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Israel’s Asian Option

Have you ever thought that may be they don't care for Pakistan.

Why should they? Has there been a single Pakistani Jihadi ever caught in Palestine? What has Pakistan ever done to them except a bunch of Pakistanis making the mandatory noise on the net?

Freedom flotilla in which many Pakistani people were arrested?

We have been active supporters of Palastinian cause?And the only Nuclear armed muslim country?

Yeah yeah, there are some claims of a handful PAF pilots having flown some Arab jets in the war that Israel won convincingly. Even if true, that means little in real terms.

How innocently u said tht?:azn: Wat are the Kill ratios of any nations pilots against israeli airforce?
PAF : IAF =?
Who beat em?PAF

Hope u know 98 scenerio dont u?

“Nor is it necessary to destroy the nuclear facilities themselves. The nuclear facilities cannot function without infrastructure. They are useless without electricity and water and raw materials. Israel can certainly cripple Iran’s infrastructure, bomb the Majlis and the mullas and the Presidential Palace and even hunt down the scientists involved in the nuclear project. And the same is true of Pakistan.”

Well in the same way we can Nuke israhell ... I think only 1 nuke will be enough for em.
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Freedom flotilla in which many Pakistani people were arrested?

You tell me. How many? 1? 2? 10? So what?

We have been active supporters of Palastinian cause?

On the net? What is the outcome of your support?

And the only Nuclear armed muslim country?

Doesn't seem to matter to anyone.

How innocently u said tht?:azn: Wat are the Kill ratios of any nations pilots against israeli airforce?
PAF : IAF =?
Who beat em?PAF

AFAIK, Israel won the war.Even if the PAF claims are believed, the net effect was close to zero.

I am not persuaded there is any reason to believe those self made claims without any neutral sources.

Hope u know 98 scenerio dont u?

I think they are self made rumors to keep some people happy. There is not a single neutral or trustworthy source for those rumors.

Well in the same way we can Nuke israhell ... I think only 1 nuke will be enough for em.

Is there a reason you have not done so? After Gaza, Lebanon, flotilla?

What will persuade you to do that?
You tell me. How many? 1? 2? 10? So what?

Yes less then PAF kills against indian air forces!

U asked somethin he verfied now dont start cryin,bs and trollin.

On the net? What is the outcome of your support?

Doesn't seem to matter to anyone.

AFAIK, Israel won the war.Even if the PAF claims are believed, the net effect was close to zero.

again b.s.

I am not persuaded there is any reason to believe those self made claims without any neutral sources.

Yes ur right thts why israeli general talked about the valour of PAF pilots,egypt,syria and jordan awarded medals to PAF pilots ... ur right.:rofl:

I think they are self made rumors to keep some people happy. There is not a single neutral or trustworthy source for those rumors.

Do u want a written statement by the president of Pakistan right now or later?

Is there a reason you have not done so? After Gaza, Lebanon, flotilla?

What will persuade you to do that?

Troll he replied to the israelis bs statement about bombing Pakistan and Iran and im sure the pressure on israeli after freedom flotilla forced them to accept it was a mistake and get bashed in international community.

Now dont go on crying without reading comments.
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I will tell you how the whole Mughalistan thing started. Historically, when Pakistan came into being in 1947 - there was a bit of an identity crisis - not religiously but culturally. Jinnah wanted a secular Pakistan and the crazy Zia regime which codified the Islam as identity mindset was decades away. So if they were not Indians and they were not Arabs - what were they? That's when they decided to identify themselves with the Mughals - more Akbar than Aurangzeb actually. The religious identity was Islam - but the cultural identity was Mughals. So it was not on the basis of religion but culture that the Pakistani demand for a corridor to connect their two wings came about. The fact that they were Hindu majority was irrelevant - what mattered was the Mughal connection - Agra, Fatehpur Sikri, Bhopal etc. were included in this corridor. It was a proposal which no sane person thankfully made to the Indian govt. It fizzled out in the 1950s if I remember correctly from what I read many years ago in my university library in the US - I wish I could remember the name of the book.
Its somehow become cool to hate the BJP and approve of the 'secular' :lol: Congress.

Agreed, BJP has some religious nutjobs (and I don't approve of the RSS) , but the Congress are far FAR from being saints.
On the contrary, BJP demands Uniform Civil Code for all citizens whereas Congress gives special privileges to Muslim and Christian community especially here in the northeast.

One example is their so-called promise as a campaign to uplist the monasteries in remote areas of northern Sikkim. Their promise has gone down the drain but they haven't failed to renovate the main center for missionaries in Nagaland.

This is a small example compared to the thousands of bigger ones that "Secular" Congress is doing and people believe them.
first of all India has always been in support of the Palestine cause...right starting from Mahatma Gandhi who called Israel as "a state on the graves of dead humanity."..... and secondly India has been kinf enough to allow Chabad houses to run here as Indian govt allows right to religious freedom,speech and expression....thats it...we don't want to enter into this cheap Israeli Zionist war....
first of all India has always been in support of the Palestine cause...right starting from Mahatma Gandhi who called Israel as "a state on the graves of dead humanity."..... and secondly India has been kinf enough to allow Chabad houses to run here as Indian govt allows right to religious freedom,speech and expression....thats it...we don't want to enter into this cheap Israeli Zionist war....
Nothing is cheap about Israeli war. They've their problems like we have ours. For 4 decades we supported so-called Palestinian cause voting against Israel. What did Arab countries do to help us in kashmir issue? NOTHING! They continued voting against India and for Pakistan because of common Islamic culture and faith.

