, the only way to keep Iran from gaining nuclear weapons is by acknowledging its right to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes under UN inspection, something both Moderates and Conservatives in Iran has agreed on.

Bachar Assad father Said " no war without Egypt and no peace without Syria " Israel has striked Syria 10 times in 2012 and 2013 while the Syrian regime did not reply simply meaning Syria today is out of the equation in middle east Just like Iraq . Hezbollah itself is pre-occupied with fighting his sunni foes in Syria which will take another decade and Lebanon is on the verge of Civil war.

Hamas has been effectively sieged by Egypt with all of their Tunnel network destroyed that now Hamas imports fuel and cement from Israel and they lost 50% of their revenue in addition they lost 200 militiants who were killed by Egyptian army in Sinai .

Given that All Israel border Foes are in crises whether bankrupt Hamas or Destroyed Syria what is it that makes Netenyahu crazy about Iran ? .

Israel can simply wipe out southern Lebanon if it really wants to end Iran's threat towards it , the only way Iran can threaten Israel is through Hezbollah , but Iran will never launch a nuclear Attack on Israel as that would been the destruction of Iran itself.
you labeled YOURSELF dude;

and yet;

so eh, (a) my "judgement" of you is far from nonsense, because I've indicated how you want to shove very legitimate critcism of muslim extremism under the proverbial rug by denying it even has anything to do with Islam. and (b) i haven't run out of arguments to throw at you at all. You may want to refrain from forcing me to prove that by feeding you some very simple logic about how Allah can't possibly support the activities of muslims who want to force their own lifestyle rules onto other muslims and non-muslims by violence, OR violence against foes you can't possibly hope to defeat by violence. violence truly seems to be the only political tool in some muslims' toolkit, and I do think you're one of *those* muslims, despite all your bickering about how you're so peaceful. I don't see any peace coming from you..

throwing me some biased sources wont help, I can link many anti Islamic propaganda links and feel good about it but no I don't need to. verses said in Quran have many meanings but I know non advocate killing of humans and highest tolerance is demand to be practiced (while some people do take that other way and this is just for their personal agenda and justifying of hate), as some where I said about hate preach by some nut heads keep the ambiguity alive while non Muslims don't have time think much they label Islam as hateful. though it's not the complete picture It's complex to explain how religion is used for personal interests all around the world Islam is no different but it's highlighted on media while extremism can be related to many religions it's no hidden fact. I just speak for myself and yes those terms are retard biased because religion have nothing to do with crimes that are just done for personal interest while some nut-head try to justify it with ambiguity or without proper knowledge. you labeled yourself also by throwing hate on the system that you don't know at all while just standing on media sources and enforcing you'r judgement on Islam as violent.
Even KSA and other Arab countries understand the seriousness of the danger of a nuclear Iran. Hopefully, they will cooperate with Israel to prevent this threat.

We have been hearing there kind of news for several years. The JPost has always been trying to remain on track when it brings the news, but with Iran, they pretty much report everything, and then other Israeli new agencies fallow suit.

For almost a hundred years the ME hasn't been stable. However, sparking an arm race is imminent at this point I guess. Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait are now investing in developing their defensive military capability, but I don't think it is enough. The UAE though is doing a great job.

Striking Iran by Israel will only give Iran the legitimacy to go for nuclear weapons , Iran already has mastered the technology of nuclear enrichment so if Israel strikes it will only take iran 2 years to bring back what Israel has destroyed .

The best solution is what is being done now , Iran enriching at 20% for peaceful purposes under UN inspection, by the way acknowledging Iran's right to enrich will allow other countries in the region in future to also go for enriching .

Iran will never launch a nuclear strike on Israel because it would mean mutual destruction of both countries and by the way if Iran nukes Israel it would also lead to the death of 1.2 million shia in Lebanon and 4 million Palestinians in addition to a nuclear strike that will wipe Syria off the map .

Israel already has nuclear missiles aimed at Syria and Lebanon so if Iran launches a nuclear strike on Israel it would mean the end of Syria , Lebanon and Iraq.

Iranians are not that stupid and they understand the consequences of a nuclear attack on Israel would mean the end of their own allies and themselves to .

what I cant understand is netenyahu craziness over completely dismantling iran nuclear program which will never work even if Israel strikes .

The only way for Iran nuclear program to end is through regime change and occupation , something Israel will never have the capability to do , the only country that could do that is USA but again the consequences of such action would lead to a regional war and perhaps world war , the USA will never try to do that unless if another crazy republican takes over after 3 years.

Netenyahu is a threat to both Israel and the middle east.

Even KSA and other Arab countries understand the seriousness of the danger of a nuclear Iran. Hopefully, they will cooperate with Israel to prevent this threat.

Striking Iran by Israel will not end their nuclear program , it will only delay it for 2-3 years , Israelis themselves have said this , if Israel strikes then iran will have the right to go for nuclear weapons.

iran has already mastered the technology of nuclear enrichment and the world has to recognize their right to enrich for peaceful purposes at 20% , something iran already accepts.

striking iran will only endanger arab gulf countries security , we will be the ones taking the full burden of Iranian counter strike.

