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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Dude if you go back even in 70s there are some brave battles fought by pa and has come on top .

Ask any Pakistani expert on the forum they will tell you when the conflict is restricted to a sector of two ,Pakistan will match IA and in some cases it can out match IA.The problem for Pakistan starts when the conflict spreads to other areas.
Don't start another India Pakistan shitfest
first of ALL USA can help to israel for track and destroy our missiles but if israel use missiles we even dont have proper air defense let alone missile defenses

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Pakistani leadership doesn't care about the lives of civilian i guess? or simply we don't have resources for defense. Only focus is offensive capability?
nuclear facility attack on your soil this was an attack against the safety of the people... What if another Chernobyl happened inside your territory.. If this was red-line
These are sabotage operations. We can't 100% prove it was Israel.. no justification for casus belli. Red line is an attack on Iranian soil by enemy army.
What’s going on with this Dimona attack
Nothing much.. if i am not mistaking Dimona is also a city/town in Israel.
Pakistani leadership doesn't care about the lives of civilian i guess? or simply we don't have resources for defense. Only focus is offensive capability?
what pakistan can do ? paksitan have nothing to do . look just today we have eid in tribal districts even one day befor ethen KSA :lol: pakistan can not control own land properly and these internet warriors want to go israel on horse .
Has anyone else noticed that every barrage on Tel Aviv has been proceeded by a 'soon' statement from factions beforehand?
Yeah. They gave warnings both times , because Israel kept attacking high rise apartments
Israel is a full-fledged nuclear power that has the economic and military might of the United States behind it.

İsrael can not use nuclear Weapons ...
because of Pakistan has also nuclear weapons .. Pakistan can transfer nuclear armed Ballistic and Cruise Missiles to Turkey and even only a few nukes can delete tiny İsrael from map

and The US can do nothing if Turkey , Pakistan , S.Arabia , Egypt , Qatar , Malaysia ,İndnesia ,etc all together say fck off The US-İsrael and stop attacking on Al Aqsa Mosque

even poor N.Korea could match with The US ... because of nuclear weapons and brave leader

1,8 billion ISLAMIC WORLD are more richer and stronger than The US
Muslim Countries have $200 trillion dollars of oil/gas/gold/uranium/thoirum/boron reserves
Muslim Countries control strategic canals and straits like Suez , Malacca , Boshborus , Hormoz

if The US support İsrael to attack Al Aqsa
then 1,8 billion ISLAMIC WORLD should boycott American products

The US/İsrael never dare to fight 1,8 billion ISLAMIC WORLD .. but no any united ISLAMIC WORLD

btw we dont want to destroy İsrael
We just wanna stop İsrael to attack on Al Aqsa mosque which is the third holiest site of İSLAM
uneffective as 90% of them will be stopped by iron dome and patriots

What is the cost of the missiles made by Hamas and the cost of the missiles used in
Iron dome? Even if they dont get through the Israeli's are using expensive missiles to shoot
down home made rockets.
The Biden administration plans to send an American envoy to the area to join efforts to stem the escalation in Gaza. Senior Israeli officials have said that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israeli-Palestinian Affairs, Hadi Amar, is expected to land in Israel tomorrow, but no final decision has yet been made. All the details in my article on @WallaNews

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