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Israel preparing to drill Syrian oil

I find it ironic to see Pakistanis and non-Arabs getting worked up over the Palestine issue.

Palestinians live in every single Israeli city and all of them in West Bank work there.

Arabic is an official language there, they marry into each other, Arabs are Members of Parliament, national Football stars - what more should Israel do - they even have Mosques in Tel Aviv.

People dream about destroying Israel without realizing that they are going to be destroying their own "brothers".

Grow up, folks! It's not your problem, its an Arab issue and it's been 70 years, already.

Jews aren't going anywhere and neither do the Arabs want them to (they have more rights in Israel than the Gulf States :lol: )
Syria made aggression against Israel. Golan Heights were captured by Israel during just defensive war.

Just like Strasbourg was ceded to France because of German aggression in WW1 or Kaliningrad was ceded to Russia because of German aggression in WW2.
thou shalt not steal...
and Israel needs to follow the international laws, plus Israel stole Arab lands after they were kicked out of Europe..
Right on, the strongest is the right one, this is the law of order, not only Israel follow by this principle.

The Nazis couldn't fill the gas chambers with Jews, were they not stronger than your people. Ergo, the Holocaust was right! Wasn't it? Quit asking Germany for compensations, then, and stop begging the whole world to celebrate your "pain" every ******* year since WW2!
Syria made aggression against Israel. Golan Heights were captured by Israel during just defensive war.

Please. Even Wikipedia, which is filled with Jews patrolling Israel-related articles to suppress anything unfavorable to Israel -- even Wikipedia admits that it was Israel that initiated the war with a "pre-emptive strike". If you follow the entry's references, you'll see that US intelligence agreed that it was Israel that started the war, that before Israel's aggression there was no sign that Arabs were preparing to attack Israel and that it was and that Israeli statesmen, past and present -- including Menachem Begin, Micharel Oren and Abba Eban -- agreed that it was Israel who started the war.

Menachem Begin has an excellent quote on this matter:

"In June 1967, we again had a choice. The Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him."
Please. Even Wikipedia, which is filled with Jews patrolling Israel-related articles to suppress anything unfavorable to Israel -- even Wikipedia admits that it was Israel that initiated the war with a "pre-emptive strike".
We are talking about Syria, no? Here what happened with Syria:

False Egyptian reports of a crushing victory against the Israeli army[101] and forecasts that Egyptian forces would soon be attacking Tel Aviv influenced Syria's willingness to enter the war. Syrian artillery began shelling northern Israel, and twelve Syrian jets attacked Israeli settlements in the Galilee. Israeli fighter jets intercepted the Syrian aircraft, shooting down three and driving off the rest.

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Syria made an aggression in 1948.
Syria refused to sign peace in 1949.
Syria attacked again in 1967.
The Nazis couldn't fill the gas chambers with Jews, were they not stronger than your people. Ergo, the Holocaust was right! Wasn't it? Quit asking Germany for compensations, then, and stop begging the whole world to celebrate your "pain" every ******* year since WW2!

Yes, he was right, he had the power to do what he did, until the rest of the world proved him wrong, is this so hard to understand? he was right, one may disagree with his actions but it is not contradictory to his right
Yes, he was right, he had the power to do what he did, until the rest of the world proved him wrong, is this so hard to understand? he was right, one may disagree with his actions but it is not contradictory to his right

Why are Jews are still milking Germany for compensations, then? Is it the "right of might"? I don't think it is; Jews aren't nearly as influential in Germany nowadays (try France or the UK). The assumption behind the endless compensation claims of both Diaspora Jewry and the thieving state of Israel is not that Germany is wrong by the right of might, but by the "right of right" itself. The Jews inflame German guilt for financial aims; otherwise, they wouldn't be seeing a cent from Germany. Anyway, the rights of displaced peoples who've been stolen from apparently count only when they're Jewish.
Syria made aggression against Israel. Golan Heights were captured by Israel during just defensive war.

Just like Strasbourg was ceded to France because of German aggression in WW1 or Kaliningrad was ceded to Russia because of German aggression in WW2.

Golan heights will return to its rightful owner. Which is Syria.
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