Iran cant directly threaten Israel and Hezbollah can be easily eliminated by Israel through an Israeli mass missile strike and Syria will never allow iran to use its ground for attack on Israel as they already are struggling dealing with their own civil war.

netenyahu is a crazy man , I cant understand how he is thinking , unless he is only bluffing to get maximum concession from Iran regarding its role in Lebanon in return for acknowledging its right to enrich .
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Striking Iran by Israel will only give Iran the legitimacy to go for nuclear weapons , Iran already has mastered the technology of nuclear enrichment so if Israel strikes it will only take iran 2 years to bring back what Israel has destroyed .

The best solution is what is being done now , Iran enriching at 20% for peaceful purposes under UN inspection, by the way acknowledging Iran's right to enrich will allow other countries in the region in future to also go for enriching .

Iran will never launch a nuclear strike on Israel because it would mean mutual destruction of both countries and by the way if Iran nukes Israel it would also lead to the death of 1.2 million shia in Lebanon and 4 million Palestinians in addition to a nuclear strike that will wipe Syria off the map .

Israel already has nuclear missiles aimed at Syria and Lebanon so if Iran launches a nuclear strike on Israel it would mean the end of Syria , Lebanon and Iraq.

Iranians are not that stupid and they understand the consequences of a nuclear attack on Israel would mean the end of their own allies and themselves to .

what I cant understand is netenyahu craziness over completely dismantling iran nuclear program which will never work even if Israel strikes .

The only way for Iran nuclear program to end is through regime change and occupation , something Israel will never have the capability to do , the only country that could do that is USA but again the consequences of such action would lead to a regional war and perhaps world war , the USA will never try to do that unless if another crazy republican takes over after 3 years.

Netenyahu is a threat to both Israel and the middle east.

Israel cannot accept that the current regime of Iran, which threats the very existence of Israel, will obtain nuclear capabilities and play with the option of a nuclear attack, even if it means the death of millions of its own people.

Netenyahu does exactly what he should - warn against the dangers of a nuclear Iran and any agreement which will let this terrorist regime to move toward a nuclear bomb.

Do not be mistaken - Israel has both the capability and the intentions to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons country. This is a matter of life or death.

Israel will not hesitate to strike Iran's nuclear facilities every three years if that would be necessary.
No, I don't think you support any extremists bro.

I was talking about those who fought during the invasion of the Soviet to Afghanistan.

Netenyahu is bluffing to get a political settlement to his advantage in the region , the US/Iran nuclear deal will more about a political settlement in the region .

What I see it will end up with US accepting Iran right to enrich in return for Iran giving up Hezbollah in Lebanon .

Something similar to the Syrian settlement which was the best thing Israel could ask for , Bachar giving up his strategic weapon and continue destroying Syrian infrastructure and economy through his war with his own people .

Hamas now under intense siege has turned into Israel border gaurds and they literally execute anyone who Just fires a bullet on Israel.

This Arab " spring " played well to Israel favor if you ask me , today Israel/Egyptian relations is even better than the times of Mubarak and the Sunni/Shia rivalry has made both Sunnis and Shia open to dialogue and friendship with both Israel and USA .

The only victims of all this sadly has been the Sunnis and Shia in Iraq and Syria , they will continue slaughtering each other for some decades until they realize they are killing each other over a worthless cult.

Israel cannot accept that the current regime of Iran, which threats the very existence of Israel, will obtain nuclear capabilities and play with the option of a nuclear attack, even if it means the death of millions of its own people.

Netenyahu does exactly what he should - warn against the dangers of a nuclear Iran and any agreement which will let this terrorist regime to move toward a nuclear bomb.

Do not be mistaken - Israel has both the capability and the intentions to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons country. This is a matter of life or death.

Israel will not hesitate to strike Iran's nuclear facilities every three years if that would be necessary.

Man striking Israel with nuclear weapons would be suicidal for Iran itself

Netenyahu is only bluffing , he will never strike iran , from what I see he is only doing this for concessions from Iran to end its support for Hezbollah , " hamas is now out of the equation.

As for Assad Israel will never find someone better than him to ensure Syria stays in a complete mess for decades ahead.

He’s not liked by many as he didn’t bring progress but rather war.

1 little example that was, I can bring many trust me there is a lot of political meddling, it’s not just Iran.

Yes but backed up by facts.

The other terrorists in our region.

But this was about the nuke..

Iran , GCC and USA will ensure Iraq remains weak , they all have their proxies and contract killers who will ensure both Shia and Sunnis continue slaughtering each other.

With people like muqtada al sadr and his sunni versions you will never move ahead.
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Then who support Al iraqia front-line?. who support Alqaeda who disrespect the Iraqi officials man???. trust me sectarianism isn't good and it's not the way.

You will always need outsiders to keep your fragile country from becoming a failed state whether Iran , USA or any-other country .

Both Sunni and Shia of Iraq share the same responsibility for its current failure since both are more faithful to their own sect than their country .

Neither Persians or Gulf Arab would want to see Iraq independent and united .

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