Despite this, Israel stood with India on our nuclear sanctions, in Kargil war and has openly offered us expertise on counter-terrorism in urban environment something that our troops were totally alien to. What did the famous Arab "palestine" do to help us? They don't have military power agreed but did they ever ask their Arab big brothers to support Indian cause? Out of all the middle eastern states, only Saddam's non-religious military-focused Iraq supported India and later Iran refrained from criticizing us. This out of aroudn 30 countries.

It shames me to see that you a fellow Indian thinks of Israel's problems from the point of religion when that country has been the sole strategic supporter of India's armed forces affairs in the region.

If they'd also called our wars cheap and ignored us, we'd have been facing a lot of difficulties while at the same time pampering Arabs who have continuously supported Pakistan in all these years. On the other hand instead of helping us, they demand de-nuclearization, accepting J&K as an "international issue" and then only we shall earn their support.

It is time we come out of our stupid dreamland and start being practical for our interests. We might not want to fight Israel's wars and neither are they asking us to, but at least we should be proud to have a helpful friend like them. They might not be permanent friends but so are not the selfish Arab rulers. Israel for now has be-friended India and we are benefiting from their friendship; so it is imperative that we also celebrate this friendship rather than dwelve in past century's stupid intellectual concepts that would only take our country down.

We Indians don't forget those who helped us in our times of need. Gandhi ji was an intellectual with great selflessness which may or may not harm 1 single person. But if we use that kind of mentality in today's world, India would be torn to pieces and go extinct. So let's think practically rather than from the prism of religion.

The arab-Israel conflict is a regional one and not a religious one. Even then as Indians, we have NOTHING to do with them.
Nothing is cheap about Israeli war. They've their problems like we have ours. For 4 decades we supported so-called Palestinian cause voting against Israel. What did Arab countries do to help us in kashmir issue? NOTHING! They continued voting against India and for Pakistan because of common Islamic culture and faith.

Despite this, Israel stood with India on our nuclear sanctions, in Kargil war and has openly offered us expertise on counter-terrorism in urban environment something that our troops were totally alien to. What did the famous Arab "palestine" do to help us? They don't have military power agreed but did they ever ask their Arab big brothers to support Indian cause? Out of all the middle eastern states, only Saddam's non-religious military-focused Iraq supported India and later Iran refrained from criticizing us. This out of aroudn 30 countries.

It shames me to see that you a fellow Indian thinks of Israel's problems from the point of religion when that country has been the sole strategic supporter of India's armed forces affairs in the region.

If they'd also called our wars cheap and ignored us, we'd have been facing a lot of difficulties while at the same time pampering Arabs who have continuously supported Pakistan in all these years. On the other hand instead of helping us, they demand de-nuclearization, accepting J&K as an "international issue" and then only we shall earn their support.

It is time we come out of our stupid dreamland and start being practical for our interests. We might not want to fight Israel's wars and neither are they asking us to, but at least we should be proud to have a helpful friend like them. They might not be permanent friends but so are not the selfish Arab rulers. Israel for now has be-friended India and we are benefiting from their friendship; so it is imperative that we also celebrate this friendship rather than dwelve in past century's stupid intellectual concepts that would only take our country down.

We Indians don't forget those who helped us in our times of need. Gandhi ji was an intellectual with great selflessness which may or may not harm 1 single person. But if we use that kind of mentality in today's world, India would be torn to pieces and go extinct. So let's think practically rather than from the prism of religion.

The arab-Israel conflict is a regional one and not a religious one. Even then as Indians, we have NOTHING to do with them.

Excellent :tup::tup::tup:

What Israel does in the Middle East is none of our concern.....

We should just make voices for Palestine and turn a blind eye just like Pakistan does in case of China (Uighurs) while advocating Ummah concept to us.
lol israel can't do anything to pakistan if they could they woulda done it by now just like they did in iraq,tunisia and syria .

Its not that they can't do anything.. (which they cant) but they don't need to as Israel has no issues or quarrels with Pakistan, its actually Pakistani's that have issues with Israeli's
Its not that they can't do anything.. (which they cant) but they don't need to as Israel has no issues or quarrels with Pakistan, its actually Pakistani's that have issues with Israeli's

Oh really hows tht?

Did Pakistan invite em to try to bomb our nuclear sites back in 98?
Talk some sense man they r threatened by our N programe, and our support for palastinian cause.

Dont make such statements they dont leave a good impression.
Oh really hows tht?

Did Pakistan invite em to try to bomb our nuclear sites back in 98?
Talk some sense man they r threatened by our N programe, and our support for Palestinian cause.

Pakistani's love conspiracy theories don't they? The 98 incident where Israel wanted to 'bomb' Pakistan's nuclear is nothing but a Pakistani created Hoax.. it doesn't exist and it NEVER happened.. maybe you need to do a good research on YOUR part..There is a false overly dramatized video circulating on youtube about how an Israel aircraft came close to bombing Pakistan's Nuclear site and its nothing but a joke of a video, but just like any other conspiracy propaganda like 'The Arrival's that our nation loves to watch... our people the most gullible bunch and the easiest to troll.
I disagree with the author. He's not insane, he just is ignorant about India (by contrast, his Israel book may be a good one) and voicing his idea. I can not imagine India committing itself to Israel's survival the way the U.S. did in 1973. Gandhi advocated that the Jews commit collective suicide. Unlike the U.S.-Israel relationship, the Israel-India "alliance" is not based on both shared values AND geo-strategic interest - at least not yet.
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